Finally Pentagon admits ISIS is taking over Afghanistan:UN warned in September


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
So why the big delay? The UN last spring warned the Security Council what was going on and in September they claimed that ISIS had taken over three quarters of Afghanistan.

Check the timeline. It explains why Putin started to take the fight to ISIS right after the UN assembly. Chechens are part of the fighting force in Afghanistan.

ISIS is on his doorstep.

Here's the delayed admission by the Pentagon.

Why did they hold back on this? What game is Obama running down on us?

Pentagon warns ISIS offshoot growing in Afghanistan, 'operationally active' | Fox News

Here's the September warning by the UN.

By AFP United Natons, United States Saturday, 26 September 2015

The ISIS group is making inroads in Afghanistan, winning over a growing number of sympathizers and recruiting followers in 25 of the country’s 34 provinces, a U.N. report said Friday.

The militant group, which controls large areas of Syria and Iraq, has been trying to establish itself in Afghanistan, challenging the Taliban on their own turf.

Afghan security forces told U.N. sanctions monitors that about 10 percent of the Taliban insurgency are ISIS sympathizers, according to the report by the U.N.’s al-Qaeda monitoring team.

“The number of groups and individuals who are openly declaring either loyalty to or sympathy with ISIS continues to grow in a number of provinces in Afghanistan,” said the report.

Afghan government sources said “sightings of the groups with some form of ISIS branding” or sympathy were reported in 25 provinces in the war-torn country, it added.

More at link:

Chuck Hagel: ISIS "beyond anything we've seen"
Last Updated Aug 22, 2014 8:45 PM EDT

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Thursday defended the failed U.S. attempt to rescue James Foley, but warned that the Islamic extremists who executed the American journalist are "beyond just a terrorist group" and "beyond anything that we've seen."

Chuck Hagel: ISIS "beyond anything we've seen"
This cannot be true. President Obama said the Unprecedented Coalition has Isis contained and is on the verge of annihilating them...block by block. Let's give credit where credit is due...........yo...
This cannot be true. President Obama said the Unprecedented Coalition has Isis contained and is on the verge of annihilating them...block by block. Let's give credit where credit is due...........yo...

The new buzz word is 'destroy'

Obama destroys nothing but America. His work is not yet complete

fellow posters------ISIS and ------islamists in Afghanistan----whether TALIBAN or ---other flavors of MUJHAD WARRIORS all have THE SAME AGENDA.----the agenda is SHARIAH STATE and also ------sit tight-----you READY???? take over
SAUDI ARABIA. For those who do not know------Isis hates Iran. and Saudi
arabia hates Iran-------- Iran hates Isis------wanna know why? ]HERE IT IS------Isis and Taliban and Al Qaeida and Iran ALL WANT TO DO A TAKE
OVER OF SAUDI ARABIA (and the black rock), To summarize----they all have common cause SHARIAH STATE-----and they all want the black rock-----but---
they are also in competition to be KING OF THE HILL
Obungles will wake up and be shocked to see this in the news. God damn disaster

It's not really as significant as it seems. Isis is not a nation -------it is just muslims who want to create CALIPHATES, Think of ISIS as something like a kind of
Dearborn, Michigan
Obama has done more for ISIS and Islamic jihad than 10 bin Laden's could ever have dared dream
...part of Obama's lies since 2010 about his 'successes' against ISIS and terrorism....

Thank God the war on terror is over and Al Qaeida is on the run.


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