Florida's good ol' boy system is alive and well.

and yet didn't say what you wanted it to say.

in fact, your own link said there was zero proof to your stated opinion.

well played.
Still no links from the one demanding links from others
Still no links from the one demanding links from others
I asked you to prove it was a gateway drug.

you gave me a link to heavy use as a teen THAT SAID no proof to gateway use.

you discredited yourself. nothing left for me to need to do.

my own life says you are wrong. but hey, have at it. you are welcome to your opinions just funny you can't prove them so you now shift burden of proof to me.

prove your own arguments.
I asked you to prove it was a gateway drug.
You asked for links

In your mind it was links to gateway drugs

But you were not specific

Nor have you offered any links of your own

Till you do you are just playing Go Fetch
You asked for links

In your mind it was links to gateway drugs

But you were not specific

Nor have you offered any links of your own

Till you do you are just playing Go Fetch
i asked for links to show that pot was not a gateway drug. that isn't what you provided, now is it?

however, if you insist i provide a link to show pot isn't a gateway drug - here

It's unclear whether the pot use in adolescence may have led to more severe substance abuse or was an early sign of psychiatric or social factors that contributed to later disability, the researchers caution.

now we are even on links. happy?
Trust me, I know. My family is alcoholic.

So am I, like my father before me. I was an alcoholic before I graduated high school, though at the time I preferred the term "drunk". My first few years in the Corps I used to joke that I was not an alcoholic because I did not go to AA meetings. I used to drink to the point of not remembering how I got home. Pot never did anything for me but made me want to sleep, I never did anything harder.

I then quit cold turkey after I got married and did not touch even a beer for more than a decade. Now I can drink a craft beer here and there or a Truly and be ok. But never more than one a day and never more than 3 a week.
i asked for links to show that pot was not a gateway drug. that isn't what you provided, now is it?

however, if you insist i provide a link to show pot isn't a gateway drug - here

It's unclear whether the pot use in adolescence may have led to more severe substance abuse or was an early sign of psychiatric or social factors that contributed to later disability, the researchers caution.

now we are even on links. happy?
The study says its unclear and you hang on that as proof the pot is not a gateway drug?

Sorry but thats a weak reed to hang on to

Most studies lean toward supporting your position

But not all

And the fact that Yale is a hotbed of liberal bias gives this study more weight

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