Finally!!! "conservatives" Are Gettin' REAL!!!

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
"The presence of openly serving gays in the military will be so offensive that many Americans will not be willing to serve their country, says one conservative leader who has campaigned against gay rights." (Bullshit)

The Family Research Council's Tony Perkins predicted Thursday that President Barack Obama will be forced to reinstate the draft if Democrats are successful in repealing the military's controversial "don't ask, don't tell" policy which forces gay, lesbian and trans-gender members to hide their personal lives or face expulsion from the service.

"Barack Obama is opposed to the draft as a matter of principle, to be sure," wrote Perkins in an op-ed for The Daily Caller. "But the president’s drive to repeal the ban on open homosexuality in the military could have this unintended consequence: It could bring back the draft."


"Ratcliff clearly asserted that he and others like him who love their country would serve in the military regardless of the status of DADT, but FRC selectively edited that bit out because it undermined their agenda."

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