final thread on my racial classification


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
i made a few threads, but i still didnt made up my mind as what race i would declare myself on census forms. where i live, in austria, race is not on census forms when you go to school, hospital or in government programmes etc, but in USA and other countries like UK or Australia, Canada etc. it is. In Austria it works not to declare your race, but i didnt made up my mind as what i will declare myself when im abroad. As many know im part ethnic serbian, part ethnic rom (commanly referred to as gypsies who are a ethnic group with origins in the indian subcontinent are generally dark skinned and dark haired and look non-european and rather indian or pakistani like or maybe arab like). i did a genetic test and im european, middle eastern and southasian on my genetic components, technically according to the united states census i would be two or more races (genetically) because southasian counts as asian and european, northafrican and middle eastern counts as white, but i dont have southasian or middle eastern ancestry culturally or ethnically it fits better the "other" option, so i could declare myself as white (eventhough not full but there are quarter natives who say they are native american etc. so i guess it isnt that strict. (southasian, because roma have roots in india etc. also not full but same logic applies here like i said) and "some other" race, or two/more races etc. if you were me what would you declare yourself as, and do you think if i lived in usa or canada, i would get familiar with the system and would not think much about it anymore, but would be put as one or the other by the people etc.? i mean by the society, so i would know my place if i lived there already.

i add some pictures



Give me some input to think about, and make up my mind. Thank you!
1) it is a crying shame that our government perpetuates racial pseudo-science by asking people to classify themselves by race.

2) You look white to me, with some other ethnic heritage of some sort.

3) You could easily pass for Iranian, IMO, which is Caucasian and therefore 'white' in the broadest sense of the word. Some use a much more restrictive definition of white to mean only European races, ignoring the FACT that ALL Caucasian ethnicities derive from the northern Caucasus mountains (hence the name) and that is IN EUROPE. ALL CAUCASIANS are of European extraction if you go back far enough. In other words, there is no genetic basis for saying 'white' does not equate to 'caucasian'.
Look buddy.........don't get wrapped up in it. It doesn't matter. Be yourself and don't care about anything else.

Live life to your fullest, and don't get caught up in this racial BS...............It's not important.
Look buddy.........don't get wrapped up in it. It doesn't matter. Be yourself and don't care about anything else.

Live life to your fullest, and don't get caught up in this racial BS...............It's not important.

Except that the GOVERNMENT says it is important.

And never question the government, buddy or you might not like it.

The Gov't likes to ramp up the racial BS...........Especially at election time.........

Bunch of dang tools.........

I think you should smile at least ONCE in the pics you post of yourself.

You cant do that for your drivers license in Virginia any more. They will insist that you stop smiling before the take the pic, lol.
You've already claimed that you have Roma ancestry, which traces its lineage back to to the Indian sub-continent. So you're clearly aware of where your 'brown' or non-White side comes from.
You've already claimed that you have Roma ancestry, which traces its lineage back to to the Indian sub-continent. So you're clearly aware of where your 'brown' or non-White side comes from.
So you think i should call myself "indian" or "asian" (indian is "asian" on us census so is pakistani or bangladeshi)? that is a possibility i think. thanks for your input.

also i agree, it is bs to classify people into races etc. in austria people dont get classified into races, im too much influenced by the anglo-system.
1) it is a crying shame that our government perpetuates racial pseudo-science by asking people to classify themselves by race.

2) You look white to me, with some other ethnic heritage of some sort.

3) You could easily pass for Iranian, IMO, which is Caucasian and therefore 'white' in the broadest sense of the word. Some use a much more restrictive definition of white to mean only European races, ignoring the FACT that ALL Caucasian ethnicities derive from the northern Caucasus mountains (hence the name) and that is IN EUROPE. ALL CAUCASIANS are of European extraction if you go back far enough. In other words, there is no genetic basis for saying 'white' does not equate to 'caucasian'.

i agree, it is a shame. i dont like that. i was on and declared myself as asian and white, you had 5 broad multiple choices Asian, Native American, Black, Pacific Islander and White (Iranian is middle eastern therefore white but im not iranian btw). I choosed white and asian, but it is such broad categories so they didnt knew much about it me afterwards, i could be chinese and iranian or german and thai, or pakistani and moroccan etc. but im serbian and roma. they didnt had "some other race" what they usually have, they just had 5 categories and said "check all which applies"
1) it is a crying shame that our government perpetuates racial pseudo-science by asking people to classify themselves by race.

2) You look white to me, with some other ethnic heritage of some sort.

3) You could easily pass for Iranian, IMO, which is Caucasian and therefore 'white' in the broadest sense of the word. Some use a much more restrictive definition of white to mean only European races, ignoring the FACT that ALL Caucasian ethnicities derive from the northern Caucasus mountains (hence the name) and that is IN EUROPE. ALL CAUCASIANS are of European extraction if you go back far enough. In other words, there is no genetic basis for saying 'white' does not equate to 'caucasian'.

i agree, it is a shame. i dont like that. i was on and declared myself as asian and white, you had 5 broad multiple choices Asian, Native American, Black, Pacific Islander and White (Iranian is middle eastern therefore white but im not iranian btw). I choosed white and asian, but it is such broad categories so they didnt knew much about it me afterwards, i could be chinese and iranian or german and thai, or pakistani and moroccan etc. but im serbian and roma. they didnt had "some other race" what they usually have, they just had 5 categories and said "check all which applies"

There is no dialogue in our country on racial issues because the left has had a monopoly on the topic for the last 6 decades, as they attack and vilify anyone that tries to discuss the topic from a conservative point of view. For example, we have a mayor of a town in Lynn Mass. who has been castigated for even bringing the topic up and discussing it with a group that is wanting our immigration laws enforced.

Kennedy I m not a racist - News
Lynn’s struggle with an “influx of illegal arrivals” earned Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy keynote speaker status this week in Washington, D.C., but a local immigrant advocate said Kennedy and the group highlighting her views need to rethink their outlook on new arrivals.
Edward Tirrell called the Center for Immigration Studies “a well-known anti-immigration group” and said Kennedy’s decision to accept an invitation to address the organization on Wednesday “gives them legitimacy.”
That’s outrageous,” he said.
Kennedy and the center’s director of policy studies, Jessica Vaughn, share a perspective on the increase of unaccompanied minors — immigrant children — into American cities they say boils down to dollars and cents.
“It is not easy for American communities to absorb them. In fact, it is very costly, and the places they are settling are not wealthy communities, but rather cities and towns that already struggle to provide services for their citizens and legal immigrant residents
,” Vaughn stated in an email.
Kennedy, without placing a cost estimate on the increase in immigrant youth coming to the city, outlined in her speech expenses related to unaccompanied minors.

It is 'outrageous' according to our leftwing nutballs to take into account the cost of immigration, and racist to not just open our borders to a flood of refugees and place added burdens on American tax payers during a bad economy.
You've already claimed that you have Roma ancestry, which traces its lineage back to to the Indian sub-continent. So you're clearly aware of where your 'brown' or non-White side comes from.

Not to derail the topic, but why is subcontinent Indian non-white? They come originally from Europe, do they not?
Look buddy.........don't get wrapped up in it. It doesn't matter. Be yourself and don't care about anything else.

Live life to your fullest, and don't get caught up in this racial BS...............It's not important.

Except that the GOVERNMENT says it is important.

And never question the government, buddy or you might not like it.


It's important in the u.s. because the gvt uses race as the criteria for disbursing taxpayer money to minorities.

The gvt has determined that negroes are a "protected class" (and that's a legal term) and should have priority when it comes to receiving "redistributed" funds they (the gvt) seized from the taxpayers.

Since whites pay more tax, it's a form of defacto reparations and that's why minorities, and especially the politicians that pander to them are always against ANY type of welfare reform.

There are no parties or organizations that promote white interests...we're just supposed to shut up and pay.
It won't last forever. A nation can only operate at a deficit for so long..They can only cook the books and juggle numbers for a short while.When expenditures exceed income it's called bankruptcy. Eventually the country will collapse and we'll have a chance to correct some historic wrongs and grievances.

People are experiencing negro fatigue..tired of them and their crime and constant "gibs me dat" attitude.
Look buddy.........don't get wrapped up in it. It doesn't matter. Be yourself and don't care about anything else.

Live life to your fullest, and don't get caught up in this racial BS...............It's not important.

Except that the GOVERNMENT says it is important.

And never question the government, buddy or you might not like it.


It's important in the u.s. because the gvt uses race as the criteria for disbursing taxpayer money to minorities.

The gvt has determined that negroes are a "protected class" (and that's a legal term) and should have priority when it comes to receiving "redistributed" funds they (the gvt) seized from the taxpayers.

Since whites pay more tax, it's a form of defacto reparations and that's why minorities, and especially the politicians that pander to them are always against ANY type of welfare reform.

There are no parties or organizations that promote white interests...we're just supposed to shut up and pay.
It won't last forever. A nation can only operate at a deficit for so long..They can only cook the books and juggle numbers for a short while.When expenditures exceed income it's called bankruptcy. Eventually the country will collapse and we'll have a chance to correct some historic wrongs and grievances.

People are experiencing negro fatigue..tired of them and their crime and constant "gibs me dat" attitude.

I sense a huge change in the prevailing winds of late. Don't you?
Look buddy.........don't get wrapped up in it. It doesn't matter. Be yourself and don't care about anything else.

Live life to your fullest, and don't get caught up in this racial BS...............It's not important.

Except that the GOVERNMENT says it is important.

And never question the government, buddy or you might not like it.


It's important in the u.s. because the gvt uses race as the criteria for disbursing taxpayer money to minorities.

The gvt has determined that negroes are a "protected class" (and that's a legal term) and should have priority when it comes to receiving "redistributed" funds they (the gvt) seized from the taxpayers.

Since whites pay more tax, it's a form of defacto reparations and that's why minorities, and especially the politicians that pander to them are always against ANY type of welfare reform.

There are no parties or organizations that promote white interests...we're just supposed to shut up and pay.
It won't last forever. A nation can only operate at a deficit for so long..They can only cook the books and juggle numbers for a short while.When expenditures exceed income it's called bankruptcy. Eventually the country will collapse and we'll have a chance to correct some historic wrongs and grievances.

People are experiencing negro fatigue..tired of them and their crime and constant "gibs me dat" attitude.

I sense a huge change in the prevailing winds of late. Don't you?

The gvt will collapse and the country will break up into 2 or 3 smaller ones. Historic grievances will be settled one way or another..It could be like the balkans where ethnic cleansing, due to generations of hatred, occured..or it could be (relatively) peaceful like North Ireland/England where after a few decades of murder and violence it calmed down..

Human history may not always "repeat" itself exactly..bit it ALWAYS "rhymes".
...and life will go on in the new, smaller nations formed out of the rubble.
Look buddy.........don't get wrapped up in it. It doesn't matter. Be yourself and don't care about anything else.

Live life to your fullest, and don't get caught up in this racial BS...............It's not important.

Except that the GOVERNMENT says it is important.

And never question the government, buddy or you might not like it.


It's important in the u.s. because the gvt uses race as the criteria for disbursing taxpayer money to minorities.

The gvt has determined that negroes are a "protected class" (and that's a legal term) and should have priority when it comes to receiving "redistributed" funds they (the gvt) seized from the taxpayers.

Since whites pay more tax, it's a form of defacto reparations and that's why minorities, and especially the politicians that pander to them are always against ANY type of welfare reform.

There are no parties or organizations that promote white interests...we're just supposed to shut up and pay.
It won't last forever. A nation can only operate at a deficit for so long..They can only cook the books and juggle numbers for a short while.When expenditures exceed income it's called bankruptcy. Eventually the country will collapse and we'll have a chance to correct some historic wrongs and grievances.

People are experiencing negro fatigue..tired of them and their crime and constant "gibs me dat" attitude.

I sense a huge change in the prevailing winds of late. Don't you?

The gvt will collapse and the country will break up into 2 or 3 smaller ones. Historic grievances will be settled one way or another..It could be like the balkans where ethnic cleansing, due to generations of hatred, occured..or it could be (relatively) peaceful like North Ireland/England where after a few decades of murder and violence it calmed down..

Human history may not always "repeat" itself exactly..bit it ALWAYS "rhymes".
...and life will go on in the new, smaller nations formed out of the rubble.

I hope and pray that you are wrong. Hopefully wiser heads will prevail, but where are they?

As one wise old lady once told me, 'You can hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first.'
I hope and pray that you are wrong. Hopefully wiser heads will prevail, but where are they?

As one wise old lady once told me, 'You can hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first.'

Change is good.
Especially a change from the warped, twisted, manipulated gvt we have now.

20,000 years of human history tend to support my assessment. That's how all gvt's in history end...
Look buddy.........don't get wrapped up in it. It doesn't matter. Be yourself and don't care about anything else.

Live life to your fullest, and don't get caught up in this racial BS...............It's not important.

Except that the GOVERNMENT says it is important.

And never question the government, buddy or you might not like it.


It's important in the u.s. because the gvt uses race as the criteria for disbursing taxpayer money to minorities.

The gvt has determined that negroes are a "protected class" (and that's a legal term) and should have priority when it comes to receiving "redistributed" funds they (the gvt) seized from the taxpayers.

Since whites pay more tax, it's a form of defacto reparations and that's why minorities, and especially the politicians that pander to them are always against ANY type of welfare reform.

There are no parties or organizations that promote white interests...we're just supposed to shut up and pay.
It won't last forever. A nation can only operate at a deficit for so long..They can only cook the books and juggle numbers for a short while.When expenditures exceed income it's called bankruptcy. Eventually the country will collapse and we'll have a chance to correct some historic wrongs and grievances.

People are experiencing negro fatigue..tired of them and their crime and constant "gibs me dat" attitude.

I sense a huge change in the prevailing winds of late. Don't you?

The gvt will collapse and the country will break up into 2 or 3 smaller ones. Historic grievances will be settled one way or another..It could be like the balkans where ethnic cleansing, due to generations of hatred, occured..or it could be (relatively) peaceful like North Ireland/England where after a few decades of murder and violence it calmed down..

Human history may not always "repeat" itself exactly..bit it ALWAYS "rhymes".
...and life will go on in the new, smaller nations formed out of the rubble.

With all due respect, I did four tours of N. Ireland and, although nowhere near the same volume of blood was shed compared to the Balkans throughout the '90s, it wasn't anywhere near peaceful, even in relation to the break-up of the Former Yugolslavia. A lot of the killings weren't sensationalist enough for the British press, thus went uncovered. I can't remember how many of our men's bodies were dumped at the gates of Camp Bessbrook with lungs full of water after being drowned in a bath; or how many men were put in wheelchairs in retaliation (paralysis was the British army's terror weapon used against members of the IRA).
It is about government redistribution of wealth and its too bad that blacks can't see that the government is making them dependents on an entitlement mentality instead of pushing the idea of self reliance.
Race relations are worse than anytime because of this victim mentality and when sensible black leaders or conservative blacks point this out they are called "uncle tom's".
Over-sensitivity and political correctness have destroyed any chance of civil discussion on race. I remember during the 70's that despite any civil inequalities race could be discussed and it was okay to poke fun at stereotypes of any ethnic group. Anyone remember All In the Family or The Jefferson's? Two very good shows that explored the stereotypes of all groups one with a white bigot and the other with a black bigot. Try to put a show like those on now and you would be ran out of a career. Not to mention that many blacks today believe that a person of color can't be a racist. I for one refuse to subscribe to PC thinking which is nothing more than thought control and another way to control debate and free speech.
But what do I know? I am just a dumb pollack*

* stereotype for those who lost their sense of humor.

To OP. The cowboy hat would have had me guess you were a Latino in Texas, which shows how useless these classifications are as more people become mixed races.
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With all due respect, I did four tours of N. Ireland and, although nowhere near the same volume of blood was shed compared to the Balkans throughout the '90s, it wasn't anywhere near peaceful, even in relation to the break-up of the Former Yugolslavia. A lot of the killings weren't sensationalist enough for the British press, thus went uncovered. I can't remember how many of our men's bodies were dumped at the gates of Camp Bessbrook with lungs full of water after being drowned in a bath; or how many men were put in wheelchairs in retaliation (paralysis was the British army's terror weapon used against members of the IRA).

I defer to you and you experience.

Yugoslavia did break up when the soviet union collapsed...and without law and discipline, human relations change...especially where racial/ethnic grudges are deep seated.

Ireland/England didn't collapse or break up.

Wouldn't the situations you describe (probably) have been worse if the government had actually collapsed and people were free to seek retribution/revenge with no army standing between them?

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