Filmaker: Investigate Russia's ties to Obama

TRUMP on the other hand is going to hit Russia where it hurts. Russia has oil. We have oil too and it is about to hit the global market for a much lower price than Putin can sell his.
We'll see just who loved Vlad more..........

What? Trump is about to open the arctic to the Russians and allow a massive $500 billion venture with Russia and Exxon that Obama blocked as part of the Crimea sanctions. And I'm amused that you don't know anything about cheap oil. What do you think killed the fracking industry? Hint: it wasn't expensive oil.

I am amused that you don't know anything.
Being one of the last hold outs in a sea of oil and gas and fracking contracts here in Ohio, I spent that time absorbing every fact I could about the lying oil companies and how to protect myself and my property against them, while getting the very best price and royalties for my portion of the goodies. I'll bet I know more about fracking than you do. My life here demands it.

And fracking is very much alive and well. Pipelines are being installed at breakneck speed like spiderwebs underground, overtime, eateries busy. Steel miles firing up again, food trucks everywhere, rentals are turning into bed and breakfasts to accommodate all the workers. America is getting back to work in Ohio and many other states.
Oil is about the only commodity Russia has on the global stage. We are about to glut the market. Russia won't be able to compete. But China will. They bought a third of Chesapeake Oil.
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Google, Muslim Brotherhood White House advisors for names and level of importance to Obama and Hitlery. And keep in mind that Egypt bans that very group from holding office in Egypt because they are ruthless killers.
Obama and the UN were responsible for the rioting, and used google to organize it all.

As for letting them handle their own shit, we then moved on to kill the leader in Libya, arm the opposition in Syria to overthrow their government. <You do recall Obama's jv team, right?

The Muslim Brotherhood in the White House bullshit is as fake as Ted Cruz's dad helping to kill JFK. As for Gaddafi, the U.S. has wanted to oust him for decades. His people rose up against him, and we helped them. We shouldn't have because the middle east is a complete waste of our time, but don't get on your high horse and act like Gaddafi was benevolent.
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.
I've always thought it odd that republicans would be so staunchly pro-Russia even though they are Iran's most important ally
But you don't find it odd that the "anti war" Democrats are on a total war footing with Russia, a nuclear superpower, just because crooked Hillary lost the election.
No dumbass. Because they invaded an ally of ours and coquered a significant part of their land without justification. Did you forget all that? Or are you one of the republicans that were cheering them on?
And this happened under the weak, inept, Obama "reset" administration.
Not much he could do about it with the GOP cheering Russia on and controlling most of the government.
As usual you have it all ass backwards. GOP didn't "cheer" anybody into invading Ukraine / Crimea, dumbass. Almost all of our adversaries became aggressive, because they realized we have a inept moron named Hussein Obama in the Whitehouse, who wasn't such a big fan of the US and what it stands for in the first place. We had the Russian invasion, the Chinese building the military islands, the famous Red Line and Syria's leader committing the genocide of over 400,000 of his own people, the creation of ISIS, the release of sanctions on Iran in exchange for nothing, North Korean aggression, the disastrous Obama promoted Arab Spring (turned into Islamic winter), etc. Is there anything that president shithead Hussein touched that wasn't tragic?

But we're going to zoom in on Russia and use it as an excuse, just because crooked Hillary lost.

Your fake outrage has been noted.
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I've always thought it odd that republicans would be so staunchly pro-Russia even though they are Iran's most important ally
But you don't find it odd that the "anti war" Democrats are on a total war footing with Russia, a nuclear superpower, just because crooked Hillary lost the election.
No dumbass. Because they invaded an ally of ours and coquered a significant part of their land without justification. Did you forget all that? Or are you one of the republicans that were cheering them on?

Do YOU forget about Obama overthrowing our ally in Egypt and replacing him with a terrorist group that was in the White House "advising" Obama? That worked out well for Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, didn't it.
People who live in glass houses....
Thank you for reminding people that Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are/were ALLIES. What Obama did to Mubarak is criminal.
Mubarak was a 30 year dictator. If Obama was in charge for 30 years, would you sit quietly because he is allied with some country on the other side of the world?
Obama helped the removal of Mubarak in exchange for an Islamist regime that oppresses women and minorities. Good job president Hussein! Instead he fingered his ass while Assad murdered over 400,000 of his own people. He also stepped aside in 2009 when the Iranian people were protesting the brutal Islamic regime, saying "it's non of our business blah blah blah" President Hussein was good at destroying our relationships with our allies.
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.

Prove it.

Then do some reading about Iran's plan to buy planes and drumpf's role in that.

You RWNJ Pootarians don't like it but fact is, Russia is not our friend.

Proof never satisfies leftist liberals.

But you post Fake News over and over especially coming from your Infowars all the time. I cannot imagine the morons reading these kind of bull crap?
Is this supposed to be credible?
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.

Prove it.

Then do some reading about Iran's plan to buy planes and drumpf's role in that.

You RWNJ Pootarians don't like it but fact is, Russia is not our friend.

I would be interested in knowing how and when Trump was attempting to sell Iran airplanes. Do you have a link? After all, the Iranians might buy some Boeing planes with the Billions that Obama gave them.
But you don't find it odd that the "anti war" Democrats are on a total war footing with Russia, a nuclear superpower, just because crooked Hillary lost the election.
No dumbass. Because they invaded an ally of ours and coquered a significant part of their land without justification. Did you forget all that? Or are you one of the republicans that were cheering them on?

Do YOU forget about Obama overthrowing our ally in Egypt and replacing him with a terrorist group that was in the White House "advising" Obama? That worked out well for Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, didn't it.
People who live in glass houses....
Thank you for reminding people that Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are/were ALLIES. What Obama did to Mubarak is criminal.
Mubarak was a 30 year dictator. If Obama was in charge for 30 years, would you sit quietly because he is allied with some country on the other side of the world?
Obama helped the removal of Mubarak in exchange for an Islamist regime that oppresses women and minorities. Good job president Hussein! Instead he fingered his ass while Assad murdered over 400,000 of his own people. He also stepped aside in 2009 when the Iranian people were protesting the brutal Islamic regime, saying "it's non of our business blah blah blah" President Hussein was good at destroying our relationships with our allies.

That is not true. All dictators doesn't last forever............ young Egyptians wanted changes. It doesn't matter who is the US president those changes are bound to happen.
A good example of that coming in the near future is Iran........ young Iranians will revolt against these mullah hardliners. That's my prediction.

Obama stepped aside in 2009 about Iran. I'm lost..... what is that mean?
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The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.

Prove it.

Then do some reading about Iran's plan to buy planes and drumpf's role in that.

You RWNJ Pootarians don't like it but fact is, Russia is not our friend.

I would be interested in knowing how and when Trump was attempting to sell Iran airplanes. Do you have a link? After all, the Iranians might buy some Boeing planes with the Billions that Obama gave them.

I thought the deal was sealed by Obama in Sept. 2016

U.S. Approves Export Of Boeing And Airbus Planes To Iran
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.

Prove it.

Then do some reading about Iran's plan to buy planes and drumpf's role in that.

You RWNJ Pootarians don't like it but fact is, Russia is not our friend.

I would be interested in knowing how and when Trump was attempting to sell Iran airplanes. Do you have a link? After all, the Iranians might buy some Boeing planes with the Billions that Obama gave them.

Those were Iranians money not ours.
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.
I've always thought it odd that republicans would be so staunchly pro-Russia even though they are Iran's most important ally
Again proving Democrats turn lies into truth and truth into lies..

Never forget how Ted Kennedy went to Russia to undermine President Reagan
Carr: Forget Donald Trump, Teddy Kennedy was Moscow’s bestie
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No dumbass. Because they invaded an ally of ours and coquered a significant part of their land without justification. Did you forget all that? Or are you one of the republicans that were cheering them on?

Do YOU forget about Obama overthrowing our ally in Egypt and replacing him with a terrorist group that was in the White House "advising" Obama? That worked out well for Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, didn't it.
People who live in glass houses....
Thank you for reminding people that Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are/were ALLIES. What Obama did to Mubarak is criminal.
Mubarak was a 30 year dictator. If Obama was in charge for 30 years, would you sit quietly because he is allied with some country on the other side of the world?
Obama helped the removal of Mubarak in exchange for an Islamist regime that oppresses women and minorities. Good job president Hussein! Instead he fingered his ass while Assad murdered over 400,000 of his own people. He also stepped aside in 2009 when the Iranian people were protesting the brutal Islamic regime, saying "it's non of our business blah blah blah" President Hussein was good at destroying our relationships with our allies.

That is not true. All dictators doesn't last forever............ young Egyptians wanted changes. It doesn't matter who is the US president those changes are bound to happen.
A good example of that coming in the near future is Iran........ young Iranians will revolt against these mullah hardliners. That's my prediction.

Obama stepped aside in 2009 about Iran. I'm lost..... what is that mean?
Apparently your memory fails you. Obama helped push out Mubarek, and then an Islamist named Morsi from the barbaric Muslim Brotherhood stepped into the void. Lucky for the Egyptian people General Sissi took over saved Egypt from the abyss. But when it came to supporting the Iranian protesters from the barbaric Mullahs, suddenly he became mum. Obama has consistently been on the side of Islamists throughout his presidency. He also helped topple Yemen and Libya and what do we have now? Islamic terrorist shitholes.
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.

Prove it.

Then do some reading about Iran's plan to buy planes and drumpf's role in that.

You RWNJ Pootarians don't like it but fact is, Russia is not our friend.

I would be interested in knowing how and when Trump was attempting to sell Iran airplanes. Do you have a link? After all, the Iranians might buy some Boeing planes with the Billions that Obama gave them.

Those were Iranians money not ours.

It was their money as soon as they paid us for the US Embassy that they took over and paid the damages to the hostage they imprisoned.
Do YOU forget about Obama overthrowing our ally in Egypt and replacing him with a terrorist group that was in the White House "advising" Obama? That worked out well for Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, didn't it.
People who live in glass houses....
Thank you for reminding people that Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are/were ALLIES. What Obama did to Mubarak is criminal.
Mubarak was a 30 year dictator. If Obama was in charge for 30 years, would you sit quietly because he is allied with some country on the other side of the world?
Obama helped the removal of Mubarak in exchange for an Islamist regime that oppresses women and minorities. Good job president Hussein! Instead he fingered his ass while Assad murdered over 400,000 of his own people. He also stepped aside in 2009 when the Iranian people were protesting the brutal Islamic regime, saying "it's non of our business blah blah blah" President Hussein was good at destroying our relationships with our allies.

That is not true. All dictators doesn't last forever............ young Egyptians wanted changes. It doesn't matter who is the US president those changes are bound to happen.
A good example of that coming in the near future is Iran........ young Iranians will revolt against these mullah hardliners. That's my prediction.

Obama stepped aside in 2009 about Iran. I'm lost..... what is that mean?
Apparently your memory fails you. Obama helped push out Mubarek, and then an Islamist named Morsi from the barbaric Muslim Brotherhood stepped into the void. Lucky for the Egyptian people General Sissi took over saved Egypt from the abyss.
But when it came to supporting the Iranian protesters from the barbaric Mullahs, suddenly he became mum. Obama has consistently been on the side of Islamists throughout his presidency. He also helped topple Yemen and Libya and what do we have now? Islamic terrorist shitholes.

1. How in the world Obama push Mubarak out? Explain how Obama push Mubarak out. As far as I know Egyptians revolted against Mubarak.
2. Morsi was democratically elected that American government support regardless who is the POTUS but Morsi was a mistake. Again Egyptians revolted June 2013 followed by coup detat led by Sisi push Morsi out.

3. Libya.......... if we didn't get involved. Do you think Gaddafi regime will last? Either we get involved or not Gaddafi government is bound to fail......... Again Libyans revolted against Gaddafi.

You blame Obama for supporting the Libyans toppling Gaddafi the dictator, murderer and terrorist supporter for decades.

AT THE SAME TIME....... you are blaming Obama for NOT supporting the Iranian protesters in 2009 against the mullahs. In short you want to topple Iranian regime........... Am I right? So what do you think will happen if Obama helped the Iranians toppled the mullahs?
4. Yemen. Explain how Obama toppled the Yemeni government.

How/what do you expect from Obama should handle all these conflicts?
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.

Prove it.

Then do some reading about Iran's plan to buy planes and drumpf's role in that.

You RWNJ Pootarians don't like it but fact is, Russia is not our friend.

I would be interested in knowing how and when Trump was attempting to sell Iran airplanes. Do you have a link? After all, the Iranians might buy some Boeing planes with the Billions that Obama gave them.

Those were Iranians money not ours.

It was their money as soon as they paid us for the US Embassy that they took over and paid the damages to the hostage they imprisoned.

That was not part of any deal but you can make it as your new deal then ask Trump to help you.
The flexibility Obama was referring to was to sell Putin our uranium mines so it could be passed on to Obama's true love, Iran. Treasonous.

Prove it.

Then do some reading about Iran's plan to buy planes and drumpf's role in that.

You RWNJ Pootarians don't like it but fact is, Russia is not our friend.

I would be interested in knowing how and when Trump was attempting to sell Iran airplanes. Do you have a link? After all, the Iranians might buy some Boeing planes with the Billions that Obama gave them.

Those were Iranians money not ours.

It was their money as soon as they paid us for the US Embassy that they took over and paid the damages to the hostage they imprisoned.

That was not part of any deal but you can make it as your new deal then ask Trump to help you.

It should have been part of the deal, but Obama was more interested in his legacy than looking out for the United States. Now the Iranians have billions to support terrorists groups and develop and test their ballistic missiles.
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Thank you for reminding people that Egypt and Hosni Mubarak are/were ALLIES. What Obama did to Mubarak is criminal.
Mubarak was a 30 year dictator. If Obama was in charge for 30 years, would you sit quietly because he is allied with some country on the other side of the world?
Obama helped the removal of Mubarak in exchange for an Islamist regime that oppresses women and minorities. Good job president Hussein! Instead he fingered his ass while Assad murdered over 400,000 of his own people. He also stepped aside in 2009 when the Iranian people were protesting the brutal Islamic regime, saying "it's non of our business blah blah blah" President Hussein was good at destroying our relationships with our allies.

That is not true. All dictators doesn't last forever............ young Egyptians wanted changes. It doesn't matter who is the US president those changes are bound to happen.
A good example of that coming in the near future is Iran........ young Iranians will revolt against these mullah hardliners. That's my prediction.

Obama stepped aside in 2009 about Iran. I'm lost..... what is that mean?
Apparently your memory fails you. Obama helped push out Mubarek, and then an Islamist named Morsi from the barbaric Muslim Brotherhood stepped into the void. Lucky for the Egyptian people General Sissi took over saved Egypt from the abyss.
But when it came to supporting the Iranian protesters from the barbaric Mullahs, suddenly he became mum. Obama has consistently been on the side of Islamists throughout his presidency. He also helped topple Yemen and Libya and what do we have now? Islamic terrorist shitholes.

1. How in the world Obama push Mubarak out? Explain how Obama push Mubarak out. As far as I know Egyptians revolted against Mubarak.
2. Morsi was democratically elected that American government support regardless who is the POTUS but Morsi was a mistake. Again Egyptians revolted June 2013 followed by coup detat led by Sisi push Morsi out.

3. Libya.......... if we didn't get involved. Do you think Gaddafi regime will last? Either we get involved or not Gaddafi government is bound to fail......... Again Libyans revolted against Gaddafi.

You blame Obama for supporting the Libyans toppling Gaddafi the dictator, murderer and terrorist supporter for decades.

AT THE SAME TIME....... you are blaming Obama for NOT supporting the Iranian protesters in 2009 against the mullahs. In short you want to topple Iranian regime........... Am I right? So what do you think will happen if Obama helped the Iranians toppled the mullahs?
4. Yemen. Explain how Obama toppled the Yemeni government.

How/what do you expect from Obama should handle all these conflicts?

1 and 2.

July 3, 2014 3:52 PM

"Caught between military dictatorship and Muslim Brotherhood rule, Egyptians face a choice between bad and worse. Through its rhetoric and aid policy, Obama administration has consistently favored the worst of the bad lot.
Responsible foreign policy requires the ability to distinguish between bad outcomes, and a willingness to accept something less than desirable when necessary. In Egypt, the Obama administration has treated military rule as the worst, and perhaps the only, catastrophe that could befall Egypt. Whether intentionally or not, this line of thinking has led to policies that favor Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Consider the way Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provided Morsi with verbal support in the critical days leading up to the June 24, 2012, presidential election. In a discussion hosted at the State Department three days before the election, Clinton said it was “imperative that the military fulfill its promise to the Egyptian people to turn power over to the legitimate winner.” She also warned about the danger of “backtracking,” to a military regime.

Caught between military dictatorship and Muslim Brotherhood rule, Egyptians face a choice between bad and worse. Through its rhetoric and aid policy, Obama administration has consistently favored the worst of the bad lot. Today, Thursday, July 3, marks the one-year anniversary of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Mohamed Morsi’s ouster from the presidency by the Egyptian military in the wake of massive protests. Morsi’s successor, former defense minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, was sworn in as president this past June 8. While Sisi is undeniably authoritarian, he has not openly allied himself with jihadi terrorists as Morsi has. In his inaugural address, Morsi announced his intention to agitate for the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman from U.S. custody. Rahman, known in the U.S. as the “blind sheikh,” is implicated in the 1981 assassination of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat, the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, and numerous other terrorist plots.

Responsible foreign policy requires the ability to distinguish between bad outcomes, and a willingness to accept something less than desirable when necessary. In Egypt, the Obama administration has treated military rule as the worst, and perhaps the only, catastrophe that could befall Egypt. Whether intentionally or not, this line of thinking has led to policies that favor Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Consider the way Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provided Morsi with verbal support in the critical days leading up to the June 24, 2012, presidential election. In a discussion hosted at the State Department three days before the election, Clinton said it was “imperative that the military fulfill its promise to the Egyptian people to turn power over to the legitimate winner.” She also warned about the danger of “backtracking,” to a military regime. In a different context, those remarks would be entirely reasonable. The rub is that Morsi’s competitor, Ahmed Shafiq, was a military man denounced by critics as a throwback to the Mubarak regime. Clinton’s uttering of these words in the eleventh hour of the campaign — without any warning about the dangers of Islamist government — could only have undermined him.

The Obama administration’s use of foreign aid — arguably America’s biggest political lever — has also tended to favor the Muslim Brotherhood. Thanks to the Camp David accords, Egypt receives $1.5 billion of aid annually, most of which is earmarked for the military. That makes Egypt the second biggest recipient of U.S. aid next to Israel. Both countries have come to rely on the aid."
Mubarak was a 30 year dictator. If Obama was in charge for 30 years, would you sit quietly because he is allied with some country on the other side of the world?
Obama helped the removal of Mubarak in exchange for an Islamist regime that oppresses women and minorities. Good job president Hussein! Instead he fingered his ass while Assad murdered over 400,000 of his own people. He also stepped aside in 2009 when the Iranian people were protesting the brutal Islamic regime, saying "it's non of our business blah blah blah" President Hussein was good at destroying our relationships with our allies.

That is not true. All dictators doesn't last forever............ young Egyptians wanted changes. It doesn't matter who is the US president those changes are bound to happen.
A good example of that coming in the near future is Iran........ young Iranians will revolt against these mullah hardliners. That's my prediction.

Obama stepped aside in 2009 about Iran. I'm lost..... what is that mean?
Apparently your memory fails you. Obama helped push out Mubarek, and then an Islamist named Morsi from the barbaric Muslim Brotherhood stepped into the void. Lucky for the Egyptian people General Sissi took over saved Egypt from the abyss.
But when it came to supporting the Iranian protesters from the barbaric Mullahs, suddenly he became mum. Obama has consistently been on the side of Islamists throughout his presidency. He also helped topple Yemen and Libya and what do we have now? Islamic terrorist shitholes.

1. How in the world Obama push Mubarak out? Explain how Obama push Mubarak out. As far as I know Egyptians revolted against Mubarak.
2. Morsi was democratically elected that American government support regardless who is the POTUS but Morsi was a mistake. Again Egyptians revolted June 2013 followed by coup detat led by Sisi push Morsi out.

3. Libya.......... if we didn't get involved. Do you think Gaddafi regime will last? Either we get involved or not Gaddafi government is bound to fail......... Again Libyans revolted against Gaddafi.

You blame Obama for supporting the Libyans toppling Gaddafi the dictator, murderer and terrorist supporter for decades.

AT THE SAME TIME....... you are blaming Obama for NOT supporting the Iranian protesters in 2009 against the mullahs. In short you want to topple Iranian regime........... Am I right? So what do you think will happen if Obama helped the Iranians toppled the mullahs?
4. Yemen. Explain how Obama toppled the Yemeni government.

How/what do you expect from Obama should handle all these conflicts?

1 and 2.

July 3, 2014 3:52 PM

"Caught between military dictatorship and Muslim Brotherhood rule, Egyptians face a choice between bad and worse. Through its rhetoric and aid policy, Obama administration has consistently favored the worst of the bad lot.
Responsible foreign policy requires the ability to distinguish between bad outcomes, and a willingness to accept something less than desirable when necessary. In Egypt, the Obama administration has treated military rule as the worst, and perhaps the only, catastrophe that could befall Egypt. Whether intentionally or not, this line of thinking has led to policies that favor Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. Consider the way Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provided Morsi with verbal support in the critical days leading up to the June 24, 2012, presidential election. In a discussion hosted at the State Department three days before the election, Clinton said it was “imperative that the military fulfill its promise to the Egyptian people to turn power over to the legitimate winner.” She also warned about the danger of “backtracking,” to a military regime.

Caught between military dictatorship and Muslim Brotherhood rule, Egyptians face a choice between bad and worse. Through its rhetoric and aid policy, Obama administration has consistently favored the worst of the bad lot. Today, Thursday, July 3, marks the one-year anniversary of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Mohamed Morsi’s ouster from the presidency by the Egyptian military in the wake of massive protests. Morsi’s successor, former defense minister Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, was sworn in as president this past June 8. While Sisi is undeniably authoritarian, he has not openly allied himself with jihadi terrorists as Morsi has. In his inaugural address, Morsi announced his intention to agitate for the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman from U.S. custody. Rahman, known in the U.S. as the “blind sheikh,” is implicated in the 1981 assassination of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat, the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, and numerous other terrorist plots.

Responsible foreign policy requires the ability to distinguish between bad outcomes, and a willingness to accept something less than desirable when necessary. In Egypt, the Obama administration has treated military rule as the worst, and perhaps the only, catastrophe that could befall Egypt. Whether intentionally or not, this line of thinking has led to policies that favor Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Consider the way Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provided Morsi with verbal support in the critical days leading up to the June 24, 2012, presidential election. In a discussion hosted at the State Department three days before the election, Clinton said it was “imperative that the military fulfill its promise to the Egyptian people to turn power over to the legitimate winner.” She also warned about the danger of “backtracking,” to a military regime. In a different context, those remarks would be entirely reasonable. The rub is that Morsi’s competitor, Ahmed Shafiq, was a military man denounced by critics as a throwback to the Mubarak regime. Clinton’s uttering of these words in the eleventh hour of the campaign — without any warning about the dangers of Islamist government — could only have undermined him.

The Obama administration’s use of foreign aid — arguably America’s biggest political lever — has also tended to favor the Muslim Brotherhood. Thanks to the Camp David accords, Egypt receives $1.5 billion of aid annually, most of which is earmarked for the military. That makes Egypt the second biggest recipient of U.S. aid next to Israel. Both countries have come to rely on the aid."

You purposely omitted where your post (reference) came from but Im familiar better than you can imagine.
It came from National Review written by Spencer Case July 3, 2014, a far right wing BIAS media.
I don't consider this as credible. This is not even come close to what I'm referring in #1 and #2. What happened to 3 & 4?

Reasons why Egyptians revolted against Mubarak are the following: corruptions, police brutality, unemployment, increase in commodity prices, censorships, low wages, electoral fraud etc.

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