Ferguson savages steal car from old guy w oxygen tank. Then run him over.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Ferguson was never about protesting. It's always been about looting and mayhem.

Ferguson man attacked with his oxygen supply and then run over Daily Mail Online

nov 26 2014
A third nights of protests against Officer Darren Wilson not being charged over the death of Michael Brown has begun as footage has emerged showing an elderly man who run over after two people stole his car in Ferguson during Monday night's disturbances.

The aftermath of the incident was captured by a St. Louis news crew and shows the chaotic scene in the parking lot of Faraci Pizza.

The victim is shown lying face down on the pavement with his oxygen tank beside him.
The 85 IQ negro in the White House is even more to blame than the animals who perpetrated this despicable act. Small wonder Mexicans and African immigrants are jumping the White House fence trying to kill the little bastard. Honestly, I'll be surprised if he lives through his last two years in office. When it happens, it'll be a black person pulling the trigger. Just wait and see.

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