First job you had, when we’re you fired ?


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
And how long did it take? Mine was McDonnalds. I got fired after three days because we were out of chicken nuggets so I just tore up chicken patties and tossed them in a nugget box. That was some funny shit. I was pretty much fired the first hour of my third day.
And how long did it take? Mine was McDonnalds. I got fired after three days because we were out of chicken nuggets so I just tore up chicken patties and tossed them in a nugget box. That was some funny shit. I was pretty much fired the first hour of my third day.

I've never been fired.
I was working in a Grocery store. They were upset with me not accepting Management training or some crap.

I drank expired Chocolate milk in the dairy, the carton was still there for the store credit, I did not think it was any issue?

Some guy who had been there forever told on me. I said yes "I drank the old milk", they said we have to let you go. The guy hated me because I had just started and was getting promoted etc.
Really? Not being I dick I swear to god, but are y’all older?50’s 60’s ? And is your work collage education type stuff or craft/labor type stuff? Oh, to Jillian and depotoo
I worked at a gas station for a few months in high school. A new manager came on board and fired everyone in order to hire his sons and nephew.
I was working in a Grocery store. They were upset with me not accepting Management training or some crap.

I drank expired Chocolate milk in the dairy, the carton was still there for the store credit, I did not think it was any issue?

Some guy who had been there forever told on me. I said yes "I drank the old milk", they said we have to let you go. The guy hated me because I had just started and was getting promoted etc.

Lol, shoplifter you.
Worked for a department store, before it opened to the public, when I was 16. They let me go after 5 weeks. They had too many people, and I wasn't related to the right ones, and didn't kiss the right asses. No big deal. I learned from it.

Managers were 'effed up. They hired twice as many cashiers as they needed, drawing many away from other jobs, and then 2 weeks later told them only the most "efficient" half would be retained after the opening.
I’ve never been fired.

I did come close when I beat the crap out of a guy who started shit. We were both written up for horseplay. lol

This company also had a policy against hiring people who left.
After a meeting with the executives, they agreed to hire me back if things didn’t work out with the offer I accepted at a nuclear facility. :)
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LOL this is going to sound like Donnie John, but I have never worked anywhere where I have not been begged to stay on.

"Whatever happened to the good ole days, when children worked in factories?" Emo Philips
Never fired. Let go once when the company (Mci WorldCom) went belly up though. Took my 401k with em.
And how long did it take? Mine was McDonnalds. I got fired after three days because we were out of chicken nuggets so I just tore up chicken patties and tossed them in a nugget box. That was some funny shit. I was pretty much fired the first hour of my third day.

Company closed after 2008 and everyone was fired.
I've never been fired either....but was threatened with firing once, just because I wouldn't bend the rules for the mangers son. It was at a thrift store and the owners had recently had a meeting over company policies that included NO back room selling. Everything had to be priced and on the open floor, so that customers had a fair shot to buy. The manager had sent in her son to get a dresser from the backroom for like $20 and it was worth a good $100 used. I refused to sell it to him and he ran to tell Mama. She called & threatened to fire me and after some 'discussion' she threatened me again. I finally told her she wouldn't have to fire me because I just quit and she could shove the job and the dresser up her ass. She called me 2 days later & begged me to come back. I told her notta chance.

I had covered for her too many times when she'd take a 2 or 3 hour lunch with her boyfriend.....behind her husbands back and more than a few times smelled like a distillery. I had enough of her crap

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