First Amendment Free Exercise of Religion


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Masterpiece Cakeshop Files Suit Against Colorado Civil Rights Commission

The new lawsuit alleges that Colorado violated Phillips' First Amendment right to practice his faith and 14th Amendment right to equal protection, citing commission rulings upholding other bakers' refusal to make cakes exhibiting hate messages.

"For over six years now, Colorado has been on a crusade to crush Plaintiff Jack Phillips ... because its officials despise what he believes and how he practices his faith," the suit claims. "This lawsuit is necessary to stop Colorado's continuing persecution of Phillips."

A reasonable person would just choose another Baker.
A religious bigot would sue the Baker to force him to do something against his religious beliefs.
The Colorado Civil Rights Commission is harassing Phillips for his religion.
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The new lawsuit alleges that Colorado violated Phillips' First Amendment right to practice his faith

Phillips' First Amendment right to practice his faith -

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

the gov't has the right to redress phillips faith when petitioned with a grievance ...

I do not know how the SCOTUS will resolve the contentious issue between the baker's right to practice his faith and an individual's rights not to be discriminated against. How does the Court determine which takes precedence? Or will they merely punt it back to the individual states and allow them to decide for themselves as long as each side is treated impartially.

In this case though, it feels like Colorado has pretty much ignored the SCOTUS ruling; the CRCC isn't as openly antagonistic about it but nonetheless is still biased against him. Personally, I think they're wrong, as long as the baker is willing to provide anything other product he sells, then I think he's making an effort to accommodate the gay couple. They are the ones being assholes about the whole thing.
I do not know how the SCOTUS will resolve the contentious issue between the baker's right to practice his faith and an individual's rights not to be discriminated against. ...

Not to quibble, but I actually disagree with this framing. While I agree these laws are a violation of the First Amendment, the much broader freedom of speech is what is being violated. It's the expression of bias, particularly as a form of social protest, that is being targeted.

And there's no such thing as a right not to be discriminated against. It's not even a coherent concept. Every individual is entitled to equal treatment from government. But no one else is required to accommodate them or give them equal consideration.
I do not know how the SCOTUS will resolve the contentious issue between the baker's right to practice his faith and an individual's rights not to be discriminated against. ...

Not to quibble, but I actually disagree with this framing. While I agree these laws are a violation of the First Amendment, the much broader freedom of speech is what is being violated. It's the expression of bias, particularly as a form of social protest, that is being targeted.

And there's no such thing as a right not to be discriminated against. It's not even a coherent concept. Every individual is entitled to equal treatment from government. But no one else is required to accommodate them or give them equal consideration.
Freedom of Religion is in the constitution, forcing people to bake transexual cakes is not
I do not know how the SCOTUS will resolve the contentious issue between the baker's right to practice his faith and an individual's rights not to be discriminated against. ...

Not to quibble, but I actually disagree with this framing. While I agree these laws are a violation of the First Amendment, the much broader freedom of speech is what is being violated. It's the expression of bias, particularly as a form of social protest, that is being targeted.

And there's no such thing as a right not to be discriminated against. It's not even a coherent concept. Every individual is entitled to equal treatment from government. But no one else is required to accommodate them or give them equal consideration.
Freedom of Religion is in the constitution, forcing people to bake transexual cakes is not

So is Freedom of Speech, and that's what's really being violated here. It's broader than just Freedom of Religion.

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