FBI Whistleblower On Mueller Team Details Real Reason Flynn Was Targeted


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
The case agent managing the FBI's investigation of Flynn told Department of Justice attorneys that a desire to "get Trump" was a major factor underlying the case against Flynn.

FBI Special Agent William Barnett told Department of Justice (DOJ) investigators that the handling of the probes troubled him so much that he threatened to quit working on it in one case, and threatened to go to the Inspector General in another. According to the summary of Barnett’s interview, he said there was never any basis for the bizarre “collusion” theory the agency and the special counsel relentlessly pursued, to the point that agents made jokes about how they could take any piece of information and claim it was evidence of collusion. He said the Special Counsel Office (SCO) pursued Flynn simply as a means to “get Trump” and viewed FBI investigators as a “speed bump” slowing down the work of the attorneys leading the inquisition.

The broader Trump investigation was “opaque,” the case theory was “supposition on supposition,” the Flynn probe in particular was “unclear and disorganized,” and its predicate was “not great,” Barnett told investigators. According to the interview notes, he felt there was “little detail concerning specific evidence of criminal events.”

Just wait for the coming "Nuh-uh's. Imagine a NAMED whistle blower as opposed to "anonymous sources".
And they're still going after him !(Flynn)
No shame or sense of decency at all with these folks.
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The FBI needs to be disbanded. It’s a failing corrupt agency and has been for a long time. Remember what they did to Richard Jewel? Or the numerous failures and corruption of J Edgar...”there’s no mafia” after being blackmailed by the mob.
Steel was just outed by released documents as being ACTIVELY INVESTIGATED AS A RUSSIAN AGENT by the FBI and NSA when Clinton hired him through her attorneys to get the dossier.

IT was Clinton that was actively colluding with the Russians, not Trump... The irony....
The FBI needs to be disbanded. It’s a failing corrupt agency and has been for a long time. Remember what they did to Richard Jewel? Or the numerous failures and corruption of J Edgar...”there’s no mafia” after being blackmailed by the mob.
I agree.

The FBI is nothing more than a rouge criminal organization whose agents play king makers and choose at will when and when not to follow procedures.
The FBI needs to be disbanded. It’s a failing corrupt agency and has been for a long time. Remember what they did to Richard Jewel? Or the numerous failures and corruption of J Edgar...”there’s no mafia” after being blackmailed by the mob.
I agree.

The FBI is nothing more than a rouge criminal organization whose agents play king makers and choose at will when and when not to follow procedures.
Of course no politician or media guru is demanding it be disbanded, including Donny. If he really intended to drain the swamp, the FBI would have to be a leading candidate particularly after what it did to him.

I tend to think this tells us something about Don.
And what's up with Wray? Could there be anymore 'Comey like' guy in that position?
Yet Donny appointed him and hasn’t fired him.

Yeah, I get that....So, let me ask, if he fired him tomorrow, who would he get in his place by election? So, all he would really do is allow the imbeded trouble makes to have an easier time to do again what they did in '16...

I'd be willing to bet that on Jan 21, 2021, Wray will be gone.
The FBI needs to be disbanded. It’s a failing corrupt agency and has been for a long time. Remember what they did to Richard Jewel? Or the numerous failures and corruption of J Edgar...”there’s no mafia” after being blackmailed by the mob.
The JFK cover-up, Waco, Texas, the Oklahoma City bombing cover-up, the 9/11 cover-up and God only knows the entire list of corrupt activities under guys like James Comey and his pal John Brennan over at the CIA. Vince Foster, Seth Rich....the Clinton's love the FBI.
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The FBI needs to be disbanded. It’s a failing corrupt agency and has been for a long time. Remember what they did to Richard Jewel? Or the numerous failures and corruption of J Edgar...”there’s no mafia” after being blackmailed by the mob.
The JFK cover-up, Waco, Texas, the Oklahoma City bombing cover-up, the 9/11 cover-up and God only knows the entire list of corrupt activities under guys like James Comey and his pal John Brennan over at the CIA. Vince Foster, Seth Rich....the Clinton's love the FBI.
Oh yes. The list of corruption is endless.

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