Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

Life sucks?? You’re delusional, delusional dale. I guess you haven’t seen that NYT op/ed, huh?

Meanwhile, you’re a pussy. You can’t answer such a simple question. Why would Russia pay a $145 million bribe to a U.S. Senator who had no influence in the deal for which they were offering a bribe?

The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!
No, that doesn’t help because you’re still running away from the question I asked. Which is pretty fucking hysterical given how you run around here, begging for people to debate you on your conspiracies. Yet here I am, in your face, and you flat out refuse to address the elephant in the room.

You claim Russia gave Hillary $145 million to bribe her for her vote for the Uranium One deal. Well you’ve been shown that almost all of that money actually came while she was a U.S. Senator, not when she was Secretary of State. And you’ve been shown that ALL of it, except for the half mill to Bill for a speech, came from Canadians, not Russians. And you know that CFIUS (which was 9 votes, not just Hillary’s) had to vote unanimously for the deal to go through and that no U.S. Senator was involved.

So either you can explain a rational reason for why would Russia bribe a U.S. Senator with $145 million when said U.S. Senator had zero influence over the Uranium One deal going through, or you merely come across as batshit insane as you always do.

Choice is yours, Sparky.

Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!
No, that doesn’t help because you’re still running away from the question I asked. Which is pretty fucking hysterical given how you run around here, begging for people to debate you on your conspiracies. Yet here I am, in your face, and you flat out refuse to address the elephant in the room.

You claim Russia gave Hillary $145 million to bribe her for her vote for the Uranium One deal. Well you’ve been shown that almost all of that money actually came while she was a U.S. Senator, not when she was Secretary of State. And you’ve been shown that ALL of it, except for the half mill to Bill for a speech, came from Canadians, not Russians. And you know that CFIUS (which was 9 votes, not just Hillary’s) had to vote unanimously for the deal to go through and that no U.S. Senator was involved.

So either you can explain a rational reason for why would Russia bribe a U.S. Senator with $145 million when said U.S. Senator had zero influence over the Uranium One deal going through, or you merely come across as batshit insane as you always do.

Choice is yours, Sparky.

Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.
No, that doesn’t help because you’re still running away from the question I asked. Which is pretty fucking hysterical given how you run around here, begging for people to debate you on your conspiracies. Yet here I am, in your face, and you flat out refuse to address the elephant in the room.

You claim Russia gave Hillary $145 million to bribe her for her vote for the Uranium One deal. Well you’ve been shown that almost all of that money actually came while she was a U.S. Senator, not when she was Secretary of State. And you’ve been shown that ALL of it, except for the half mill to Bill for a speech, came from Canadians, not Russians. And you know that CFIUS (which was 9 votes, not just Hillary’s) had to vote unanimously for the deal to go through and that no U.S. Senator was involved.

So either you can explain a rational reason for why would Russia bribe a U.S. Senator with $145 million when said U.S. Senator had zero influence over the Uranium One deal going through, or you merely come across as batshit insane as you always do.

Choice is yours, Sparky.

Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation". FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election. Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation".
I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it.
FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election.
What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it.
Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.
Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation". FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election. Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
How fortunate am I that you're batshit insane?

No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation".
I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it.
FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election.
What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it.
Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.
Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation".
I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it.
FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election.
What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it.
Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.
Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.
Nah, if you got it then you’d know that Russia never gave Hillary a $145 million bribe for her to approve the Uranium One deal with Rosatom.
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation".
I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it.
FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election.
What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it.
Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.
Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation".
I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it.
FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election.
What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it.
Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.
Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.

I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it. What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it. Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

Nutty doesn't even begin to describe you, delusional dale.

And after almost forty pages, the Trump apologists have yet to establish, with Trump, the illegalities of the Mueller investigation. We will call this a win for Mueller, and a missed opportunity for the apologists to prove Trump isn't anything more than a bull shit artist.

ROTFLMAO! The only ones guilty of "colluding" with the ROOOOSKIES are the major deep state swamp creatures that brought on this phony collusion delusion witch hunt lamely disguised as an "investigation".
I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it.
FISA warrants based on lies paid for by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS that was full of leftard commies while the FISA judges were never told the background or origin AND funding of this "dossier" that was the "insurance policy" should the Hildebeast not be able to steal the election.
What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it.
Butthurt losers like you and lil faun (that talked LOTS of shit pre-election) just can't come to grips with the fact that the leftard commie agenda was soundly rejected. Deal with it.
Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Sucks to be you and in many ways.

Hope this helps!!!
Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
Ha, your lies are there for everyone to see. You were called out to prove your claims, and you did not. Therefore, you are a proven liar. If you think ad hominem fixes that, let the foolish fantasy begin.
I fyou do not prove all that, you are a liar. Prove it. What are the proven lies of the FISA warrants? If you do not present that proof, you are a liar. Prove it. Fascinating! Now start proving your previous points.

Not if you don't prove your claims. If you don't, everyone will know you are a liar. And if you are a liar, your word means nothing. Now that is what really sucks. Get busy!
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.

Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

Nutty doesn't even begin to describe you, delusional dale.

Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

This is what a coward and a liar looks like folks.
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.

So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

Nutty doesn't even begin to describe you, delusional dale.

Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

This is what a coward and a liar looks like folks.

Keep doublin' down, lil faun!!! You are trying too hard!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!


Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.

So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

Nutty doesn't even begin to describe you, delusional dale.

Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

This is what a coward and a liar looks like folks.
:777:And the lunatic liar Dale Smith is back.
Thanks Dale Smith for proving to us all that you are a liar.
So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

Nutty doesn't even begin to describe you, delusional dale.

So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

This is what a coward and a liar looks like folks.

Keep doublin' down, lil faun!!! You are trying too hard!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!



Drools the retard who thinks Russia gave a U.S. Senator $145 million to bribe her to vote for a business deal to go through for which no U.S. Senator had a vote.

So, you're a coward and a liar. Well good for you.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.

As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

Nutty doesn't even begin to describe you, delusional dale.

ROTFLMAO!!! So sayeth a sock puppet account of lil faun!!!!!
As if the forum needed more evidence that you're a fruit-loop dingus.


Stone cold busted, lil faun......oh HOW insecure you must to be you 'bout right now.

This is what a coward and a liar looks like folks.

Keep doublin' down, lil faun!!! You are trying too hard!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!



Drools the retard who thinks Russia gave a U.S. Senator $145 million to bribe her to vote for a business deal to go through for which no U.S. Senator had a vote.

I have a feeling the lunatic Dale Smith will post another funny face?

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