Fiscal Cliff Deal Won’t Cost Boehner a Second Term Read Latest Breaking News from Ne


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Doesnt look like Boehners going anywhere...

Despite being weakened in the fiscal-cliff debate, House Speaker John Boehner appears to be on track to re-election as the nation’s top Republican on Thursday.

Two GOP congressmen, Rep. Mike Grimm of New York and Chris Smith of New Jersey, who earlier had attacked Boehner, now say they have changed their minds and plan to endorse the Speaker for a second term.

With these assurances — and a reluctance for any viable candidate to step forward — many observers say it appears that Boehner is on track for another year as the nation’s top Republican.

One possible threat centered around an aid package for victims of Superstorm Sandy, but even that storm passed.

"Whatever's done is done, and that's it," declared Rep. Pete King of New York on Wednesday afternoon after a meeting with Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor in which GOP leaders pledged to allow a Friday vote on $9 billion in aid for victims of the record-breaking storm.

Fiscal Cliff Deal Won?t Cost Boehner a Second Term
Great move by Boehner to enable the Republican House to survive a truly no-win situation the other night.

Butthurt conservatives, myself formerly included, need to recognize just how wonderful it is to now have Bush tax cuts decoupled from all of these negotiations going forward.
Totally predictable....All the gutless neocon ruling class wankers will fall in line behind their gutless neocon ruling class wanker "leader".

I guess they really want to be the Whigs.

You do realize the vote for the cliff was a landslide with more gop voting for it than against it...Norquist voted for it, Ryan voted for it...this wasnt all boehner but hes taking the heat because hes in charge.
Totally predictable....All the gutless neocon ruling class wankers will fall in line behind their gutless neocon ruling class wanker "leader".

I guess they really want to be the Whigs.

You do realize the vote for the cliff was a landslide with more gop voting for it than against it...Norquist voted for it, Ryan voted for it...this wasnt all boehner but hes taking the heat because hes in charge.

I know that the far right whackos pledge allegiance to Norquist but still that fat little fuzzface has no vote.

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