Feb 19 debate thread

Sleepy joe looks wide awake tonight.
I honestly don't think Mini Mike is really running for POTUS. He's just there to siphon enough votes from Breadline Bernie to force a brokered convention and let someone else, anyone else, come in as a "unity" candidate.
As I see it so far, Bloomberg is completely unprepared. He doesn't know the platforms of his competitors nor does he care. He is so self absorbed he feel he only needs to use money and he'll take care of the rest. It shows how much of a narcissistic, self absorbed, self righteous, elitist he really is.
Tike Mike is weak as fuck.....

Klobuchar is a featherweight.....

Buttplug is a smug faggot.....

Biden is lost, no idea where he is....

Bernie keeps screaming and yelling at everyone.....

Pochahontas is a nagging ninny with a lying problem.....

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