Fillon vs Le Pen


Wood Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 17, 2014
Looks like the French presidential election comes down to Francois Fillon vs Marine Le Pen.

Fillon is seen as the socially conservative lower taxes dude.

Le Pen is National Front which is usually described as far-right for its strict immigration stance, but its actually quite socialist. She is angling for the low income voters.

Just curious about this election if anyone has something to add.
I have friends in France keeping me informed. They are Fillon supporters.
Only duped US RWers like Putin...Some guy wants to go up against Hollande now. Whatever

Hollande has another month and he's done. If he were to run again (which he isn't) polls show he wouldn't even make it out of his own party primary, and his party is out of the competition.

That's my understanding, at a glance
Manuel Valls is running against Hollande, he might have a chance against Fillon, in particular because he is extremely conservative in some matters for someone in the Socialist party, almost like he's in the wrong party.
Manuel Valls is running against Hollande, he might have a chance against Fillon, in particular because he is extremely conservative in some matters for someone in the Socialist party, almost like he's in the wrong party.

Okay, that's informative. Even Holland's party needs to put on a conservative face to get traction.

The 62-year-old Hollande is France's most unpopular leader in modern history and has yet to declare his intention, but is expected to do so in December.
~Reuters Oct 3rd

I feel like this election is the tipping point for the survival of the EU.
Macron is presently polling as the Socialist's best hope but his agenda is to free business and employment from the burdensome employment laws largely put into place by previous Socialist administrations. Macron despite having served as Minister of the Economy for Hollande is pretty much seen as an outsider and not as a loyalist, which could work in his favour.

Macron is an 'arriviste' with very centrist politics. Fillon is a political hack swinging right for demagogic mileage. Marine Le Pen is out of her depth at he level of international economics and politics, though she has guided her inherited political party to a seemingly more moderate, acceptable place. Valls is not officially in the race, but could easily spring forward to fill the gap if/when Hollande renounces his incumbent position. Of all these mentioned, Macron is perhaps currently the most popular, but as a traitor to the administration/government he served, would be handicapped in running things.
Macron is an 'arriviste' with very centrist politics. Fillon is a political hack swinging right for demagogic mileage. Marine Le Pen is out of her depth at he level of international economics and politics, though she has guided her inherited political party to a seemingly more moderate, acceptable place. Valls is not officially in the race, but could easily spring forward to fill the gap if/when Hollande renounces his incumbent position. Of all these mentioned, Macron is perhaps currently the most popular, but as a traitor to the administration/government he served, would be handicapped in running things.

Fillon is a hack and Juppe carries a lot of baggage, so not much of a choice on the right. The only thing going for Fillon is that many French still find it hard to vote for the Front Nationale and Le Pen - many threaten to but on election day can't seem to follow through.

The left is saddled with many of the same problems as the right and add to that Hollande's historically low polling numbers. Macron may well be a self-promoting hack like the others but he has two things in his favour: 1. He is relatively new to politics (and can claim to be an outsider), 2. He has managed to avoid being implicated in scandals that plague politicians on both the left and the right. Even Valls was under fire not so long ago for his misuse of government property as PM.

If Fillon makes a misstep I wouldn't be surprised if Macron moves up in the polls.

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