Ferguson Rent-A-Mob Exposed


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

ACORN's successor MORE brought them in and hasn't paid some of them.

We know this because some of the protesters haven’t been paid and, now, they are demanding what they were promised. They held a sit-in at the offices of Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) and posted a demand letter online.

Does this shock any of you? Not me. Bits and pieces have managed to come out in spite of the Lame Street Media's effort to bury it. The same ones that show up there will be in Philadelphia and other cities this Summer.

Read the story @ http://www.frontpagemag.com/2015/matthew-vadum/ferguson-rent-a-mobs-exposed/ and watch the liberals here scream and rant over the source – ignoring the FACTS as usual.

And there's more @ Ferguson Protesters Protest Not Getting Their Checks For Protesting Weasel Zippers
Confirmation of what I knew to be going on. Where there is fire....
Free enterprise at work; just meeting market demand!

Ahh, the glories of capitalism! Anyone with an idea can succeed!
Anyone beside me notice that no liberals are trying to decry this thread or claim how untrue it is

The same went on in Philadelphia and will go on across the country this summer.

Where are the lefties on this?
If Corporations and Special Interests can buy 30 minute commercials, it's not much of a stretch to imagine that Corporations and Special Interests employ "Rent-A-Mobs".

Just imagine America as a daily episode of The Sopranos and it'll all make perfect sense.

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