Female genital mutilation almost universal in Indonesia

For some reason the Western nations have a big problem with female circumcision.

I guess it's still part of the colonial mind set of; "We know what's best for you".

There is nothing wrong with female circumcision; be it cultural, traditional, or religious. :cool:

You conveniently leave out the physical aspects
Do you have any idea what the physical ramifications of female circumcision is? Or do you even care?

Oh I forgot, it is about controlling the woman sexually. Which is the whole point isn't it.

This has nothing to do with Islam, as the Quran doesn't even mention doing this to women. Its about barbaric, ignorant men who can't stand the fact that women also have sexual urges.
Actually, it's the women who insist on female circumcision for their daughters.

I personally know several men who have told their wives not to have the surgery done to their daughters.

But the women will sneak them away and have the procedure done without their husbands knowledge. :cool:

Right :doubt:

The woman is to blame for all the ills of the islamic world eh?

Women in the islamic world going behind the back of her husband to do anything is grounds for a beating isn't it :eusa_shhh:
This has nothing to do with Islam, as the Quran doesn't even mention doing this to women. Its about barbaric, ignorant men who can't stand the fact that women also have sexual urges.
Actually, it's the women who insist on female circumcision for their daughters.

I personally know several men who have told their wives not to have the surgery done to their daughters.

But the women will sneak them away and have the procedure done without their husbands knowledge. :cool:

Right :doubt:

The woman is to blame for all the ills of the islamic world eh?

Women in the islamic world going behind the back of her husband to do anything is grounds for a beating isn't it :eusa_shhh:
Or murdering her. Hey, it's not like the cowards get prosecuted, y'know.

That's right, Sunni. Muslim men who beat their wives are cowards.
This has nothing to do with Islam, as the Quran doesn't even mention doing this to women. Its about barbaric, ignorant men who can't stand the fact that women also have sexual urges.
Actually, it's the women who insist on female circumcision for their daughters.

I personally know several men who have told their wives not to have the surgery done to their daughters.

But the women will sneak them away and have the procedure done without their husbands knowledge. :cool:

Arn't you suppose to have her gang raped, and stoned to death when she disobeyes :confused:
How terrible that the left that claims champion human rights is silent whenever this topic comes up.

How terrible that the left that claims champion human rights is silent whenever this topic comes up.

The left is too busy condemning Christianity for being fundamentalist, homophobic, and misogynistic. They don't have time to condemn Islam for being fundamentalist, homophobic, and misogynistic.

Besides, they'll lose all-important "tolerance" and "multiculturalism" points if they criticize Islam. Not to mention they're too cowardly to risk getting fatwah'ed
A challenge for the left that champions human rights and even rights for women around the world

Go to youtube and search this Female Genital Mutilation - UK

I would post the video, but it is too disturbing
A challenge for the left that champions human rights and even rights for women around the world

Go to youtube and search this Female Genital Mutilation - UK

I would post the video, but it is too disturbing


There's a helluva lot of Female Genitalia Videos that are disturbing WITHOUT any mutilation.

I mean, that's what I've been told....


By others.

And yet, you can't find any Western cultures practicing or advocating them today.

You had to go back over a half-century.

Exactly as programmed.

I'd consider the Death Penalty more bararic than female circumcission...

And yet the US and Saudi Arabia were the last countries that still executed people from crimes committed as children.

As a Christian, you look down at the Muslim.

As an atheist, who has evolved beyond the need for sky pixies, I look down at both of you.

Ahh yes, you've become your very own little sky pixie telling himself and all who will listen just how great he is.

What a burden is must be for you...the weight of the judgement of all mankind on your little shoulders...so little time and some much self back slapping to do....
The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.
The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.


I wonder if clams would be an appropriate hor'dourve at an FGM Party?

Mini Tacos would definately be OK.

The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.


I wonder if clams would be an appropriate hor'dourve at an FGM Party?

Mini Tacos would definately be OK.


........or mussels.

You 2 are making this thread more disgusting by making light of what those poor girls go through. For shame
The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:
The stats out of Britain alone on FGM are a nightmare.

The new "game" in town is to bring in a pro FGM'er for an FGM "party". And they bring their daughters to the "party".

These are for the ones who can't afford to send their daughters for an FGM in their homelands.
Why do you refer to it as a nightmare?

Most of the muslim women I know have had it done.

And they have the surgery performed on their daughters.

So since the parents are OK with it.

What makes it any of your concern or business? :cool:

Because there are women all over the world crying out for the world to listen to the cries of the girls who have suffered and will for the rest of their lives. They suffer on the day of the cutting and get cut open again on the day of her wedding. :eusa_sick:

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