First it was global cooling, then global, warming, then climate change, now it's.....

I can solve the C02/global warming issue right NOW!

All leftists stop breathing....right NOW!

Now that would save the planet in more ways then one.:D
I can solve the C02/global warming issue right NOW!

All leftists stop breathing....right NOW!

Now that would save the planet in more ways then one.:D

I honestly think they are just stupid enough to do that, IF the left wing media told them they need to do that.

I mean just look at the dumb liberals in this post and everywhere that cling to the scam that has been proven beyond the shadow of all doubt that it is a scam. They do not even attempt in any way to acknowledge the hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars in revenues that have been generated through green scam after green scam.

They do not even attempt to acknowledge the 31,0000 scientists that signed the petition. You know and I know they roll their eyes and ignore that. Yet, the morons on the left come out and say there is no debate? The sheep on the left just clap their hands.

Imagine how pathetically dumb you would need to be to buy into the proven scam. There are days when I don't even know just how dumb that is. Then I come on here and I read posts by KNB and it only affirms my speculation.

The funny thing is him thinking he is making sense.
Sorry bout that,

1. More evidence of just how stupid humans are.
2. Regular working people are stupid as are college grads.
3. If America has a problem its not what the *weather* is doing, its the blank minds of the fucking idiots driving around in cars and working jobs they have no idea why or how they do them.

Yeah, it's all bullshit. Let's deregulate more industries and drill for precious oil in more national forests. Let's build more pipelines that will make oil companies richer, because oil companies aren't making enough money already. Let's give the oil companies more subsidies so they can expand their drilling operations and create more jobs so that the oil can go to pay off our debt to China while the oil companies stick their profits in untaxed overseas accounts. Let's dump a few more thousand tons of plastic shit into the oceans. Let's clearcut all of the rainforests for grazing land so that McDonald's can have even cheaper "meat". Oil spills create jobs, too.

Republicans have such a brilliant vision for the future.

And here we have proof of just how STUPID the believers are. You must not be aware that the US has significantly reduced emissions and continues to do so.

I suggest you go to somewhere like India or China or Africa and complain, let us know how well that works.

Why can't all these bed wetters go ANYWHERE else? They already have all the communism you can handle in North Korea. They have lower degrees of it in Cuba, but there is "universal healthcare"!! Why aren't bed wetters picking up rafts left on Florida's beaches by Cuban exiles and floating south?

I mean if moonbat policies are so wonderful, go somewhere they're already in place.
OK. You are just so smart, why is it that all the Scientfic Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities in the world have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger? It could not be that you are just another flap-yapping ignoramous, could it?

The scientific reasons for the warming are well understood, and have been for over a century.

Service Unavailable.

That is from the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Hey anus face,

I'm not alone on this one. 31,487 scientists, including 9,029 PhD agree that it's a myth.

Global Warming Petition Project

Futhermore, perhaps instead of believing in Bigfoot, the Easter Bunny, Santa Clause and climate...whatever they change the name to, read the books by meteorologist Brian Sussman and watch the videos of Dr. Michael Coffman. Greenpeace co-founder, Patrick Moore testified before the senate that man caused climate change is a myth. Even the "father" of climate change, James Lovelock has bailed out on this fairy tale.

Dumb fuck, that is the OISM petition, and it has been shown to be fraudulent time and again.

Once again, every Scientific Society, ever National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Just because it disagrees with your silly political views does not change that reality. All you are doing with posting shit sites is demonstrating what an ignorant ass you truly are.
Yeah, it's all bullshit. Let's deregulate more industries and drill for precious oil in more national forests. Let's build more pipelines that will make oil companies richer, because oil companies aren't making enough money already. Let's give the oil companies more subsidies so they can expand their drilling operations and create more jobs so that the oil can go to pay off our debt to China while the oil companies stick their profits in untaxed overseas accounts. Let's dump a few more thousand tons of plastic shit into the oceans. Let's clearcut all of the rainforests for grazing land so that McDonald's can have even cheaper "meat". Oil spills create jobs, too.

Republicans have such a brilliant vision for the future.

And here we have proof of just how STUPID the believers are. You must not be aware that the US has significantly reduced emissions and continues to do so.

I suggest you go to somewhere like India or China or Africa and complain, let us know how well that works.

Why can't all these bed wetters go ANYWHERE else? They already have all the communism you can handle in North Korea. They have lower degrees of it in Cuba, but there is "universal healthcare"!! Why aren't bed wetters picking up rafts left on Florida's beaches by Cuban exiles and floating south?

I mean if moonbat policies are so wonderful, go somewhere they're already in place.

Little Petey, you are truly a dumb ass. Glaciers have no politics. Nor does ice caps. And the pH level in the oceans knows nothing of Liberal or Conservative. Drought is an equal oppertunity agent of destruction. As are floods, and other extreme weather events. Nothing to do with communism or capitalism. Everything to do with the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere. And the physics of the situation doesn't care whether the GHGs came from volcanism or the burning of fossil fuels.
I can solve the C02/global warming issue right NOW!

All leftists stop breathing....right NOW!

Now that would save the planet in more ways then one.:D

The world would be a cooler place almost immediately.

Two willfully ignorant asses posting their stupidity for the whole world to see.:lol:

I repeat go convince the real polluters to stop. Until you do we are not interested in your garbage.
The world would be a cooler place almost immediately.

Two willfully ignorant asses posting their stupidity for the whole world to see.:lol:

I repeat go convince the real polluters to stop. Until you do we are not interested in your garbage.

They are incapable of blaming anyone other than White Right America. If there is some country that is not white in majority, some how it is because of this country.


Well I will not try to explain liberal logic. If I did that.....this may actually happen.

I see a few things on this thread. Conservatives like to say how stupid liberals are yet never address the problem. Their only arguments are those words what come from someone else. They point out that many people believing something does not make it right. Why do conservatives place pilgrims and "Our Founding Fathers" on a pedestal? The Pilgrims were not looking for Religious Freedom, that had that in Holland but most returned to that horrible place which persecuted them. One in the New World they set up a government/social system which made England look mild. As for our Founding Fathers", most would be in jail as criminals with many making Bill Clinton look live a virgin.
Using India and China as an example of what not to do does not remove the responsibility from us of what we should do.
Different names; but the problem do not change.
Global Warming causes Climate Change, not all places increase by 2 degrees at the same time. Do I really have to go through warm air rises and that air flows from low to high pressure areas? If we are the center of a low and the nearest high is cooler we will get some cool air.
Corporations/business has to do with making money and that's it. When builders and designers thought they would make more money by joining USGBC they joined. Most people feel that the environment is an issue; but in reality they only feel that way if it does not cost them anything. Look at LA or Pittsburg! If you compared them to just a few decades ago you can see the amazing difference. LA and their brown air and Pittsburg filled with soot.
If businesses were allowed to do what they wanted we would really have a mess. If business had to pay a living wage to people in other countries as they did here and had to adhere to the safety requirements they must here would they have moved.
Reality, I guess that is Wall St. nothing changes for a company; but start a rumor about a company and the price of a stock can go up or down 25%. Wall St. is OZ. Try Vegas.
it's whatever the lib dupes say it is; as long as they can advance their agenda
Two willfully ignorant asses posting their stupidity for the whole world to see.:lol:

I repeat go convince the real polluters to stop. Until you do we are not interested in your garbage.

They are incapable of blaming anyone other than White Right America. If there is some country that is not white in majority, some how it is because of this country.


Well I will not try to explain liberal logic. If I did that.....this may actually happen.


Ordinarily I'd question the gall of a bed wetter that even spoke of "willful ignorance". However after seeing so much of that sniveling imbecile's stupidity that I ignored him month ago, I'm not even suprised.

It truly is painful to see such intense stupidty, in spite of all the efforts of my rightwing/conservative(add whatever label that opposes libtardism) cohorts here who painstakingly attempt to argue with these mindless vacuous drones, I don't see any progress.

These bed wetters are just as devoted to their insipid delusions as they've ever been.

They're just as determined to shut down any discussion as they've ever been.

They're just as sycophantic towards their masters as they've ever been.

I applaud the efforts of people to school these bed wetters, but it's a fools erand. They do not posses the cognitave skills to see what they're being told is the reality of the issue. They're devoid of critical analytical skills, and have been programmed to resist any independent thinking. They need to be ridiculed, marginalized and shunned from society so that they either stay in their mothers' basement and starve to death, or perform retroactive self abortions. The best possible contribution a liberal can give the world is to revert their genetic garbage into fertilizer.
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I see a few things on this thread. Conservatives like to say how stupid liberals are yet never address the problem. Their only arguments are those words what come from someone else. They point out that many people believing something does not make it right. Why do conservatives place pilgrims and "Our Founding Fathers" on a pedestal? The Pilgrims were not looking for Religious Freedom, that had that in Holland but most returned to that horrible place which persecuted them. One in the New World they set up a government/social system which made England look mild. As for our Founding Fathers", most would be in jail as criminals with many making Bill Clinton look live a virgin.
Using India and China as an example of what not to do does not remove the responsibility from us of what we should do.
Different names; but the problem do not change.
Global Warming causes Climate Change, not all places increase by 2 degrees at the same time. Do I really have to go through warm air rises and that air flows from low to high pressure areas? If we are the center of a low and the nearest high is cooler we will get some cool air.
Corporations/business has to do with making money and that's it. When builders and designers thought they would make more money by joining USGBC they joined. Most people feel that the environment is an issue; but in reality they only feel that way if it does not cost them anything. Look at LA or Pittsburg! If you compared them to just a few decades ago you can see the amazing difference. LA and their brown air and Pittsburg filled with soot.
If businesses were allowed to do what they wanted we would really have a mess. If business had to pay a living wage to people in other countries as they did here and had to adhere to the safety requirements they must here would they have moved.
Reality, I guess that is Wall St. nothing changes for a company; but start a rumor about a company and the price of a stock can go up or down 25%. Wall St. is OZ. Try Vegas.


This is one of possibly thousands of GW threads that have been argued ad nauseum here in this forum.

People have proven numerous times that GW is a fraud.

Rehashing it is pointless. Props to those who try, but ridiculing these imbeciles is cathartic.
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It's funny to watch a bunch of people who struggled through high school and wear a name tag to work pretend that they have any clue how our climate works and how mans actions do or do not affect our planet.

Yes, please tell us more about how the entire world is in on the global conspiracy to get the $6 you have burning a hole in your wallet that you didn't spend at Dennys.
Time and Newsweek never were science oriented were they? Furthermore there was never a consensus among scientist on the theory of global cooling, just a few papers that discussed the possibility. I know that doesn't matter to the rabid deniers but there it is.

[ame=]Emerson, Lake & Palmer - From The Beginning - YouTube[/ame]

No he didn't. Nor did he say he invented the internet.

However, it is a perfect example of how the Republican Sheeple believe what they are told. :eek::eek:

you believed a chant of 'CHANGE" from a guy who never changed anything, for anybody, anywhere, ever

is record welfare and food stamps your idea of change?

you have no business talking

Watch your mouth. That's your boss you're talking about.

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