Florida's good ol' boy system is alive and well.

How is it incredibly dangerous?
If this is a serious inquiry rather than a question you ask in the firm belief that pot is not poison, I strongly encourage you to do research on the extraordinary dangers of this incredibly addictive and destructive drug.
Both are.

Alcohol's dangers as a poison are well known.

The extraordinary dangers of pot are being swept under the rug by a chorus of pot pimps.
I was an alcoholic for 18 years. I know addiction.

pot doesn't do it.
I was an alcoholic for 18 years. I know addiction.

pot doesn't do it.
I know SO many recovered alcoholics.

I also know a *recovered* alcoholic/coke addict.

My favorite moment with him was one in which he was so high on pot he couldn't even stand up, but he was stumble-preaching to his fellow pot pimps/addicts about his virtuous recovery.

And they were masticating that shiznit like it was a Hefty bag full of Doritos.

True story bra.

His policy of disregard for the constitution and rule of law. His insults to Goldstar families, servicemen wounded battle, as well as various General Officers, I admire. His policy of separating children from their parents at the border, without a system in place and plan to reunite those families whether kicking the parents out or releasing in this country. His policy of nepotistic hiring his kids to fill top-level positions with no experience. If they weren't his kids, he would have kicked them off his TV show, "The Apprentice". His executive hiring in general showed severe lack of judgement, as he hire crooks, tax cheats, agents of foreign governments, etc. I suspect him of being a tax cheat. He is a known liar. There is more, I am sure, but this was enough for me. He proved me correct in my judgement of his low character and low regard for patriotism, our country and the rule of law, when he hosted the "stop the steal" rally on January 6, (after he fairly lost the fairly conducted election) and sent them marching on the capital.
he didnt insult gold star families ! that was a leftist hearsay lie ! granted he did insult McCain but he and Trump were rivals ! as far a separating children from their parents many of those children are anchor children ! let me ask you this question leftist . do you honesty believe the parents of those children cant find them ? but dont worry human and drug trafficking are at an all time high under your dear leader ! and please dont bring up crooked family members when the big guy gets 10% . have you bought one of Hunters half million dollar paintings yet ? dont answer ... all the buyers are being kept secrete . and if you dont think Biden lies you havent been paying attention lately .. enjoy the higher food and gas prices and remember the trillions Biden is spending isnt goint to cast a penny ! heres a list of the so called truths your guy claimed ... | PolitiFact
5th post
I know SO many recovered alcoholics.

I also know a *recovered* alcoholic/coke addict.

My favorite moment with him was one in which he was so high on pot he couldn't even stand up, but he was stumble-preaching to his fellow pot pimps/addicts about his virtuous recovery.

And they were masticating that shiznit like it was a Hefty bag full of Doritos.

True story bra.

great. if he was that out of it, it was more than weed.
If this is a serious inquiry rather than a question you ask in the firm belief that pot is not poison, I strongly encourage you to do research on the extraordinary dangers of this incredibly addictive and destructive drug.

And here was me thinking you had the answers. Seems not.

The thing here is that alcohol is incredibly dangerous. We know that excessive alcohol is responsible for up to 95,000 deaths a year.

And that doesn't include those deaths from people driving which is about 10,000 deaths a year.

Marijuana accounts for zero deaths, medically, as far as I can tell, and how many might be related to driving impairment we just don't know.

But if you're going to attack pot, you have to attack alcohol too.
And here was me thinking you had the answers.
You thought correctly.
Seems not.
And then you didn't.
The thing here is that alcohol is incredibly dangerous.

And whataboutism.
We know that excessive alcohol is responsible for up to 95,000 deaths a year.
See above.
And that doesn't include those deaths from people driving which is about 10,000 deaths a year.
See above,
See above.
See above.
Marijuana accounts for zero deaths, medically, as far as I can tell, and how many might be related to driving impairment we just don't know.
Pot is INCREDIBLY dangerous, destructive and addictive.

Pretending it isn't is the sick, selfish game of addicts and pimps.
But if you're going to attack pot, you have to attack alcohol too.
Nonsensical whataboutism.

Educate yourself or continue to bathe in the blood of the victims of the poison called pot.
You thought correctly.

And then you didn't.


And whataboutism.

See above.

See above,

See above.

See above.

Pot is INCREDIBLY dangerous, destructive and addictive.

Pretending it isn't is the sick, selfish game of addicts and pimps.

Nonsensical whataboutism.

Educate yourself or continue to bathe in the blood of the victims of the poison called pot.
Funny. I seem to have missed any factual information from you that establishes how dangerous pot is. Just a story.
10th post
There's no such thing as a "registered" firearm, unless you're into guns that go "Brrrrrt." Merely possessing a firearm while being a drug user means you're committing a felony, whether you get caught or not. No less than a common murderer, drug dealer, robber, car-jacker, illegal alien, mentally-ill person, convicted rapist or spousal abuser who walks the street while possessing a firearm.
My county sheriff department knows and has records of all my guns serial numbers.
At least, I think they still do.

After my truck was broken into, I didn't want to be blamed, if someone broke into my house and committed a crime with it.
They found the weapon, .44 S&W, 4 counties south of mine, a thug and felon, of course.

That was well over 20 years ago.
Back on topic, it seems all state governments are corrupt. In Connecticut for example, the state is openly stating they are giving PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT to Black and Browns who seek to participate in the new business of legal pot. But a jewish business entity or similar corrupt, monopoly seeking organization will probably hire a Black as the "CEO" like when they put Barry Hussaine in office and the multitude of Black police chiefs, etc. across the country. :heehee:
The pot they're peddling now is far stronger than the crap hippies in 60's-90's were smoking. It is most definitely not harmless.
Yes, it is stronger.
The harm only comes when you ingest it.
Gummy bears, brownies, capsules, etc.
15th post
Because you say so...

Because everybody in the business says so. You're way behind on the technology and hybrid stuff they're putting out now; people are now ending up in emergency rooms suffering from psychosis from the stuff. And no it ain't as funny as a Cheech and Chong movie any more. Nor has it reduced the illegal market either, another myth peddled by the press.
Back on topic, it seems all state governments are corrupt. In Connecticut for example, the state is openly stating they are giving PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT to Black and Browns who seek to participate in the new business of legal pot. But a jewish business entity or similar corrupt, monopoly seeking organization will probably hire a Black as the "CEO" like when they put Barry Hussaine in office and the multitude of Black police chiefs, etc. across the country. :heehee:

White people will do a better job of growing it; black and brown people will just lie and rip people off, doctor it with other stuff, use harmful chemicals, etc., and end up poisoning most of their customers, same as they do now, and they will continue to shoot each other over the trade as well.
Because everybody in the business says so. You're way behind on the technology and hybrid stuff they're putting out now; people are now ending up in emergency rooms suffering from psychosis from the stuff. And no it ain't as funny as a Cheech and Chong movie any more. Nor has it reduced the illegal market either, another myth peddled by the press.
Again, more of because you said so.

The hysteria over pot is just that, hysteria. I could care less if you want to poison yourself anyway - it IS your body, your right after all - but touting pot as some dangerous poison is just not factual. Hell, fatty foods are far more of a poison than pot is.
White people will do a better job of growing it; black and brown people will just lie and rip people off, doctor it with other stuff, use harmful chemicals, etc., and end up poisoning most of their customers, same as they do now, and they will continue to shoot each other over the trade as well.

Oh, I missed the I am a racist idiot sign. My bad. I guess Ill just move on.

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