Ferguson Fair Outrage: Fair for Whom?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
Considering the Ferguson story, the country is split into parts. Some think that the policeman did everything right, others support the citizens in their outrage. And the citizens are rioting demanding justice. But their demand takes ugly forms. Just think about those who have become the victims of such ‘justice’. Like Natalie DuBose whose business is ruined. She got help from the community, but what about others? Are the rioters going to do that? Or the government should cover up for them?

Even in the best of times, survival rates for small businesses don’t inspire loads of confidence. Fifty percent of them close after four years.

But Natalie DuBose of Ferguson, Mo., did not open her shop in the best of times. She opened Natalie’s Cakes and More in downtown Ferguson in June. In August, police officer Darren Wilson, who is white, shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown.

The city erupted.

DuBose’s customer base evaporated. She went two weeks without a single person walking into her shop, she told local media. Then things turned around. After interviews with local radio and television stations, her community turned out to support her business.

Then, this week, DuBose was faced with another crisis. After news broke that a grand jury would not charge Wilson, rioters broke the glass of her storefront Monday night. They damaged baking equipment.

Community Internet rally to help Ferguson cake proprietor Natalie DuBose rebuild - The Washington Post
Considering the Ferguson story, the country is split into parts. Some think that the policeman did everything right, others support the citizens in their outrage. And the citizens are rioting demanding justice. But their demand takes ugly forms. Just think about those who have become the victims of such ‘justice’. Like Natalie DuBose whose business is ruined. She got help from the community, but what about others? Are the rioters going to do that? Or the government should cover up for them?

Even in the best of times, survival rates for small businesses don’t inspire loads of confidence. Fifty percent of them close after four years.

But Natalie DuBose of Ferguson, Mo., did not open her shop in the best of times. She opened Natalie’s Cakes and More in downtown Ferguson in June. In August, police officer Darren Wilson, who is white, shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown.

The city erupted.

DuBose’s customer base evaporated. She went two weeks without a single person walking into her shop, she told local media. Then things turned around. After interviews with local radio and television stations, her community turned out to support her business.

Then, this week, DuBose was faced with another crisis. After news broke that a grand jury would not charge Wilson, rioters broke the glass of her storefront Monday night. They damaged baking equipment.

Community Internet rally to help Ferguson cake proprietor Natalie DuBose rebuild - The Washington Post

It is fantastic to see the broader community rallying around this Lady. Thanks for the link.

It's not "Fair" Outrage...it's fomented and encouraged by Elites who benefit from an attitude that People Of Color are ignorant and unable to take care of themselves.
The country is not split over this.

Normal folks know that the grand jury made the right decision.

Indeed. The Leftwing bubble is so hardened that they can't understand how out of touch they are with normal Americans.
It's not "Fair" Outrage...it's fomented and encouraged by Elites who benefit from an attitude that People Of Color are ignorant and unable to take care of themselves.
Yes, completely agree with you. But I think that now Elites are using this situation in Ferguson to deflect attention away from more serious and dangerous problems like public debt, international policy failes and mistakes, stupid war against ISIS and etc.

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