Finnish schools


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
Ranked 1st.

1). Shorter school days
2) no homework
3). No standardized federal testing
4) shorter school years.

Someday american schools might figure it out but I doubt we will. Here we clamor for more testing, longer days, longer school productive to learning.
If the Finns could stop getting soused on alcohol, they would rule the world.

They don't abuse drugs any more than the us does. They are light years ahead of us in education.
Ranked 1st.

1). Shorter school days
2) no homework
3). No standardized federal testing
4) shorter school years.

Someday american schools might figure it out but I doubt we will. Here we clamor for more testing, longer days, longer school productive to learning.

Yep. I've brought this up many times on this forum and in other personal discussions with people. Our education system in this country is counter productive and ass backwards.
Yup we are not Finland. We don't have to be but we could look at what they are doing and learn from it.

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