Flame bait posts in clean debate

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Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2014
Or uh gun
I am wondering why obvious flame bate is allowed in the clean debate forum? When people open up a topic that says little more than " Extreme leftists are brilliant and everybody else who is not an extreme leftist is stupid", how can an actual clean debate ensue when a gauntlet such as this has been laid?

If people want to go out of their way to insult others as knuckle dragging idiots, deplorables, neanderthals and such, that's fine, but why aren't these flame baits being moved to a more appropriate forum? The intent here is most certainly NOT a clean debate -- only the hurling of insults against anybody who is not a politically correct hard leftist.
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I am wondering why obvious flame bate is allowed in the clean debate forum? When people open up a topic that says little more than " Extreme leftists are brilliant and everybody else who is not an extreme leftist is stupid", how can an actual clean debate ensue when a gauntlet such as this has been laid?

If people want to go out of their way to insult others as knuckle dragging idiots, deplorables, neanderthals and such, that's fine, but why aren't these flame baits being moved to a more appropriate forum? The intent here is most certainly NOT a clean debate -- only the hurling of insults against any who is not a politically correct hard leftist.
Welcome to USMB.
Ok...first off, CDZ is to promote civil discussion. I think we can all agree on that. Flame bait topics do not promote that. though sometimes controversial and emotional topics CAN be worded in such a way as allow such discussion. Sometimes, the thread will head south no matter what.

We've had to move and/or close threads that can't function in CDZ. Others we've allowed and kept an eye on.

Generally OP's that are worded so as to be divisive and insulting to a particular group aren't going to work because yes, it's difficult to be civil with an OP set up to be uncivil. Given that though - folks might have differing opinions on what constitutes flame bait once you get beyond the blatently obvious.

If you see something that you think isn't going to work in CDZ, report it and we'll take a look at it and assess it :)
You need to squeal on them. I don't imagine ratting people out would be a problem for the OP.

It's always moderation's fault. Don't you know that yet? Ask K-grl..
When folks check into the CDZ -- they need to have an adjustment on their "style". They CAN'T engage in the personal stuff or the rabid partisanship that the Politics forum wreaks of. Folks need to rely on Moderation to keep it Clean. And they need to NOT engage.

And take smart Ravi's advice about squealing. It's part of the design of a Clean Debate Zone.
You need to squeal on them. I don't imagine ratting people out would be a problem for the OP.

It's always moderation's fault. Don't you know that yet? Ask K-grl..
When folks check into the CDZ -- they need to have an adjustment on their "style". They CAN'T engage in the personal stuff or the rabid partisanship that the Politics forum wreaks of. Folks need to rely on Moderation to keep it Clean. And they need to NOT engage.

And take smart Ravi's advice about squealing. It's part of the design of a Clean Debate Zone.
Problem is that there are not enough mods. You all should have one mod per forum ;)
You need to squeal on them. I don't imagine ratting people out would be a problem for the OP.

It's always moderation's fault. Don't you know that yet? Ask K-grl..
When folks check into the CDZ -- they need to have an adjustment on their "style". They CAN'T engage in the personal stuff or the rabid partisanship that the Politics forum wreaks of. Folks need to rely on Moderation to keep it Clean. And they need to NOT engage.

And take smart Ravi's advice about squealing. It's part of the design of a Clean Debate Zone.
Problem is that there are not enough mods. You all should have one mod per forum ;)

I want the Caribbean and Pets. Someone else can have the CDZ.. :biggrin:
You need to squeal on them. I don't imagine ratting people out would be a problem for the OP.

It's always moderation's fault. Don't you know that yet? Ask K-grl..
When folks check into the CDZ -- they need to have an adjustment on their "style". They CAN'T engage in the personal stuff or the rabid partisanship that the Politics forum wreaks of. Folks need to rely on Moderation to keep it Clean. And they need to NOT engage.

And take smart Ravi's advice about squealing. It's part of the design of a Clean Debate Zone.
Problem is that there are not enough mods. You all should have one mod per forum ;)

I want the Caribbean and Pets. Someone else can have the CDZ.. :biggrin:

No way am I taking CDZ....:eek:
Ok...first off, CDZ is to promote civil discussion. I think we can all agree on that. Flame bait topics do not promote that. though sometimes controversial and emotional topics CAN be worded in such a way as allow such discussion. Sometimes, the thread will head south no matter what.

We've had to move and/or close threads that can't function in CDZ. Others we've allowed and kept an eye on.

Generally OP's that are worded so as to be divisive and insulting to a particular group aren't going to work because yes, it's difficult to be civil with an OP set up to be uncivil. Given that though - folks might have differing opinions on what constitutes flame bait once you get beyond the blatently obvious.

If you see something that you think isn't going to work in CDZ, report it and we'll take a look at it and assess it :)

Any post initiated for the express purposes of playing cowboys and Indians and contains preemptive attacks on those who take an opposing position should be considered as such.That much seems obvious to me, anyway.

If a poster kept placing thread after thread in the CDZ railing against "libtards" would we even be having this conversation?
Ok...first off, CDZ is to promote civil discussion. I think we can all agree on that. Flame bait topics do not promote that. though sometimes controversial and emotional topics CAN be worded in such a way as allow such discussion. Sometimes, the thread will head south no matter what.

We've had to move and/or close threads that can't function in CDZ. Others we've allowed and kept an eye on.

Generally OP's that are worded so as to be divisive and insulting to a particular group aren't going to work because yes, it's difficult to be civil with an OP set up to be uncivil. Given that though - folks might have differing opinions on what constitutes flame bait once you get beyond the blatently obvious.

If you see something that you think isn't going to work in CDZ, report it and we'll take a look at it and assess it :)

Any post initiated for the express purposes of playing cowboys and Indians and contains preemptive attacks on those who take an opposing position should be considered as such.That much seems obvious to me, anyway.

If a poster kept placing thread after thread in the CDZ railing against "libtards" would we even be having this conversation?
No coyote would move those threads. The ones attacking the right? Why they are just civil discussions designed to evoke peaceful response.
CDZ should not be a fortress from which to sally an OP pre-empetively against opponents.

The confirmation bias fallacy is a classic misuse of CDZ OPs.

Foxy managed to get a SDZ after she found out she would get jumped on for misusing the CDZ.
It's been fun. Some of you are entirely correct. Won't mention names. :rolleyes: Except for Ravi who is ALWAYS correct. But this is all part of Staff discussions and we promise you that if we are elected, there will be "extreme vetting" of every thread on USMB... Closed.
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