Federal Judge Approves Sex Change for Convicted Murderer

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
A federal judge ordered Massachusetts prison officials today to provide sexual reassignment surgery for a convicted murderer, calling it the only way to correct the "prolonged violation" of the inmate's Constitutional right against cruel and unusual punishment.

Michelle Kosilek, who was born Robert, had filed a lawsuit against the Massachusetts Department of Corrections, seeking an injunction that would require prison officials to grant her the sexual reassignment surgery that was recommended by prison doctors as treatment for her gender identity disorder. Robert Kosilek was convicted in the 1990 strangulation death of his wife, Cheryl.

U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf ruled that Michelle Kosilek, who lives as a woman in a male prison facility, had experienced "intense mental anguish," and said there was a "serious medical need" for her to have the procedure.

"It has long been well-established that it is cruel for prison officials to permit an inmate to suffer unnecessarily from a serious medical need," the judge wrote in his 128-page decision.

He called it "unusual" to treat a prisoner with gender identity disorder differently "than the numerous inmates suffering from more familiar forms of mental illness."

Kosilek has tried to castrate herself and has attempted suicide twice, Wolf noted in his ruling.

Prison officials have said if Kosilek had the surgery she could be a target for sexual assaults, among other security risks, according to court documents.

Wolf said those concerns were "either pretextual or can be dealt with."

The court left the decision of where to house Kosilek after her surgery to the Department of Corrections.

The Department of Corrections offered no immediate comment but said it planned to explore its appellate options.

Kosilek first sued the Department of Corrections in 2000. Two years later, Wolf ruled she should receive treatment for gender identity disorder, which included hormones. Kosilek sued again in 2005, again asking for gender reassignment surgery.

Frances Cohen, an attorney for Kosilek, told the Associated Press the judge made a courageous and thoughtful ruling.

"We feel very grateful that the judge listened very carefully to the medical experts and has given Michelle Kosilek what the prison doctors had recommended," Cohen said.

Judge Approves Sex Change For Convicted Murderer - ABC News
Well if had to be in prison, I would want a gender change operation too. I mean (giggidy), wouldn't be great to make out with the girls over the guys?

I have nothing against people having gender reassignment surgery, and I don't care if the taxpayer has to fund it. But I wonder if taxpayer funds should be used to help a convicted killer change gender. Yes, she may have gender identity disorder, and I can understand her frustration at being 'trapped' in the wrong body.

BUT - I wonder when she decided she wanted to be a female? Before or after she killed her wife? If she wanted to change sex after she killed her wife, is it some kind of sick way to show how she has no remorse over the killing?

If she has the operation, she will be a target for assault within the prison, but I think she knows that. If she doesn't have the surgery, she may attempt suicide again and succeed. I am sure that many will hope that she does, but I don't believe inmates should be committing suicide. Gender identity is a real disorder, despite the fact it is misunderstood by many.

I would want to know her motives for changing sex before she has the surgery. It could be simply that because she killed her wife, she somehow wants to 'become' the wife she killed if that makes sense.

In short, I am not sure what I support - her right to change sex, or to refuse her on the grounds that she is a convicted killer, and shouldn't be entitled to the same things everyone else is.
I have nothing against people having gender reassignment surgery, and I don't care if the taxpayer has to fund it. But I wonder if taxpayer funds should be used to help a convicted killer change gender. Yes, she may have gender identity disorder, and I can understand her frustration at being 'trapped' in the wrong body.
That is totally retarded!!

Why should I as a tax payer have to foot the bill of someone else's elective surgery?

What's next...........tax payers having to pay for boob jobs and face lifts???
I remember reading a couple of years ago that the state has been providing hormone treatments to this POS for several years now at a cost of something like $700 per month of tax payer money.

Once this murderer has the surgery; the tax payers will have to continue the hormone treatment for the rest of "It's" life.
it's no surprise that when you have a liberal like reagan nominating judges, you're going to get activist judges like mark wolf.


Wolf, who was nominated to his seat by President Reagan in 1985 "is believed to be the first federal judge to order prison officials to provide the surgery for a transgender inmate," the AP says.

National News : NPR
I think a better solution would be to give her what she needs to succeed on her third attempt at taking her own life. :thup:
According to the Boston Globe, U.S. District Court Chief Judge Mark Wolf ruled that the surgery is the only way to care for Michelle Kosilek's gender identity disorder and noted that the treatment "had been prescribed by Department of Correction doctors, and that the only justifications for denying the treatment were based on public opinion."

What a bunch of bull... It is an ELECTIVE procedure which is not MEDICALLY necessary.
We really don't need people like this in the world, and if s/he is willing to do the world a solid and cash out, what is wrong with that? :dunno:

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