Fetterman’s Debate Performance Proves Early Voting Should Be Banned Completely

I really don’t know why people vote R. They are recession prone and the. It takes a two term Democrat to fix it. The only thing you 5slk about are tax cuts, and you pick the trashiest people you can run. Gee wiz, What did this country ever do to you, that you try to destroy it. Gone. Just dropped by. Don’t have to answer, know already what you will say.
Talk about trash------Schumer, Pelosi, AOC and her crew, Waters, Schiff. I will stop there as just naming them makes me cringe. OH, just one more, a certain first lady who for the first time in our history proudly proclaimed that she was not proud of this country. Now she is rumored to run for the presidency, I would spit on her before ever voting for that bitch.
Well, Oz had to lie. Fetterman has something for sure Oz doesn’t have, integrity. Like any good Trump cheating R, are you suggesting all votes soft early voting should be negated, or all votes should be transferred to Oz. You have to remember, there is a candidate in G who writes his name with an H. Makes one wonder if he can spell his own name. Fetterman is capable. He did remarkably well.
You can't be that loonie so you must be incredibly desperate. You're also one of the most heartless folks here on an anonymous message board. I'm so impressed.
Good for you. I use a walker and no longer drive so like Trump, I vote by mail.

It depends on the debate. Fetterman showed that he has brain damage and is in competent to hold the office. That only takes one debate.

No, he showed that he is still suffering the effects of a stroke as such things tend to linger
I thought Fetterman was struggling a bit, but even post stroke he was sharper than Dr Oz.. Oz is another TV quasi expert.. Have you ever watched his TV show?
You are so full of shit it's impossible to believe.
No, he showed that he is still suffering the effects of a stroke as such things tend to linger
The effects of a stroke are often permanent brain damage. Furthermore, why should anyone vote for him if they aren't sure he's going to get better, just to be nice?
If that one debate didn't change your mind nothing will...which is why you guys are called demacultist.

Anyone remotely on the fence or with a rational brain, ran to go vote for Oz.

Like any Repub could ever keep you from voting for them!

The effects of a stroke are often permanent brain damage. Furthermore, why should anyone vote for him if they aren't sure he's going to get better, just to be nice?

Perhaps because he is still better choice than a TV doctor that does not even live in the state.

When your two choices are syphilis or gonorrhea one cannot be blamed for which one they choose.
Quantify this. Cite your sources.

Such things are a personal preference, those that vote for him find him to the better choice.

If I lived in the state I would vote for neither as neither are worthy of a vote.
So... it's your biased opinion, no more compelling than a biased opinion to the contrary.

It was not my opinion at all, a question was asked and I gave a possible answer to the question.

These simple discussions seem a tad above your reading level.
Best you could do. Sad.

Once again a question was asked and I gave a possible answer to the question.

Maybe you can find you a 4th grader to read the thread for you since you cannot seem to keep up

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