FBI Targeting Catholics

He is a very good Catholic.
When it comes to children........maybe

Well, we have had 726 House investigations into the Bidens -- and no child molestation rumors have come out -- do you think the GOP is in on the cover-up?

Or is calling Biden a pedo the worst you can call a white president?

Because when Obama was in office, the N-word was the ultimate attack.....no pedo accusations are needed when you can just call the guy the n-word...

Biden was VP then...but funny how all of the attacks used against him now wasn't used against him then...its almost like GOP attacks are full of shit...
I will continue to criticize this rogue agency that harrasses American citizens based on their religion and political views.
aren't you ashamed. They were talking extremist Catholics.
Well, we have had 726 House investigations into the Bidens -- and no child molestation rumors have come out -- do you think the GOP is in on the cover-up?

Or is calling Biden a pedo the worst you can call a white president?

Because when Obama was in office, the N-word was the ultimate attack.....no pedo accusations are needed when you can just call the guy the n-word...

Biden was VP then...but funny how all of the attacks used against him now wasn't used against him then...its almost like GOP attacks are full of shit...

He's a demented, old, racist, white, kiddy-diddler who hasn't done jack-shit for black folks, except make it easier to kill them in the womb.
He's a demented, old, racist, white, kiddy-diddler who hasn't done jack-shit for black folks, except make it easier to kill them in the womb.
Black unemployment is lower under Biden then it was under Trump...in fact, unemployment in general is lower under Biden than, anyone else actually....

Remember when you folks pretended to care about black unemployment?

Most black folks remember....which is why we ALREADY KNEW you were full of shit when you ignored it when Obama lowered black unemployment by the largest percent reduction ever.....so cry more..

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No abortion should be between a doctor and his patient. War on Women.

The war should be against abortionists. I'm not a Catholic but personally, I respect those Irish Republican Army Catholics who stood up to the UK. If American Catholics started blowing up abortion clinics, well too fucking bad.
Says the party of kooks that throw temper tantrums in Starbucks for employees not using correct pronouns.

STFU idiot. 🙄
Temper tantrum at Starbucks < temper tantrum at US Captiol

Its amazing how moronic the arguments of Trumpers really are...

Speaking of temper tantrums and Starbucks...remember when you morons cheerlead other morons who were such snowflake cucks that they tried to kidnap a governor because of having to wear a mask to go in Starbucks for 5 minutes...

Yall are clowns...

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