Ferguson: Decision thread; Chaos is about to set loose


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Im seeing that a decision is imminent. Either today or Monday? Id be shocked if they do it near Thanksgiving. But maybe thats the strategy. Do it Wednsday afternoon and hope the family events of thanksgiving trumps the desire of the hooligans to riot and run rampant.

If he IS indicted. ..will cops retaliate by just not doing shit and letting criminals run wild for months? I would. If defending yourself vs a thug means being charged for the sake of political and racial correctness. ..fuck it. I wouldnt do shit.

If he is not charged...how bad will the animalistic hooligans react? LA riot level? Katrina style lawlessness? Or just some typical Seattle style protests?
friday dump they will try to do it today and hope for the best....but then you run the risk of the weekend just being wilder than it would be next week but who really knows how this will come down....i think they will vote to not indict 9 white people on the jury arent going to vote to go after a cop....i expect a huge riot
I've read somewhere they are going to do that on the Black Friday. And all the shops in Ferguson will be closed in order to prevent disturbances...
Do you think this measure would be effective? Or would it provoke more aggression?
The most effective way would be to wait for a big snow storm to pummel the city. Honestly that would be a brilliant tactic and may be what they wait for.
When the negroes start looting and burning I suggest to every White cop in Ferguson to catch a bad case of the flu.
Let the Tree Dwellers shit in their own nest........like they always do.......in every negro enclave on the planet.
I've read somewhere they are going to do that on the Black Friday. And all the shops in Ferguson will be closed in order to prevent disturbances...
Do you think this measure would be effective? Or would it provoke more aggression?

In many places black friday is already full of violence. Releasing the decision on black Friday is inviting murder.
Im seeing that a decision is imminent. Either today or Monday? Id be shocked if they do it near Thanksgiving. But maybe thats the strategy. Do it Wednsday afternoon and hope the family events of thanksgiving trumps the desire of the hooligans to riot and run rampant.

If he IS indicted. ..will cops retaliate by just not doing shit and letting criminals run wild for months? I would. If defending yourself vs a thug means being charged for the sake of political and racial correctness. ..fuck it. I wouldnt do shit.

If he is not charged...how bad will the animalistic hooligans react? LA riot level? Katrina style lawlessness? Or just some typical Seattle style protests?
I heard that even if the decision is handed down they are not going to release the results until they have all their ducks in a row. I'm going for Thanksgiving day. If he's not indicted this might keep people home. If he is then things will go smoothly and you won't have a sickout protest from the police because they will already be on shift.
Let the savages burn down their own community........nobody will care. Police should just let them do it. I would say, local businesses should be well armed and if some monkey comes in to loot the store, remove their head with some 00 buck.
I wonder how many of you making racist comments are Republicans?

Anybody care to guess?
Most of the racism I see on here is of the conditioned variety and it comes from left wingers, democrats. There are some obvious right wing racists, for sure, and they are obvious. But the majority is the insidious kind coming from lefties.

You need to read your own postings.
The guy that tried to kill people in the latest school shooting in Florida was a black guy, he had delusions that cops were against him and lashed out. Reminds me of Ferguson protestors so much. Given the fact that black on black on murders are a bigger threat that white cops with trigger fingers, make me wonder what the point is anyway. Blacks really need to focus on their own violence and deal with that, not shift the blame.
The guy that tried to kill people in the latest school shooting in Florida was a black guy, he had delusions that cops were against him and lashed out. Reminds me of Ferguson protestors so much. Given the fact that black on black on murders are a bigger threat that white cops with trigger fingers, make me wonder what the point is anyway. Blacks really need to focus on their own violence and deal with that, not shift the blame.
My God you are hateful.

Blacks are not responsible for themselves, they need white dems to solve their problems.

Just be patient.

Hillary will save the world.

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