Florida Sought To Disenfranchise College Students In 2012 Election, Lawmaker Admits


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Election Day in Florida became a nightmare due to several changes to election law, resulting in marathon lines and more provisional ballots. Now that the election is over, Florida Republicans are beginning to admit the mess was intended to suppress votes.
State Rep. Dennis Baxley (R-FL) and GOP chair of Alachua County, Stafford Jones, cooked up one of Florida’s many new laws specifically to keep college students from voting in the 2012 election. The vote-suppressing measures were inspired by the 2010 victory of Gainesville’s first openly gay mayor, Craig Lowe, which Republicans claim was stolen by Florida college students.
Baxley’s law prevented people from voting if they did not change their address a month before Election Day. Many of the people affected were college students or young people who were moving for a new job. Jones explained this vote suppression was intentional and accused liberals of bringing in students to swing the election:
Baxley said Jones told him that voters from Tampa and other cities shifted their voter registrations to Gainesville for a day to vote in the city’s 2010 mayoral election in which Craig Lowe became the city’s first openly gay mayor by a 42-vote margin.
“It wasn’t right for people to move in and steal an election like that,” Baxley said.
Jones said he wanted the county transfer provision to keep college students from voting.
“The liberals do a good job of bringing in college kids to vote on local issues,” Jones said. “The kids vote on raising our taxes, but don’t have to live here to pay the consequences.”
Jones said he has no proof to support his claim, only recollections of liberal blog posts that people were moving to vote.

Florida Sought To Disenfranchise College Students In 2012 Election, Lawmaker Admits | ThinkProgress
Republicans admitted voter suppression in both Ohio and Pennsylvania.
WHoa hold on folks, lets not forget acorn and their voter registration fraud and the black panthers trying to intimidate and suppress the vote and lets not forget the scandal over democrats paying for the homeless to register with phony address' and paying them off with cigs and wine.
My point is this...I am not condoning what the republicans did it was blatant and obvious and disgusting...and Rick Scott will pay the price for it next election. No matter how bad the GOP was this time it doesnt make what democrats have done smell any better...They both suck...and thats why im a registered independent

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