FEMA fail


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
And here I thought they had finally figured out how to handle a disaster after their epic fail with katrina....sad to report it's the same old story of incompetent bureaucrats standing around doing nothing.

I feel bad for the folks who expected them to help. This is yet another example of why you need to prepare yourself for a disaster. You need at least three months of food and water stored up in case of a disaster like this.

LiveLeak.com - FEMA Fail #3673
So much for Obama taking care of business... I guess he is Bush after all.
And here I thought they had finally figured out how to handle a disaster after their epic fail with katrina....sad to report it's the same old story of incompetent bureaucrats standing around doing nothing.

I feel bad for the folks who expected them to help. This is yet another example of why you need to prepare yourself for a disaster. You need at least three months of food and water stored up in case of a disaster like this.

LiveLeak.com - FEMA Fail #3673

The problem with floods is that they invariably wash away every provision you stocked up.

They should have evacuated and left their possessions for the scavengers.
And here I thought they had finally figured out how to handle a disaster after their epic fail with katrina....sad to report it's the same old story of incompetent bureaucrats standing around doing nothing.

I feel bad for the folks who expected them to help. This is yet another example of why you need to prepare yourself for a disaster. You need at least three months of food and water stored up in case of a disaster like this.

LiveLeak.com - FEMA Fail #3673

The problem with floods is that they invariably wash away every provision you stocked up.

They should have evacuated and left their possessions for the scavengers.

The government could, and should have stockpiled food and water on high ground for this event. The electricity needs would have been far better met had the NJ electricians not demanded that all the electricians coming to help join their union. Etc. etc. etc.
'FEMA Center Closed Due to Weather'...
FEMA Disaster Centers Shut Doors 'Due to Weather'
Nov 7, 2012 New York sites shut down ahead of storm: DNA Info
They fly into disaster areas, but flee from raindrops. FEMA disaster recovery centers in Hurricane Sandy-ravaged sections of the city that were supposed to provide assistance to hurricane victims went MIA Wednesday morning, posting signs saying that they were closed due to the approaching Nor'easter. The temporary shuttering of the facilities, which help victims register for disaster relief, as well as city food distribution centers come even as many of those still reeling from the monster storm were not told that they had to leave the battered areas.

On Tuesday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that residents in the low-lying portions of Staten Island, Queens and Brooklyn were advised to leave ahead of the nor'easter, which could hit the city with 60 mph gusts and several inches of rain Wednesday afternoon, but that the evacuation was not mandatory like the one issued for all of Zone A ahead of Sandy. “We do not believe that it’s necessary to evacuate people,” said the mayor Wednesday. The move left residents of the storm-ravaged areas fuming. "The storm is coming. We don't know how hard it's going to hit us," said Jenny Cartagena, 46, who found the FEMA center in Coney Island closed Wednesday when she went there looking for food. "I need some help now."

Because the FEMA centers were located with food distribution and warming services, some residents who arrived there were confused by the closed centers. The city's food distribution centers, a lifeline for the thousands left without power, heat and water for more than a week, would only be operating until noon Wednesday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced. And the National Guard, which was handing out food and water in Coney Island also shut down at 1:30 p.m. because of the weather, but continued handing out water to the line of approximately 30 people.

A spokemsan for the New York National Guard, Eric Durr, said that he could not comment on that specific instance but "we instructed our troops to pay attention to the weather and don’t take unecessary risks." Still, he said the guard would continue to provide relief as long as was needed.

Read more: FEMA Disaster Centers Shut Doors 'Due to Weather' - DNAinfo.com New York
What happened to Super Oblamer with Sandy???

I thought he could move heaven and earth???

Oh wait, that was the MSM, they said Bush could, but Oblamer just had to move his lips...
I have to say, I'm baffled. If the centers were in tents then they'd have to close, but I don't think that's the case. That the National Guard crapped out is even more confusing.

In my day the volunteers and paid crews stayed with those in need until the job was finished. I cannot imagine locking the door when those that lost everything have a blizzard coming.

I'm stunned.
Nevermind - they closed because they didn't want the victims traveling to them during the storm. Too dangerous. They opened again after the storm passed.
Most people have no idea how bad things are because the MSM has been AWOL on this story until yesterday...and even now are marginalizing FEMA failure.
An example of just how incompetent things are...they are out of telephone poles. They cannot put up new lines because no one ordered more poles. Why? Because FEMA officials told the power officials to give them a list of supplies they need - they did...Sunday. Still no poles.
The government doesn't need to help. The government can do absolutely nothing as long as it promises to help.

By the way, do you see any aid coming from other countries? That would be countries that we helped? We are still taking in refugees from the 1972 earthquake in Nicaragua.
Most people have no idea how bad things are because the MSM has been AWOL on this story until yesterday...and even now are marginalizing FEMA failure.
An example of just how incompetent things are...they are out of telephone poles. They cannot put up new lines because no one ordered more poles. Why? Because FEMA officials told the power officials to give them a list of supplies they need - they did...Sunday. Still no poles.

FEMA doesn't much care if a bunch of people from Staten Island and New Jersey are complaining. Have you seen them? They are white. No one can say racist, nor do they need to get any aid.
And here I thought they had finally figured out how to handle a disaster after their epic fail with katrina....sad to report it's the same old story of incompetent bureaucrats standing around doing nothing.

I feel bad for the folks who expected them to help. This is yet another example of why you need to prepare yourself for a disaster. You need at least three months of food and water stored up in case of a disaster like this.

LiveLeak.com - FEMA Fail #3673

What exactly did you want them to do?

People are pissed that their houses are wrecked, they have no power and fuel.

But they are still alive and in good health.

FEMA's job is to keep them that way.
And here I thought they had finally figured out how to handle a disaster after their epic fail with katrina....sad to report it's the same old story of incompetent bureaucrats standing around doing nothing.

I feel bad for the folks who expected them to help. This is yet another example of why you need to prepare yourself for a disaster. You need at least three months of food and water stored up in case of a disaster like this.

LiveLeak.com - FEMA Fail #3673

What exactly did you want them to do?

People are pissed that their houses are wrecked, they have no power and fuel.

But they are still alive and in good health.

FEMA's job is to keep them that way.

I would have thought that with the Katrina experience they would have pre located generators and water along with food and some GP Medium Tents to house those displaced by the storm.

On high ground of course, then they could have also have prepared plans to airlift in electrical company trucks from all over to help reconnect the grid (this was eventually done of course but it was left up to the companies to do it).

They should also have laid in stocks of gasoline and fuel oil to power whatever vehicles they needed to help clear the debris, and while they are at it, they should have mandated that the refineries maintain a emergency crew to get the refineries back up and running asap.

That's what government is supposed to do...plan and lead...they did neither.
Dick Cheney hasn't been with Halliburton for years. Even if Halliburton had stocked generators in refugee centers, the democrats would have stolen them.
And here I thought they had finally figured out how to handle a disaster after their epic fail with katrina....sad to report it's the same old story of incompetent bureaucrats standing around doing nothing.

I feel bad for the folks who expected them to help. This is yet another example of why you need to prepare yourself for a disaster. You need at least three months of food and water stored up in case of a disaster like this.

LiveLeak.com - FEMA Fail #3673

What exactly did you want them to do?

People are pissed that their houses are wrecked, they have no power and fuel.

But they are still alive and in good health.

FEMA's job is to keep them that way.

I would have thought that with the Katrina experience they would have pre located generators and water along with food and some GP Medium Tents to house those displaced by the storm.

On high ground of course, then they could have also have prepared plans to airlift in electrical company trucks from all over to help reconnect the grid (this was eventually done of course but it was left up to the companies to do it).

They should also have laid in stocks of gasoline and fuel oil to power whatever vehicles they needed to help clear the debris, and while they are at it, they should have mandated that the refineries maintain a emergency crew to get the refineries back up and running asap.

That's what government is supposed to do...plan and lead...they did neither.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOu67QdrceM&feature=plcp]Airlift Bring in Power Equipment for Hurricane Sandy Relief - YouTube[/ame]
Actually Dick Cheney/Halliburton has a multimillion-dollar contract with the feds to build and stock disaster refugee centers. They've had the contract since at least 2006. So ask Cheney where the generators are.

Halliburton Subsidiary Gets Contract to Add Temporary Immigration Detention Centers - New York Times

Damn. Why are we still dealing with a foreign firm for this?

Ohhhh so the topic itself was a lie! It's not refugee centers, it's IMMIGRATION centers. Of course, it makes sense, take care of the immigrants. Has anyone suggested taking the generators out of the immigration centers and using them for the refugees, or is that illegal?

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