Flawed, Divided, Anti-Business GOP Can't Even Pass Veto-Proof Anti-ObamaCare Bill!

Dear gawd if people really believe this crap coming at them over OfailnoCare, we are in deep doo doo as they vote...
So Tea Party/GOP, as is usual, opposes paying customers in business-owners stores--shown in the Friday vote. Democrats are shown opposed to inadequate coverage, shown in the Friday vote. The better understanding of the vote appears in a Letter to the Editor in Los Angeles Times, November 17:
. . . .Californians should be glad ours is one of those states offering alternatives to these junk plans, many of which provide only bare bones coverage. Not long ago, these plans conspired to be the biggest cause of personal bankruptcy in the U.S. (Harold N. Bass MD)

Now that the federal website is functional, then even a better understanding of the subsidies available for the different premiums will also become available, where needed! Rich people can look for other ways, as usual, to avoid paying for medical services. Anyone might guess that would be their goal--except that business actually now opposes Tea Party/GOP!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Tea Party dressed like Concierge on Lands of Many Nations: Indeed(?)!)

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