Fight for House speaker explodes into national political campaign

Successful, he lived and made money off of his daddy then Russians, and he was a reality TV personality. Wow he has you fooled.

Trump was loaded long before he decided to descend the escalator at his domicile and serve as our President. That's the point, his limitation on tax deductions for local taxes hurts him a lot.

BTW, Trump was respected by Leftards the world over, until he got out of line and actually decided to serve the nation he loves as our President. Both Bill as well as Hillary were guests at his tremendous wedding with Melania and had a tremendous time.

No due to him being successful. More like he evaded taxes at all costs, over 300 LLC's.

No one cared or mentioned allegation of tax fraud for the past 40 years for Mr. Trump. Not until he decided to step forward and descend the escalator at his humble home to serve the nation he loves as our President.

He has not been a patriot to the US , and we are all aware of that, even though you do not claim this fact. He got you hook , line and sinker.
Music legend Barbra Streisand retweeted a list of Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s biggest legislative achievements. Film director Rob Reiner called her “the smartest, toughest strategic thinker in our party.” And tennis champ Martina Navratilova wondered aloud why Pelosi’s job was at risk but her Senate counterpart’s position was in no such trouble.

“Go figure,” Navratilova tweeted. “A man loses and keeps his place, a woman wins and gets booted?!?”

While congressional leadership fights have historically revolved around insular matters such as committee assignments and rules changes, the battle over who will lead the newly empowered House Democrats has exploded into a national political campaign.

At stake is not merely the House speakership, a job second in line to the presidency, but who will emerge as the country’s most high-profile counterpoint to President Trump — who will set the strategy for investigating him, who will lead the opposition to his agenda, and who will be the face of the Democratic Party ahead of the 2020 campaign.

Fight for House speaker explodes into national political campaign

Will Pelosi come out on top again and if she does will the results be the same as they were when she was the leader of the House in the past.

What changes does she need to make to not repeat the thrashing Democrats took the last time she was the Speaker.
Dems took a lashing from passing Obama care, now everyone wants to keep it.....

President Trump got rid of the Hated Individual Mandate

Only the "true" freeloader do not like the mandate.

The only man-date that Obama had was with Louis Farrakahn

View attachment 229459

Nice picture, a group of strong black men.
Music legend Barbra Streisand retweeted a list of Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s biggest legislative achievements. Film director Rob Reiner called her “the smartest, toughest strategic thinker in our party.” And tennis champ Martina Navratilova wondered aloud why Pelosi’s job was at risk but her Senate counterpart’s position was in no such trouble.

“Go figure,” Navratilova tweeted. “A man loses and keeps his place, a woman wins and gets booted?!?”

While congressional leadership fights have historically revolved around insular matters such as committee assignments and rules changes, the battle over who will lead the newly empowered House Democrats has exploded into a national political campaign.

At stake is not merely the House speakership, a job second in line to the presidency, but who will emerge as the country’s most high-profile counterpoint to President Trump — who will set the strategy for investigating him, who will lead the opposition to his agenda, and who will be the face of the Democratic Party ahead of the 2020 campaign.

Fight for House speaker explodes into national political campaign

Will Pelosi come out on top again and if she does will the results be the same as they were when she was the leader of the House in the past.

What changes does she need to make to not repeat the thrashing Democrats took the last time she was the Speaker.
Dems took a lashing from passing Obama care, now everyone wants to keep it.....

President Trump got rid of the Hated Individual Mandate

Only the "true" freeloader do not like the mandate.

I don't like the Individual Mandate, and I'm no freeloader in any sense of the word.

Forcing people to buy a product that they do not want or need is un-American. A lot of Americans never go to the doctor or to the hospital or go so infrequently that they would just as soon pay their own bill. I was like that for a number of years- not so much now but when I was a young man. My grandfather was like that. He arrived in America in 1908 and did not believe in doctors. Did not see them ever, but as an old man they finally broke him down and got him to see a doctor about some of his medical complaints. He entered the hospital and was dead within a fortnight.

Mandating purchase of a product of service that someone has decided they don't want is communistic as well as nazific. People aren't taught this, but Socialized Medicine was one of the pillars of National Socialism that we fought during WWII. Dr. Joe Mengele was a government paid physician NOT in private practice. Look it up, that's a fact.
Who paid your grandfather's hospital bill and final expenses?
Will Pelosi come out on top again and if she does will the results be the same as they were when she was the leader of the House in the past.

What changes does she need to make to not repeat the thrashing Democrats took the last time she was the Speaker.
Dems took a lashing from passing Obama care, now everyone wants to keep it.....

President Trump got rid of the Hated Individual Mandate

Only the "true" freeloader do not like the mandate.

I don't like the Individual Mandate, and I'm no freeloader in any sense of the word.

Forcing people to buy a product that they do not want or need is un-American. A lot of Americans never go to the doctor or to the hospital or go so infrequently that they would just as soon pay their own bill. I was like that for a number of years- not so much now but when I was a young man. My grandfather was like that. He arrived in America in 1908 and did not believe in doctors. Did not see them ever, but as an old man they finally broke him down and got him to see a doctor about some of his medical complaints. He entered the hospital and was dead within a fortnight.

Mandating purchase of a product of service that someone has decided they don't want is communistic as well as nazific. People aren't taught this, but Socialized Medicine was one of the pillars of National Socialism that we fought during WWII. Dr. Joe Mengele was a government paid physician NOT in private practice. Look it up, that's a fact.
Who paid your grandfather's hospital bill and final expenses?

That wasn't shared with me, but the gentleman had money. Whether he had life insurance or not, I couldn't say. There was medicare back then, but he was self-employed and didn't work for wages during after the Social Security Act was passed.

But the point is that he had money, and paid his own way.
Will Pelosi come out on top again and if she does will the results be the same as they were when she was the leader of the House in the past.

What changes does she need to make to not repeat the thrashing Democrats took the last time she was the Speaker.
Dems took a lashing from passing Obama care, now everyone wants to keep it.....

President Trump got rid of the Hated Individual Mandate

Only the "true" freeloader do not like the mandate.

I don't like the Individual Mandate, and I'm no freeloader in any sense of the word.

Forcing people to buy a product that they do not want or need is un-American. A lot of Americans never go to the doctor or to the hospital or go so infrequently that they would just as soon pay their own bill. I was like that for a number of years- not so much now but when I was a young man. My grandfather was like that. He arrived in America in 1908 and did not believe in doctors. Did not see them ever, but as an old man they finally broke him down and got him to see a doctor about some of his medical complaints. He entered the hospital and was dead within a fortnight.

Mandating purchase of a product of service that someone has decided they don't want is communistic as well as nazific. People aren't taught this, but Socialized Medicine was one of the pillars of National Socialism that we fought during WWII. Dr. Joe Mengele was a government paid physician NOT in private practice. Look it up, that's a fact.
Who paid your grandfather's hospital bill and final expenses?

They couldn't afford to go to the hospital.
Dems took a lashing from passing Obama care, now everyone wants to keep it.....

President Trump got rid of the Hated Individual Mandate

Only the "true" freeloader do not like the mandate.

I don't like the Individual Mandate, and I'm no freeloader in any sense of the word.

Forcing people to buy a product that they do not want or need is un-American. A lot of Americans never go to the doctor or to the hospital or go so infrequently that they would just as soon pay their own bill. I was like that for a number of years- not so much now but when I was a young man. My grandfather was like that. He arrived in America in 1908 and did not believe in doctors. Did not see them ever, but as an old man they finally broke him down and got him to see a doctor about some of his medical complaints. He entered the hospital and was dead within a fortnight.

Mandating purchase of a product of service that someone has decided they don't want is communistic as well as nazific. People aren't taught this, but Socialized Medicine was one of the pillars of National Socialism that we fought during WWII. Dr. Joe Mengele was a government paid physician NOT in private practice. Look it up, that's a fact.
Who paid your grandfather's hospital bill and final expenses?

They couldn't afford to go to the hospital.

Au contraire, I remember him in the hospital, waving from the window when they were apparently killing him. The next time I saw him, he was in the funeral home
I am all for Pelosi for being speaker of the House. We do not need a newbie in there, and the Republicans just hate her (wonder why?), but she knows the GOP tactics and we need her.

Please please please make her the speaker.

It will make, an otherwise difficult task of getting the house back...pretty easy.


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