CDZ Federal government furloughs should be permanent.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.
Probably half of federal agencies are of no use to this country whatsoever, and could be completely dissolved.

The rest could be whittled down and consolidated, as noted in the OP.
Agreed, but I believe that cost cutting must be implemented in a series of steps to minimize the impact to people's lives and reduce the backlash from Democrats horrified at the prospect of a smaller more efficient government.
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.
I'm always amazed that gov't bashers say gov't workers are fat, lazy, and overpaid. Certainly some are, just like anywhere else but it is not a general rule, certainly at the higher levels. In fact the opposite is more often the case.

These same gov't folk are responsible for spending trillions of your tax dollars. Do you want idiots in those jobs or someone who knows what they are doing? Or do you just want a free lunch. A $200K/yr salary may sound high to you but it is middle management in larger corporations. Our POTUS makes $400K, Tillerson makes less but he made $33M at Exxon. I don't think he's in it for the money.
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.
I'm always amazed that gov't bashers say gov't workers are fat, lazy, and overpaid. Certainly some are, just like anywhere else but it is not a general rule, certainly at the higher levels. In fact the opposite is more often the case.

These same gov't folk are responsible for spending trillions of your tax dollars. Do you want idiots in those jobs or someone who knows what they are doing? Or do you just want a free lunch. A $200K/yr salary may sound high to you but it is middle management in larger corporations. Our POTUS makes $400K, Tillerson makes less but he made $33M at Exxon. I don't think he's in it for the money.

It's often not a question of fat, lazy and overpaid. It a question of paying for a job that results in little or no benefit to the country or its citizens.
It's often not a question of fat, lazy and overpaid. It a question of paying for a job that results in little or no benefit to the country or its citizens.
If that is your thinking you should go to the source of the problem, Congress and the laws they pass.
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.
Yeah, that would save like 0.000000000000% on our budget.
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.
They are senior executives within the Government. They are the Government equivalent of Corporate Presidents and CEOs
But instead of receiving compensation in the tens of millions, they are compensated at $207,000
In the Government, you have to offer compensation that is equivalent with the private sector
Otherwise, you get what you pay for

If you have a Government lawyer trying a case that is paid $125,000 a year going up against a corporate lawyer being paid $1 million a year

Guess who wins?
This thread isn't serious?

Yep, lets fire people that maintain our country, help people, regulate our air, water and food. Republicans are not serious people but fools that think that sitting around with their fingers in their butts that we will somehow be great.

Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.

You do know that you would be giving them a day off and they would still be getting paid since government payrolls are salaried positions don't you?
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.

You do know that you would be giving them a day off and they would still be getting paid since government payrolls are salaried positions don't you?
It has been the policy to reimburse the furloughed employees, that is true. That obviously does not reduce costs so I would propose they not be reimbursed. One unpaid day off a month. Simple as that. That along with eliminating redundant positions, laying off bad employees, etc.
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.

You do know that you would be giving them a day off and they would still be getting paid since government payrolls are salaried positions don't you?
It has been the policy to reimburse the furloughed employees, that is true. That obviously does not reduce costs so I would propose they not be reimbursed. One unpaid day off a month. Simple as that. That along with eliminating redundant positions, laying off bad employees, etc.

Employees have not been reimbursed for furloughs, it comes out of their pockets

They have been reimbursed for Government shutdowns
So you are a respected accountant or engineer working for the Government. They tell you that you will be sent home one day a month without pay and you must still meet your performance objectives

Why do you want to continue working for the Government?

You get what you pay for
Many Americans including myself believe the Federal Government is overstaffed and overpaid. This is due in part to lack of oversight within government departments which has allowed empire building to bloat the payrolls.

There is also redundancy that could easily be eliminated through consolidation (e.g. the 17 intelligence agencies). Add to that the salaries levels are out of control. I thought GS 15 was the maximum salary level. It is not. There are senior level pay scales that top out at over $200 thousand per year.
Executive Schedule (ES)
ES Level Education Level Salary
ES Level 1 Ph.D. $207,800
ES Level 2 Ph.D. $187,000
ES Level 3 Ph.D. $172,100
ES Level 4 Ph.D. $161,900
ES Level 5 Ph.D. $151,700

What are these people doing that merit these salary levels all paid with our tax dollars?

I propose that along with looking at layoffs within each department and consolidation, all departments implement an across the board furlough of 1 day off without pay for every 20 days worked.

That would result in an immediate 5% cut in the Federal payroll with zero impact to services. This IMO is a no-brainer that should be implemented immediately along with other cost cutting measures that includes layoffs and shutting down and consolidation of departments and agencies.

Yeah ... Corporations discovered the "leaner meaner" workforce applications back in the 80's.

It isn't surprising that government hasn't managed to catch up with those principles yet.
That's just what happens when all an organization does is spend money and they aren't required to budget costs.

Some folks will attempt to justify the salaries by suggesting they are the governmental counterparts to corporate positions.
They fail to realize that their corporate counterparts are usually paid in conjunction with their ability to produce profits and not costs.


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