"Fear gets a bad rap."

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
That's a Dustin Hoffman quote from the film Outbreak
that came to mind after seeing this;.

President Moon Jae-in said the country faced "a grave turning point", and the next few days would be crucial in the battle to contain the outbreak.

Six people have died from the virus in South Korea and more than 600 have been infected.

Meanwhile, Italy and Iran have announced steps to try to contain worrying outbreaks of the virus.

In Italy, strict quarantine restrictions are in force in two northern "hotspot" regions close to Milan and Venice.

Around 50,000 people cannot enter or leave several towns in Veneto and Lombardy for the next two weeks without special permission. Even outside the zone, many businesses and schools have suspended activities, and sporting events have been cancelled including several top-flight football matches.

Amid the growing restrictions, the last two days of the Venice Carnival, on Monday and Tuesday, were cancelled.

Italy has seen two deaths and the number of confirmed cases has risen to more than 100 - 89 of them in Lombardy.

S Korea declares highest alert over coronavirus

More updates;

Coronavirus Update: Nearly 80,000 Cases Worldwide

Coronavirus updates: Global stock markets tumble as death toll climbs past 2,500
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Fear is a healthy emotion if it is used right. A little fear is good, especially in dangerous situations, as it keeps you vigilant and alert.

But, if you let the fear grow to where it causes you to panic or freeze, that is when it becomes bad.

As far as the virus situation? China is taking the most of the brunt, but with the way that they have been screening people for temps, I'm surprised that there isn't a larger outbreak. On a news segment, it showed where they were using industrial laser thermometers instead of medical grade, because the medical grade temp takers require touching the skin. And, unfortunately, the industrial laser thermometers can be off anywhere from 1 to 7 degrees, usually measuring it as cooler than what it actually is.

I've got a feeling that this is gonna get worse before it gets better. There have already been towns here in the US that have protested having quarantined people in their town.

Federal judge blocks effort to transfer coronavirus patients to California city

A federal court blocked efforts Friday night to transfer dozens of patients who tested positive for the coronavirus from Travis Air Force Base in Northern California to an empty building in Southern California.

U.S. District Judge Josephine Staton granted a temporary restraining order after the city of Costa Mesa filed a request for an injunction earlier in the day. Named as defendants were the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the California Department of General Services.
Fear is a healthy emotion if it is used right. A little fear is good, especially in dangerous situations, as it keeps you vigilant and alert.

But, if you let the fear grow to where it causes you to panic or freeze, that is when it becomes bad.

As far as the virus situation? China is taking the most of the brunt, but with the way that they have been screening people for temps, I'm surprised that there isn't a larger outbreak. On a news segment, it showed where they were using industrial laser thermometers instead of medical grade, because the medical grade temp takers require touching the skin. And, unfortunately, the industrial laser thermometers can be off anywhere from 1 to 7 degrees, usually measuring it as cooler than what it actually is.

I've got a feeling that this is gonna get worse before it gets better. There have already been towns here in the US that have protested having quarantined people in their town.

Federal judge blocks effort to transfer coronavirus patients to California city

A federal court blocked efforts Friday night to transfer dozens of patients who tested positive for the coronavirus from Travis Air Force Base in Northern California to an empty building in Southern California.

U.S. District Judge Josephine Staton granted a temporary restraining order after the city of Costa Mesa filed a request for an injunction earlier in the day. Named as defendants were the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the California Department of General Services.
If panic mode comes here, we'll be in a full blown police state I imagine.
Road blocks, quarantine trains, FEMA camps ....but you know us 'conspiracy theorists'.

"Dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria."
Fear is a healthy emotion if it is used right. A little fear is good, especially in dangerous situations, as it keeps you vigilant and alert.

But, if you let the fear grow to where it causes you to panic or freeze, that is when it becomes bad.

As far as the virus situation? China is taking the most of the brunt, but with the way that they have been screening people for temps, I'm surprised that there isn't a larger outbreak. On a news segment, it showed where they were using industrial laser thermometers instead of medical grade, because the medical grade temp takers require touching the skin. And, unfortunately, the industrial laser thermometers can be off anywhere from 1 to 7 degrees, usually measuring it as cooler than what it actually is.

I've got a feeling that this is gonna get worse before it gets better. There have already been towns here in the US that have protested having quarantined people in their town.

Federal judge blocks effort to transfer coronavirus patients to California city

A federal court blocked efforts Friday night to transfer dozens of patients who tested positive for the coronavirus from Travis Air Force Base in Northern California to an empty building in Southern California.

U.S. District Judge Josephine Staton granted a temporary restraining order after the city of Costa Mesa filed a request for an injunction earlier in the day. Named as defendants were the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the California Department of General Services.
If panic mode comes here, we'll be in a full blown police state I imagine.
Road blocks, quarantine trains, FEMA camps ....but you know us 'conspiracy theorists'.

"Dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria."

Panic mode has already started to set in. Communities here in the US are blocking quarantine patients from coming into their town. And, I can only see it getting worse. Here in Amarillo, I've already seen several people walking around with masks.
Panic mode has already started to set in. Communities here in the US are blocking quarantine patients from coming into their town. And, I can only see it getting worse. Here in Amarillo, I've already seen several people walking around with masks.
It's extremely serious. An airborn killer with a 2-week + incubation period and no vaccine yet.
Sounds like the perfect bio-weapon.

Alex Jones must be screaming because
millions of people can't hear him rant about this.
Panic mode has already started to set in. Communities here in the US are blocking quarantine patients from coming into their town. And, I can only see it getting worse. Here in Amarillo, I've already seen several people walking around with masks.
It's serious. An airborn killer with a 2-week + incubation period and no vaccine yet.
Sounds like the perfect bio-weapon.

You know, that is the kind of suicide "bomber" that scares the hell out of me. A terrorist who is interested in being a martyr could just go and infect themselves with some really bad stuff, go out in all sorts of public areas while they are infectious but before they show signs of being sick, and let them infect public places. And, it wouldn't be hard to do, just get some smallpox or measles, then go for a week at Disneyland.
Fear is a healthy emotion if it is used right. A little fear is good, especially in dangerous situations, as it keeps you vigilant and alert.

But, if you let the fear grow to where it causes you to panic or freeze, that is when it becomes bad.

As far as the virus situation? China is taking the most of the brunt, but with the way that they have been screening people for temps, I'm surprised that there isn't a larger outbreak. On a news segment, it showed where they were using industrial laser thermometers instead of medical grade, because the medical grade temp takers require touching the skin. And, unfortunately, the industrial laser thermometers can be off anywhere from 1 to 7 degrees, usually measuring it as cooler than what it actually is.

I've got a feeling that this is gonna get worse before it gets better. There have already been towns here in the US that have protested having quarantined people in their town.

Federal judge blocks effort to transfer coronavirus patients to California city

A federal court blocked efforts Friday night to transfer dozens of patients who tested positive for the coronavirus from Travis Air Force Base in Northern California to an empty building in Southern California.

U.S. District Judge Josephine Staton granted a temporary restraining order after the city of Costa Mesa filed a request for an injunction earlier in the day. Named as defendants were the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the California Department of General Services.
If panic mode comes here, we'll be in a full blown police state I imagine.
Road blocks, quarantine trains, FEMA camps ....but you know us 'conspiracy theorists'.

"Dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria."

Panic mode has already started to set in. Communities here in the US are blocking quarantine patients from coming into their town. And, I can only see it getting worse. Here in Amarillo, I've already seen several people walking around with masks.

Are you sure those weren't burkas?

I have not been to Amarillo in many many years. One thing I do know. If this virus gets into the homeless populations of major cities the army won't stop it.

I know that in Los Angeles the homeless ignore the dead. When someone dies the body just stays there until someone from the outside world notices. Reality would make a bad movie.
Fear is a healthy emotion if it is used right. A little fear is good, especially in dangerous situations, as it keeps you vigilant and alert.

But, if you let the fear grow to where it causes you to panic or freeze, that is when it becomes bad.

As far as the virus situation? China is taking the most of the brunt, but with the way that they have been screening people for temps, I'm surprised that there isn't a larger outbreak. On a news segment, it showed where they were using industrial laser thermometers instead of medical grade, because the medical grade temp takers require touching the skin. And, unfortunately, the industrial laser thermometers can be off anywhere from 1 to 7 degrees, usually measuring it as cooler than what it actually is.

I've got a feeling that this is gonna get worse before it gets better. There have already been towns here in the US that have protested having quarantined people in their town.

Federal judge blocks effort to transfer coronavirus patients to California city

A federal court blocked efforts Friday night to transfer dozens of patients who tested positive for the coronavirus from Travis Air Force Base in Northern California to an empty building in Southern California.

U.S. District Judge Josephine Staton granted a temporary restraining order after the city of Costa Mesa filed a request for an injunction earlier in the day. Named as defendants were the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, U.S. Air Force, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and the California Department of General Services.
If panic mode comes here, we'll be in a full blown police state I imagine.
Road blocks, quarantine trains, FEMA camps ....but you know us 'conspiracy theorists'.

"Dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria."

Panic mode has already started to set in. Communities here in the US are blocking quarantine patients from coming into their town. And, I can only see it getting worse. Here in Amarillo, I've already seen several people walking around with masks.

Are you sure those weren't burkas?

I have not been to Amarillo in many many years. One thing I do know. If this virus gets into the homeless populations of major cities the army won't stop it.

I know that in Los Angeles the homeless ignore the dead. When someone dies the body just stays there until someone from the outside world notices. Reality would make a bad movie.

Ya just had to get in a dig at Muslims, didn't ya? Yes, I know the difference between a mask and a burka, as I've spent several deployments to the Middle East. And, they were masks.

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