Feds To FINE Schools Who Don't Follow Michelle's Lunch Rules...

that slop is the reason I left working for the public schools after working there for four years. the last year they implemented that slop on the children I wouldn't feed half of it to my dog, I surly wasn't going to put it off on other people's children.

But left loons know what is best for our children.....hahahaha the left loons will be wise to stay far away from ours

There's no way that in that disgusting crap that Michelle Obama says is "good" for children, that they're getting ALL the nutrients that growing children need, actually from what I've seen it's lacking in nearly ALL the nutrients that growing children need.

It creates a bad learning environment also, children that are hungry won't be learning anything.
that slop is the reason I left working for the public schools after working there for four years. the last year they implemented that slop on the children I wouldn't feed half of it to my dog, I surly wasn't going to put it off on other people's children.

But left loons know what is best for our children.....hahahaha the left loons will be wise to stay far away from ours

There's no way that in that disgusting crap that Michelle Obama says is "good" for children, that they're getting ALL the nutrients that growing children need, actually from what I've seen it's lacking in nearly ALL the nutrients that growing children need.

Most of it is thrown away. I worked in a grade school and there is no way they would eat that unappealing crap slopped on their trays. And they FORCED them to take a fruit or salad. Little Kindergarteners standing there crying because they didn't want it. That was it for me, I told them I didn't sign up to be your, Food Nazi. I didn't force food on my own children like hell I was going to do it to others. Parents need to be more INVOLVED.
Private schools give Mooch and the feds the flying finger of fate
Yeah, but I bet your girls don't eat a bunch of unhealthy junk.

Our girl's school has great lunches, looking at today's menu they are having skinless chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, baby carrots, yogurt and choice of milk or juice. Meanwhile the children in public schools will be eating Mooch's slop....or throwing it in the garbage

"Our girl's school has great lunches, looking at today's menu they are having skinless chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, baby carrots, yogurt and choice of milk or juice."

Which that is a good balanced lunch for children, not like that crap Michelle Obama wants them fed.
that slop is the reason I left working for the public schools after working there for four years. the last year they implemented that slop on the children I wouldn't feed half of it to my dog, I surly wasn't going to put it off on other people's children.

But left loons know what is best for our children.....hahahaha the left loons will be wise to stay far away from ours

There's no way that in that disgusting crap that Michelle Obama says is "good" for children, that they're getting ALL the nutrients that growing children need, actually from what I've seen it's lacking in nearly ALL the nutrients that growing children need.

Most of it is thrown away. I worked in a grade school and there is no way they would eat that unappealing crap slopped on their trays. And they FORCED them to take a fruit or salad. Little Kindergarteners standing there crying because they didn't want it. That was it for me, I told them I didn't sign up to be your, Food Nazi. I didn't force food on my own children like hell I was going to do it to others. Parents need to be more INVOLVED.

Make ours cry trying to force slop on them and it will get ugly very quickly.
Our girl's school has great lunches, looking at today's menu they are having skinless chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, baby carrots, yogurt and choice of milk or juice. Meanwhile the children in public schools will be eating Mooch's slop....or throwing it in the garbage

I read someplace that 70% of the vegetables bought in this country end up in the trash....good intentions, no follow-through. All veggies need to be fun to eat are a little butter and salt.
that slop is the reason I left working for the public schools after working there for four years. the last year they implemented that slop on the children I wouldn't feed half of it to my dog, I surly wasn't going to put it off on other people's children.

But left loons know what is best for our children.....hahahaha the left loons will be wise to stay far away from ours

There's no way that in that disgusting crap that Michelle Obama says is "good" for children, that they're getting ALL the nutrients that growing children need, actually from what I've seen it's lacking in nearly ALL the nutrients that growing children need.

Most of it is thrown away. I worked in a grade school and there is no way they would eat that unappealing crap slopped on their trays. And they FORCED them to take a fruit or salad. Little Kindergarteners standing there crying because they didn't want it. That was it for me, I told them I didn't sign up to be your, Food Nazi. I didn't force food on my own children like hell I was going to do it to others. Parents need to be more INVOLVED.

Would any normal person eat that crap? No, but the next thing is, they'll probably have Observers standing next to each table watching and if the children don't eat the crap, they'll be punished in some way.
I've read about Michelle Obama's school lunches for kids and I don't think a lot of them are substantial enough for kids, there are many pictures available, here's just two:



You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

Oh, the government needs to look out for people excuse? Perhaps the two that butt fucked to create you should have taught you to mind your own business. Isn't that what you demand of others?
Our girl's school has great lunches, looking at today's menu they are having skinless chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, baby carrots, yogurt and choice of milk or juice. Meanwhile the children in public schools will be eating Mooch's slop....or throwing it in the garbage

I read someplace that 70% of the vegetables bought in this country end up in the trash....good intentions, no follow-through. All veggies need to be fun to eat are a little butter and salt.

Our kids love them with the exception of one of the twins, she refuses to eat anything green...I gave up forcing the issue long ago. It's a mental thing with her
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

yeah, but its not like the Obama deranged troll has ever posted anything that wasn't whiny and butthurt

It's not like you Obama ass lickers ever post anything other than more puckering up to his ass.
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

yeah, but its not like the Obama deranged troll has ever posted anything that wasn't whiny and butthurt

It's not like you Obama ass lickers ever post anything other than more puckering up to his ass.

You walk down the street and identify an Obamabot....look for the ring around their mouths, a big ole "O" ring
Our girl's school has great lunches, looking at today's menu they are having skinless chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, baby carrots, yogurt and choice of milk or juice. Meanwhile the children in public schools will be eating Mooch's slop....or throwing it in the garbage

I read someplace that 70% of the vegetables bought in this country end up in the trash....good intentions, no follow-through. All veggies need to be fun to eat are a little butter and salt.

My 3 year-old likes most vegetables, we have to mash them up for him, he'll only eat them that way, but who cares, he's eating them.
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

yeah, but its not like the Obama deranged troll has ever posted anything that wasn't whiny and butthurt

It's not like you Obama ass lickers ever post anything other than more puckering up to his ass.

You walk down the street and identify an Obamabot....look for the ring around their mouths, a big ole "O" ring

It has a tint of brown from the shit sandwich they typically eat.
You guys that love the government being so involved in your lives and those
who voted the Obama's into office....
Well this is what you wanted....
So suck it up and have your little kiddies eat that slop that Michelle has ordered for your
little ones....


and make sure to use a spoon and a piece of bread to get into those corners.....

Yum O !
The system gives Michelle a reason to butt her nose into where it should not belong.

The whole idea that schools should provide kids lunch - free or otherwise - is nothing short of preposterous.

Kids lunch is the responsibility of the kids' parents. Pack their lunch with the food you prefer your kids to eat.

When I was a kid in war torn Europe no matter how poor we were, my parents always managed to pack a lunch, modest it might have been, and it was better than any taxpayer/government supplied and politically correct tasteless crap.

Same thing with school buses. Let the urchins walk. Is it any wonder that obesity among kids is a problem with the insane coddling they receive from ignorant do-gooder parents and "teachers"?

Not to mention trophies for "participation". Killing the desire to be good, be the best, to compete, just to be politically correct.

And, the worst offender and the greatest cause for catastrophic future failure: Teachers who have no desire to TEACH, only to survive until they are ready to vacuum in their gigantic pension, squeezed out of the taxpayers by confiscatory unions.

Don't blame Michelle Obama for being a pig. She only plays the system.
Yeah, don't let reality get in the way of your opinions, FJO. Most of the kids in my county don't even get breakfast at home, let alone lunch. I don't know where you live, but where I live we don't have sidewalks, kids live up to 20 miles from their school, and we frequently have temperatures below 0 in the winter. We ain't the Waltons anymore, friend.

You know, fortunately, I never had to choose who had breakfast, my kids or me, but if I had to, I would have given my last bite to my kids.

There is no reason in America for any kid to go without breakfast. Or lunch. Or supper. Parents can always get by with fewer cigarettes, bottles of beer or any of the current favorite mind killer drug.

So, living in the country is a set back? I walked 2 and a half kilometers one way to and from school, carrying my books and the lunch my mother made for me. Sidewalks? Forget it. Those kids who lived far away took bus or train, expenses covered by their parents. As far as severe weather, the winter in central Europe is every bit as severe as it is in Minnesota or Montana.

Based on your posts, you have became coddled beyond any reasonable measure. You could not be as hardy, as honest as decent as the Waltons, if you tried.

My best friend and my brother's best friends lived 5 and 10 miles respectively from the nearest paved road. They did not have electricity, and only one of them had running water. My friend drove from about age 12 from the house to the road to catch the bus....when she was 14 she started driving all the way to school. My brother's friend got to walk, and it was exactly 10 miles. Downhill to the road, uphill to the house, lol.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

In reference to your post, above, and appending mine: You mentioned electricity. I grew up with kerosene lamps and candles. The first time I saw an electric bulb was when I was in grade 3, in school. One year later in my home. The stove on which my mother made the most delicious meals was strictly wood fired. Which I had to chop. The entertainment we had was radio, but at least it featured stuff that most Americans disregard as hoity-toity sissy stuff like opera, classical music and classical theater. We walked to and from school and a used bicycle was awarded to the kid (there were three of us) who had the highest mark. So was the once a year treat of ice cream. I never saw a TV until I was 19, after I came here on my own.

I hear the pathetic bleatings of inner city blacks, liberal freeloaders, and recipients of generous government largess in the form of food stamps, rent subsidies, affirmative action, laws and ordinances supporting drone behavior. I worked from the time I came here in 1957 until 2003 with the exception of ten months when I enrolled in high school as an adult student to earn a bit of education. I taught myself computer programming in COBOL and retired with a comfortable pension after 37 years of service with the same company.

BTW, have I mentioned that I had to learn a language other than Ebonics to succeed to the modest measure I managed?

Now, I know, all the advantages I ever had was because I am white. At least that is what the assholes on the other side of morality and decency will tell you.
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

yeah, but its not like the Obama deranged troll has ever posted anything that wasn't whiny and butthurt

It's not like you Obama ass lickers ever post anything other than more puckering up to his ass.

You walk down the street and identify an Obamabot....look for the ring around their mouths, a big ole "O" ring
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

Oh, the government needs to look out for people excuse? Perhaps the two that butt fucked to create you should have taught you to mind your own business. Isn't that what you demand of others?

This stuff never happened years ago, there was none of this lunacy.
You fat mouth- breathers cant take care of yourselves, much less your spawn so you forced the hand of Big Govt you fool

Someone has to fight all the wars Republicans start

Why obesity is a national security threat - CNN.com

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War

gawd but OP is an butt hurt rw hacktard :banghead:

Oh, the government needs to look out for people excuse? Perhaps the two that butt fucked to create you should have taught you to mind your own business. Isn't that what you demand of others?

This stuff never happened years ago, there was none of this lunacy.

Then you have people like Dot Com who think the government should tell people what to do until it's something he doesn't want to be told what to do.

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