florida shopligting ring caught

Damn, just think how they're doing in CA? Wow, that is a large organization.

They're stealin' everything!
Okay, so let's say 5 million whites, and 2 million blacks.

It's about 1/3 of the thefts the blacks do.

But here's the thing: They're only 13% of the population.

So a certain 13% of the population is committing 1/3 of the thefts.
Which means more whites are stealing than black folks, now how many of those folks are repeat offenders?
Of course they were black, because your stupid, racist, mumble mouth ass wouldn't have posted the story if they were white.
I am searching for white kids smashing car windows after drivers tell them no thanks for washing their windows or white kids doing the knockout game. Do you have any?

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