"FBI still not on the ground in Benghazi, not safe enough"?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Almost two weeks after the event and denial after denial and lie after lie, this administration now tells us that it's "not safe enough" for FBI agents armed "with a backup of marines and special forces" to be in Benghazi to conduct a thorough invenstigation as to how our Ambassador was murdered.

Why, pray tell, would they these incompetent idiots allow a US Ambassador to stay there, with minimum security and support if it's not safe enough for the FBI and a whole platoon of marine support?

And this was the Libya Hussien Obama promised us after he spent a billion dollars and bombed the place into smitherenes?
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Fuck the Fbi...Wheres the marines? WTF is Obama doing???
According to CIA intelligence reports, Hussien Obama knew this was a terrorist event about 24 hours or less before it happened. Yet he chose to go to Vegas and collect his check, even though one of our diplomats had just fallen. And yet there are some that think this asshole actually "cares" about others. Heck, his own fucking half brother that nobody mentions is living like a homeless in Kenya, and he doesn't give a shit.
Fuck the Fbi...Wheres the marines? WTF is Obama doing???
According to CIA intelligence reports, Hussien Obama knew this was a terrorist event about 24 hours or less before it happened. Yet he chose to go to Vegas and collect his check, even though one of our diplomats had just fallen. And yet there are some that think this asshole actually "cares" about others. Heck, his own fucking half brother that nobody mentions is living like a homeless in Kenya, and he doesn't give a shit.

Obama should be removed from office for this alone. :mad:
Fuck the Fbi...Wheres the marines? WTF is Obama doing???
According to CIA intelligence reports, Hussien Obama knew this was a terrorist event about 24 hours or less before it happened. Yet he chose to go to Vegas and collect his check, even though one of our diplomats had just fallen. And yet there are some that think this asshole actually "cares" about others. Heck, his own fucking half brother that nobody mentions is living like a homeless in Kenya, and he doesn't give a shit.

Obama should be removed from office for this alone. :mad:
Now that the media refuses to call this this Marxist bullshit artist what he is, hopefully Mitt Romney will expose him during the debates.
The only thing sadder and more pathetic than this is the fact brain-tard Liberals will vote him back in.
I'm so unhappy for my country. For the first time ever. I see nothing but dread and foreboding in the years ahead. I'd briefly considered moving to Canada, but I've got 30 pounds of crackers, 29 cans of Cheez Whiz, and a half-dozen assorted firearms.

I think I'll stay and fight.

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