First genderless person becomes legalized


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(by Kelly McDonald, Jr) In Portland, Oregon, a judge recently ruled that a 27-year old male student is allowed to be genderless. He will be designated as ‘agender’ on legal documents. Though his birth name is Patrick Abbatiello, he will now only go by “Patch”.

First Genderless Person Becomes Legalized

Sorry but you are a gender, and sorry the only things that have NO GENDER are freaking Objects you mental cases.
The only reason this is being approved is the moron judge is a trendy leftist moron pushing the same social break down as the rest of the jackasses causing destruction.

This is going ot haunt these idiots in more ways than one, and cause a whole new set of problems half these a holes haven't even thought of yet.

What bathroom bs is this going to create.
Since they have no fk gender do they go in any bathroom they want, shower with boys girls...
Gawd this judge needs thrown off the chiar.
Just another step towards impending doom.
Mindwars don't worry. It will collapse. Nothing is more hellish than being stuck in the middle of two sides. He'll grow out of it.

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