Final Day of Fire Sale of unused C19 equipment in New York City! Previous sales of all kinds of protective gear and equipment sold for less than half


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Less than three years ago they were screaming for the Feds to supply them all this stuff and more.

Now, a fire sale. Next pandemic, they'll be screaming for more after ridding themselves of what they should be putting into storage.

Final Day of Fire Sale of unused C19 equipment in New York City! Previous sales of all kinds of protective gear and equipment sold for less than half a cent on the purchased dollar cost!!

Not counting the 5 dollar bid for a three legged pedestal, there are a host of items that are going for less than pennies on the original purchase dollar price.

Better hurry though, the auction expires today, 28 February 2023, unless extended!

Amazing how fear and panic contribute to very poor decision-making, right?

Here’s a snap shot of some of the items on offer, expiring 7 pm tonight EST:

Take the latest $1,000 price with zero bids, so far, for Face Shields for example, when you click on the link, you get this:

1.5 million face shields with no bids and a reserve (so far) of $1,000!!!! Imagine the kind of movie you could make on the cheap with a title called “Attack of the Sheep” all wearing these! The movie “Ghandi” only had 300,000 extras!

Or how about around 1,000 “Isolation Gowns” with a latest bid of $280 bucks here? 28 cents each!!!

Public Surplus: Auction #3212147

How on earth can this be happening? Well here is the back story:

NYC Agency Notes Not All COVID Gear Was Sold for Pennies — $99M Worth Is Being Tossed Out - THE CITY

Covered by Fox5NY here:

NYC sells $200M of COVID supplies for only $500K (

Any link between the original sellers of the gear, or those buying at less than a cent in the dollar and those working in the procurement departments of NYC is purely coincidental.

All auctioned items must be picked up from the city.

Hey, maybe the Red Cross, Oxfam, WHO, UNESCO or any of the host of foreign countries health procurement bodies might be interested, though I doubt they even know this auction is happening.


Ever think that the reason for the sale is because a lot of that protective gear has an expiration date?

They probably are expired, gas mask filters have an expiration date. I have two military-issue M-40 masks that use the USGI C2A1 NATO-standard threaded filters. The older expired C2 filters can give you chromium poisoning, and even the C2A1 is only good against CS gas. Body armor has an expiration date too and if not stored flat, can result in weak areas. Most of the stuff I saw in the auction has flexible kevlar inserts, probably level IIA or IIIA. Besides, AR500 plates are going pretty cheap these days.
I had to pick-up my G-Grandson from the learning center (fancy daycare) the other day and they had boxes and boxes of hand sanitizer they were giving away.

That would make great napalm if you mixed it with styrofoam. :laughing0301:

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