Florida's Economy Is Collapsing Under Covid19 And Only Republicans Are To Blame


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

So, Desantis planned the website to fail, and as a result of the website failure, the Florida economy will collapse?

Beyond the article. Walk me through the collapse. Step by step.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.

THe entire UNEMPLOYMENT system is under stress test... Wouldn't HELP to go an office because THEY are overwhelmed just like the website,... WITHOUT a website to PREPARE an application, the lines would be even longer than they are...

Funny how you JUMP to the conclusion that the website design was the ONLY weakness in an overstressed system.. And overstressed situation in almost EVERY state.. Not just Florida..

But you go make it political and point fingers... While the HOUSE and your leadership is getting in the way rather than accomplishing ANY significant tasks...
“This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail.” ibid


The system and overall process were intentionally designed by Republicans to make it as difficult as possible to apply for unemployment – in the hope that applicants would simply give up.

This is yet another example of how Republicans are in the pocket of employers and hostile to working Americans.
“This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail.” ibid


The system and overall process were intentionally designed by Republicans to make it as difficult as possible to apply for unemployment – in the hope that applicants would simply give up.

This is yet another example of how Republicans are in the pocket of employers and hostile to working Americans.

Not funny at all how lefties are stressing over a website in Florida, when MANY of YOUR deep blue states aren't gonna be able to pay their bills in a matter of weeks if this CONTAINMENT continues.. If I was in your tribe -- I'd worry about THAT.. Because we're not bailing out Illinois, NY, and Cali when they "confine themselves to quarters" and demand those "welfare checks";.....

With all the problem solving and heroics going on right now -- is THIS what you want to run on as a party?? Good freaking luck... Go check out SanFranNan's ice cream freezer.. It's just AWESOME.. My store has been out of ice cream for weeks (for all practical purposes)... Think y'all need hearing aids, because what you're saying and what you're NOT ACCOMPLISHING is TONE DEAF....
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You're liar, and it's fake news. Proven time and again the media lies and you scum spread the BS.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Why don't you blame the retired billionaires who move there and create jobs in the first place?
Why do think Florida recovered from the 2008 crash? Poor people?
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Why don't you blame the retired billionaires who move there and create jobs in the first place?
Why do think Florida recovered from the 2008 crash? Poor people?
He's just another America hating lying shill.
This wasn’t another display of Scott’s well-established incompetence. No, the system did exactly what it was designed to do: Fail. People complained, but were ignored; I mean, who cares what the unemployed say? Now that the system has collapsed under the weight of the coronavirus layoffs, even Republicans have admitted that failure was the entire point of the scheme. But why, you might ask, would anyone design a website to fail?

Looks like Florida will be a little more blue this year.
Why don't you blame the retired billionaires who move there and create jobs in the first place?
Why do think Florida recovered from the 2008 crash? Poor people?
He's just another America hating lying shill.
Worse than that, he's willfully ignorant in a world empowered by the Internet and it's knowledge base.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

Because the media lies, loads questions and takes quotes out of context. You see it here every day. Every time the liberals yell 'gotcha' the next day it turns out to be a streaming pile of bullcrap.

It turns into a classic boy who cries wolf scenario...no one believes anything the media puts out anymore...and they only have themselves to blame.
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My son-in-law's father has three friends in their mid-60s...
All watch their diets and frequent the gym.
They got C19 and had a fever for a week.
They're OK.
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Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You poor soul. Got some in my family too... aka Trumptards.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You poor soul. Got some in my family too... aka Trumptards.
I am lucky. There are no libtards in my family.
Fake news.
I love it! My aunt called my dad. She’s a big trump supporter. My dad told her something trump said and she yelled fake news. He literally said it. It’s on tape. And still trump supporters will yell fake news.

it used to be you had to catch someone on tape to bust them but you can even catch trump on tape red handed, trump supporters don’t give af.

You poor soul. Got some in my family too... aka Trumptards.
I am lucky. There are no libtards in my family.
Damn you're lucky!
90% of my relatives are Libtards.
You ask for a detail and they go insane.

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