Federal Judge decrees that Obama Executive Orders are binding on future presidents!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The DACA program is NOT a law passed by congress. In 2012 Obama issued an executive order saying he was not going to enforce the immigration laws and would let 800,000 illegals stay.!! He should have been impeached and removed for that, but that's another matter. The point here is that EOs are just policy and are not law and certainly not binding on Trump. It's insane to say that Trump cannot enforce a law just because Obama refused to enforce it. This judge Alsup is a mexico-firster and should be hung for treason.

A Federal Judge Saves DACA, for Now

jan 10 2018 Last September, President Donald Trump ordered an end to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Obama-era program that gave legal status to almost 700,000 immigrants who were illegally brought into the United States as children, and gave Congress until this March to find a permanent fix for “Dreamers.” In announcing the decision, Attorney General Jeff Sessions described DACA as “an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.” But a federal judge in California disagreed on Tuesday, a ruling that may complicate the fraught congressional negotiations over the fate of so-called Dreamers.

Because Trump’s decision “was based on the flawed legal premise that [the Department of Homeland Security] lacked authority to implement DACA,” District Court Judge William Alsup concluded, the president’s order should be “set aside” while a legal challenge brought by Dreamers and a coalition of Democratic-led states makes its way through the courts. In other words, Alsup ruled that the Obama administration acted lawfully when it created DACA, and therefore the Trump administration can’t end the program by claiming the program wasn’t lawful in the first place.

It’s unclear whether that reasoning will survive scrutiny on appeal. Alsup’s handling of the case already prompted the Supreme Court to intervene in December, when the justices voted 5-4 to vacate his order for the government to turn over additional internal records during the discovery process, which gives the parties to a lawsuit access to documents and other materials from the opposing side that may be relevant as evidence. The justices rarely intervene in this phase of a case, even in high-profile matters.
All these overreaching activist judges will soon be ignored and precisely what will they do about that?-issue another order that will NEVER clear the Supreme Court. Quit wasting time with these boobs, the courts are a balance and not rulers
Liberals love it when they can be ruled by fiat, which is exactly what these unelected judges are doing. The left can't win at the ballot box, so they have these judges to carry their water.
Liberals love it when they can be ruled by fiat, which is exactly what these unelected judges are doing. The left can't win at the ballot box, so they have these judges to carry their water.
Yeah but we'll weed them out.
The DACA program is NOT a law passed by congress. In 2012 Obama issued an executive order saying he was not going to enforce the immigration laws and would let 800,000 illegals stay.!! He should have been impeached and removed for that, but that's another matter. The point here is that EOs are just policy and are not law and certainly not binding on Trump. It's insane to say that Trump cannot enforce a law just because Obama refused to enforce it. This judge Alsup is a mexico-firster and should be hung for treason.

A Federal Judge Saves DACA, for Now

jan 10 2018 Last September, President Donald Trump ordered an end to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Obama-era program that gave legal status to almost 700,000 immigrants who were illegally brought into the United States as children, and gave Congress until this March to find a permanent fix for “Dreamers.” In announcing the decision, Attorney General Jeff Sessions described DACA as “an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.” But a federal judge in California disagreed on Tuesday, a ruling that may complicate the fraught congressional negotiations over the fate of so-called Dreamers.

Because Trump’s decision “was based on the flawed legal premise that [the Department of Homeland Security] lacked authority to implement DACA,” District Court Judge William Alsup concluded, the president’s order should be “set aside” while a legal challenge brought by Dreamers and a coalition of Democratic-led states makes its way through the courts. In other words, Alsup ruled that the Obama administration acted lawfully when it created DACA, and therefore the Trump administration can’t end the program by claiming the program wasn’t lawful in the first place.

It’s unclear whether that reasoning will survive scrutiny on appeal. Alsup’s handling of the case already prompted the Supreme Court to intervene in December, when the justices voted 5-4 to vacate his order for the government to turn over additional internal records during the discovery process, which gives the parties to a lawsuit access to documents and other materials from the opposing side that may be relevant as evidence. The justices rarely intervene in this phase of a case, even in high-profile matters.

well that will be over turned at the SC

maybe it is time to break up the 9th
The DACA program is NOT a law passed by congress. In 2012 Obama issued an executive order saying he was not going to enforce the immigration laws and would let 800,000 illegals stay.!! He should have been impeached and removed for that, but that's another matter. The point here is that EOs are just policy and are not law and certainly not binding on Trump. It's insane to say that Trump cannot enforce a law just because Obama refused to enforce it. This judge Alsup is a mexico-firster and should be hung for treason.

A Federal Judge Saves DACA, for Now

jan 10 2018 Last September, President Donald Trump ordered an end to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Obama-era program that gave legal status to almost 700,000 immigrants who were illegally brought into the United States as children, and gave Congress until this March to find a permanent fix for “Dreamers.” In announcing the decision, Attorney General Jeff Sessions described DACA as “an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.” But a federal judge in California disagreed on Tuesday, a ruling that may complicate the fraught congressional negotiations over the fate of so-called Dreamers.

Because Trump’s decision “was based on the flawed legal premise that [the Department of Homeland Security] lacked authority to implement DACA,” District Court Judge William Alsup concluded, the president’s order should be “set aside” while a legal challenge brought by Dreamers and a coalition of Democratic-led states makes its way through the courts. In other words, Alsup ruled that the Obama administration acted lawfully when it created DACA, and therefore the Trump administration can’t end the program by claiming the program wasn’t lawful in the first place.

It’s unclear whether that reasoning will survive scrutiny on appeal. Alsup’s handling of the case already prompted the Supreme Court to intervene in December, when the justices voted 5-4 to vacate his order for the government to turn over additional internal records during the discovery process, which gives the parties to a lawsuit access to documents and other materials from the opposing side that may be relevant as evidence. The justices rarely intervene in this phase of a case, even in high-profile matters.
Shut the fuck up racist slime.

Is DACA unconstitutional?
The short answer is, the Supreme Court has yet to rule on its constitutionality, so calling it “unconstitutional” is presumptive. And while the program has vocal opponents, legal experts largely argue that the program is not only constitutional but based on commonplace practices.
Seeking enforcement of immigration laws is not racist and only a feelings governed liberal would declare it so
Just like fake news we have fake judges, who make decisions based on personal ideology as opposed the law. Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves, and they say we're fucked.
So the liberal asswipe appointed by Clinton has attempted to set a precedence where Constitution-violating edicts imposed by criminal ex-Presidents must be obeyed by future Presidents...

Yeah...ummm.....Hell NO.

For even rendering the decision he did he should be stripped of not only his Judgeship but his license to pactice law.
Just like fake news we have fake judges, who make decisions based on personal ideology as opposed the law.

It's even worse that that. Most federal judges take corporate bribes . That's why they ignore law.
[QUOTE="Reasonable, post: 19035391, member: 61588"
Is DACA unconstitutional?
The short answer is, the Supreme Court has yet to rule on its constitutionality, so calling it “unconstitutional” is presumptive. And while the program has vocal opponents, legal experts largely argue that the program is not only constitutional but based on commonplace practices.


Commonplace practices???. Name one other president who gave millions of people a certificate saying they can break our laws!!

The constitution says the president "shall take care that the law be faithfully executed" so DACA is clearly unconstitutional though that doesn't mean the corrupt judges will say so. They declared obamacare constitutional too even though the tenth amendment says healthcare is a state matter.
It's even worse that that. Most federal judges take corporate bribes . That's why they ignore law.

Most "LEFTIST" Federal judges.

Right wing Conservative Federal judges are too pussy PC whipped by the Left to stand up to anyone or anything or God forbid they try anything that would offend the Left.

The left OWNS corruption in this nation for a long time now and it's juuuuuuust barely beginning to come to light after all these decades.

Not that there haven't been any corrupt right wingers, but comparatively, the right winger wrong doers are in the vast minority compared to their left wing counter parts, hands down. They've mostly allowed themselves to be shamed into silence by constant threats of calling them bigots or racists or child molesters......for upholding the Constitution.

Everyone now knows that "L" stands for Leftist, Lemming, Lunatic and Liar....(with a twist of Communism)
The DACA program is NOT a law passed by congress. In 2012 Obama issued an executive order saying he was not going to enforce the immigration laws and would let 800,000 illegals stay.!! He should have been impeached and removed for that, but that's another matter. The point here is that EOs are just policy and are not law and certainly not binding on Trump. It's insane to say that Trump cannot enforce a law just because Obama refused to enforce it. This judge Alsup is a mexico-firster and should be hung for treason.

A Federal Judge Saves DACA, for Now

jan 10 2018 Last September, President Donald Trump ordered an end to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Obama-era program that gave legal status to almost 700,000 immigrants who were illegally brought into the United States as children, and gave Congress until this March to find a permanent fix for “Dreamers.” In announcing the decision, Attorney General Jeff Sessions described DACA as “an unconstitutional exercise of authority by the executive branch.” But a federal judge in California disagreed on Tuesday, a ruling that may complicate the fraught congressional negotiations over the fate of so-called Dreamers.

Because Trump’s decision “was based on the flawed legal premise that [the Department of Homeland Security] lacked authority to implement DACA,” District Court Judge William Alsup concluded, the president’s order should be “set aside” while a legal challenge brought by Dreamers and a coalition of Democratic-led states makes its way through the courts. In other words, Alsup ruled that the Obama administration acted lawfully when it created DACA, and therefore the Trump administration can’t end the program by claiming the program wasn’t lawful in the first place.

It’s unclear whether that reasoning will survive scrutiny on appeal. Alsup’s handling of the case already prompted the Supreme Court to intervene in December, when the justices voted 5-4 to vacate his order for the government to turn over additional internal records during the discovery process, which gives the parties to a lawsuit access to documents and other materials from the opposing side that may be relevant as evidence. The justices rarely intervene in this phase of a case, even in high-profile matters.
Shut the fuck up racist slime.

Is DACA unconstitutional?
The short answer is, the Supreme Court has yet to rule on its constitutionality, so calling it “unconstitutional” is presumptive. And while the program has vocal opponents, legal experts largely argue that the program is not only constitutional but based on commonplace practices.
its an executive order they have no juristiction.

can you guys so anything without the courts?

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