"financial fragility"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Early this morning and again this evening, I heard a news story that stated that half of all Americans are "financial fragile" and cannot, could not, put their hands on $2000 if they needed to.

Elsewhere is a thread concerning being prepared for the coming of the zombies - guns and beans kinda stuff. Worthwhile for sure and we also have a storeroom with such.

But, probably because of some really hard times, I'm fanatical about having liquid assets, money I can put my hands on.

Any one else feel this way?

What have you and/or your family done to prepare for a financial emergency?
Early this morning and again this evening, I heard a news story that stated that half of all Americans are "financial fragile" and cannot, could not, put their hands on $2000 if they needed to.

Elsewhere is a thread concerning being prepared for the coming of the zombies - guns and beans kinda stuff. Worthwhile for sure and we also have a storeroom with such.

But, probably because of some really hard times, I'm fanatical about having liquid assets, money I can put my hands on.

Any one else feel this way?

What have you and/or your family done to prepare for a financial emergency?

Why are you so interested in how other people are handling their money and assets?

Are you part of some left-wing polling organization? Work for the IRS?

If you believe that collecting paper promises in some way makes you "prepared", then keep on collecting those 10s and 20s and 50s and 100s.

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