FCC to Vote on Net Neutrality Rules on Thursday....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
New American ^
FCC to Vote on Net Neutrality Rules on Thursday Written by Bob Adelmann On Thursday consumers will finally be able to see and read the FCC’s (Federal Communications Commission) planned new rules to regulate the Internet. Deliberately hidden from public view, the 332-page document is expected to be passed by the FTC, as demanded by President Obama last November when he told FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to adopt the “strongest possible rules” in regulating the Internet. Leaks from the document were inevitable, and critics have slowly pieced together the latest attack on Internet freedom. Five times legislation has been offered...

Hate to say I told you so.....

"Thus, websites that Google deems to have contradictory information would be ranked lower in search results.

The idea is still a prototype and the system is currently offline.

The idea raises concerns as to how exactly the fact checking would take place, and whether it would impact controversial or alternative stances on various issues, which could be a blow to freedom of speech and diversity of opinions online."

In charge of truth Google considers ranking sites on facts not popularity RT News

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