Florida No Warmer Than 60 Years Ago

According to temp data from Weather Underground, the average yearly temperature for Miami Florida from July 8 2008 - July 8 2009 was 77 Degrees. Sixty years ago, the average temperature for Miami Florida from July 8 1948 - July 8 1949 was 77 Degrees.


You're reall compulsive in your dishonesty, aren't you?

Hurricanes Have Doubled Due to Global Warming, Study SaysJohn Roach
for National Geographic News

July 30, 2007
The number of Atlantic hurricanes that form each year has doubled over the past century and global warming is largely to blame, according a new study.

The increase occurred in two major steps of about 50 percent each, one in the 1930s and the second since 1995.

Hurricanes Have Doubled Due to Global Warming, Study Says

yep... i think you should go live in florida.

Did you actually read what you posted? The increases came in two large series - one in the 1930s and one in the 1990s. One of the more significant averaging points is from nearly 80 years ago!!!!

Also, there has been no overall increase in hurricane intensity in the last two decades with the exception of the Atlantic - which only accounts for 15% of the global hurrican total.

And there are far more reports dismissing the "suggested" and highly speculative reports of hurricanes and global warming that your link suggests.

Recent Hurricanes Not Caused by Warming, Scientists Conclude - by Sterling Burnett - Environment & Climate News

Coastal Growth, Not Intensity, Accounts for Increasing Hurricane Losses

It should also be noted that eight of the top 10 damaging US hurricanes occurred prior to 1970.

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It's sunny here in Maine today.

Ergo it will henceforth always be sunnny.

Seriously, I wonder about the people here posting crap like Sinatra is doing regards climate.

Can they really be this stupid, or are they merely hoping we are?
That one cuts both ways.

Just because it was unusually warm for ten or fifteen years, does that trend necessarily extrapolate out fifty to 100 years??

Now look at the graph from NOAA that Nik posted. That is one hundred and thirty years worth of trend. What is the slope of that graph and in what direction? It would seem that your question is answered.
Yeah.....130 years over the course of scores of millions of years of the planet's existence.

Guess what, Skippy.....History didn't begin with the advent of the steam engine.
That one cuts both ways.

Just because it was unusually warm for ten or fifteen years, does that trend necessarily extrapolate out fifty to 100 years??

Now look at the graph from NOAA that Nik posted. That is one hundred and thirty years worth of trend. What is the slope of that graph and in what direction? It would seem that your question is answered.
Yeah.....130 years over the course of scores of millions of years of the planet's existence.

Guess what, Skippy.....History didn't begin with the advent of the steam engine.

How utterly predictable.

First you say 15 years isn't representative of 100 years, as if showing 100 years would satisfy your criteria. Then I show how its increased over 100 years, and suddenly your standard is millions of years? How bout a little bit of consistency, eh?

Its one thing to claim that its not AGW, but to claim that the earth isn't warming is just incredibly ignorant.
Did the earth warm and cool hundreds and thousands and millions of years ago? Or is this warming/cooling just in the past 100 years, give or take?
Now look at the graph from NOAA that Nik posted. That is one hundred and thirty years worth of trend. What is the slope of that graph and in what direction? It would seem that your question is answered.
Yeah.....130 years over the course of scores of millions of years of the planet's existence.

Guess what, Skippy.....History didn't begin with the advent of the steam engine.

How utterly predictable.

First you say 15 years isn't representative of 100 years, as if showing 100 years would satisfy your criteria. Then I show how its increased over 100 years, and suddenly your standard is millions of years? How bout a little bit of consistency, eh?

Its one thing to claim that its not AGW, but to claim that the earth isn't warming is just incredibly ignorant.
Tide comes in...Tide goes out.

And there ain't a goddamn thing you or any environmentalist wackaloon can do about it.
Yeah.....130 years over the course of scores of millions of years of the planet's existence.

Guess what, Skippy.....History didn't begin with the advent of the steam engine.

How utterly predictable.

First you say 15 years isn't representative of 100 years, as if showing 100 years would satisfy your criteria. Then I show how its increased over 100 years, and suddenly your standard is millions of years? How bout a little bit of consistency, eh?

Its one thing to claim that its not AGW, but to claim that the earth isn't warming is just incredibly ignorant.
Tide comes in...Tide goes out.

And there ain't a goddamn thing you or any environmentalist wackaloon can do about it.

They could damn well tax us out of existence every time that tide goes in and out...
Sinatra is "complusively dishonest?"

Maybe. The ice continues to melt in spite of the the fact that the sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

The Flat Earthers always ignore this fact.
Sinatra is "complusively dishonest?"

Maybe. The ice continues to melt in spite of the the fact that the sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

The Flat Earthers always ignore this fact.

Did the earth warm and cool hundreds and thousands and millions of years ago? Or is this warming/cooling just in the past 100 years, give or take?
Sinatra is "complusively dishonest?"

Maybe. The ice continues to melt in spite of the the fact that the sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

The Flat Earthers always ignore this fact.

Did the earth warm and cool hundreds and thousands and millions of years ago? Or is this warming/cooling just in the past 100 years, give or take?

God, what a brilliant question! The answer is, yes the earth did warm and cool hundreds and thousands and millions of years ago. Your brilliance is amazing!

Now I have a quesiton for you....

What effect will increasing atmospheric CO2 by 40% and adding 8 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere every year have on the earth?

Here's a hint...

Data @ NASA GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: 2007 Summation
Do you really not understand the difference between global climate and local weather, Sinatra?

I mean seriously do you think this proves anything?

Here's a clue...it doesn't.

A hot year in some locale doesn't indicate global warming and a cold year in some locale doesn't prove global cooling either,

Make a note of it, would you?

I'm not trying to be wise guy with this, but was it you or Chris who has repeatedly cited the hot temps in the southern US as evidence of Global Warming?
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Do you really not understand the difference between global climate and local weather, Sinatra?

I mean seriously do you think this proves anything?

Here's a clue...it doesn't.

A hot year in some locale doesn't indicate global warming and a cold year in some locale doesn't prove global cooling either,

Make a note of it, would you?

I'm not trying to be wide guy with this, but was it you or Chris who has repeatedly cited the hot temps in the southern US as evidence of Global Warming?

Only in response to someone citing cold temps as evidence of global cooling.

The earth is heating up in spite of the lowest level of sun activity in 80 years.
Weather Underground - has temperature data on a number of urban locations dating back 70 years.

Simply do a bit of actual effort and see for yourself.

Miami's temps are no warmer now than they were 60 years ago. Moderate fluctuations over the last 60 years.

Global Warming - NOT.

Stop being spoon fed pre-determined data - find out for yourself what is actually going on. The earth continues to cool and warm in moderate variations - a crisis of global warming is NOT taking place.

Cap and Tax is a sham and simple governmental power grab aided by those comfortable with a political agenda over actual data...

That every temperature is not warmer than every temperature 60 years ago does not mean the average temperature has not gone up.

Surely you can understand the difference, yes?

The average temperature is based on various things and one of these is the gathering of data. Check this link:

Revisiting Detroit Lakes « Watts Up With That?

Once the data is gathered, it is recorded and then adjusted. This link shows the adjustment that by itself has resulted in about a half degree of warming over the last several years.

Questions on the evolution of the GISS temperature product « Watts Up With That?

If this was only a discussion about an interesting anomoly of climate, it would not make much difference.

If it was a discussion that was leading toward the establishment of a tax that will take between 300 and 500 dollars out of every family's budget to send to the government to waste with the other tax dollars on the illigitimate and dishonest boondogles prepetrated daily against the working man, it would be less funny.

The latter is the case.

Grab your wallet with both hands and hang on tight because they are coming to empty it out.
Do you really not understand the difference between global climate and local weather, Sinatra?

I mean seriously do you think this proves anything?

Here's a clue...it doesn't.

A hot year in some locale doesn't indicate global warming and a cold year in some locale doesn't prove global cooling either,

Make a note of it, would you?

I'm not trying to be wide guy with this, but was it you or Chris who has repeatedly cited the hot temps in the southern US as evidence of Global Warming?

Only in response to someone citing cold temps as evidence of global cooling.

The earth is heating up in spite of the lowest level of sun activity in 80 years.

More accurately, while the Solar irradience was high and stable recently, the earth was warming. In the very recent past, the Solar activity and presumably the TSI has dropped.

Very recently, the temperature of the Globe has also dropped.

By the by, what's up with our Prez offering to reduce CO2 emissions by 80%? Was this a grand stand gesture that he knew would be turned down or has he really just abandoned and semblace of sanity?
I'm not trying to be wide guy with this, but was it you or Chris who has repeatedly cited the hot temps in the southern US as evidence of Global Warming?

Only in response to someone citing cold temps as evidence of global cooling.

The earth is heating up in spite of the lowest level of sun activity in 80 years.

More accurately, while the Solar irradience was high and stable recently, the earth was warming. In the very recent past, the Solar activity and presumably the TSI has dropped.

Very recently, the temperature of the Globe has also dropped.

By the by, what's up with our Prez offering to reduce CO2 emissions by 80%? Was this a grand stand gesture that he knew would be turned down or has he really just abandoned and semblace of sanity?

The temperature has dropped this year relative to the past 15 years which were the hottest on record. And the Stanford Solar Center scientists say that 75% of the increase came from the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2.

The effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 by 40% will always work within the context of the sun's activity. But the effect of 8 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere every year is cumulative. And every day the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere goes up. Soon we will have DOUBLED the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Only in response to someone citing cold temps as evidence of global cooling.

The earth is heating up in spite of the lowest level of sun activity in 80 years.

More accurately, while the Solar irradience was high and stable recently, the earth was warming. In the very recent past, the Solar activity and presumably the TSI has dropped.

Very recently, the temperature of the Globe has also dropped.

By the by, what's up with our Prez offering to reduce CO2 emissions by 80%? Was this a grand stand gesture that he knew would be turned down or has he really just abandoned and semblace of sanity?

The temperature has dropped this year relative to the past 15 years which were the hottest on record. And the Stanford Solar Center scientists say that 75% of the increase came from the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2.

The effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 by 40% will always work within the context of the sun's activity. But the effect of 8 billion tons of CO2 added to the atmosphere every year is cumulative. And every day the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere goes up. Soon we will have DOUBLED the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

And again, to keep things in perspective, the contribution of CO2 due to the activities of man is only three percent of the total contributed annually. Nature contributes the other 97% and this pretty much details the ability of Man to counter the build up.

Rocks just posted a piece on the thawing of the permafrost. As this occurs, even more CO2 is released due to natural forces.

At this rate, we'll never catch up. Nature's contribution is apparently more than 258 billion tons annually.

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