FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

Kids, talk to your boomer parents about the dangers of social media.
And politicians, how about stop pandering and saying anything for a damned vote. It can get stupid if our leadership (whoever they are), don't start controlling themselves when it comes to exploiting, creating situation's, exacerbating issues, lying or manipulating the public into frenzies that end up turning deadly against the public. Especially those who end up emotionally brainwashed by it all depending on the types of characters they might be.
And politicians, how about stop pandering and saying anything for a damned vote. It can get stupid if our leadership (whoever they are), don't start controlling themselves when it comes to exploiting, creating situation's, exacerbating issues, lying or manipulating the public into frenzies that end up turning deadly against the public. Especially those who end up emotionally brainwashed by it all depending on the types of characters they might be.
Like the cult of the former 1-term fuckup?

#desasters pandering to whatever he calls woke?

Like kari lake’s election win?

Like more ron johnson claiming on phax that COVID was planned?
Conservatives hate law enforcement.
Minneapolis, Baltimore, NYC, Seattle, Portland, SF, LA, Chicago, Oakland etc. etc. all say you have your head in your ass. All have neutered their police depts at the expense of their constituencies. What do all of these places have in common besides the highest crime rates in the nation? Yup, they are all run by democrats. Think again moron.
Minneapolis, Baltimore, NYC, Seattle, Portland, SF, LA, Chicago, Oakland etc. etc. all say you have your head in your ass. All have neutered their police depts at the expense of their constituencies. What do all of these places have in common besides the highest crime rates in the nation? Yup, they are all run by democrats. Think again moron.
Fuck off. Magaturds don't get to have it both ways.
Hypocrite. What have you been saying since your summer of BLM/Antifa. Now you have a partisan DOJ and you want to claim to be pro law enforcement. You fucking people can't talk without lying.
What TF are you talking about? What have I been saying about BLM/Antifa since the '20 riots? Like, ever? That's a big fat Nothing, just like you, btw. :dunno:

I am pro LEO, unlike you.

Partisan DOJ? No, that's the magaturd talking point since Orange Virus got indicted. The rubes can't handle losing their favorite oligarch, or pretty much every battle ATM.:auiqs.jpg: Pretending to be the party of 'law and order' has never panned out for magaturds. :dunno:

To get back to it, NO, magaturds don't get to praise local Sheriff/PD while simultaneously calling to defund the entire department that oversees them. Not yours. :eusa_naughty:
If you want proof that we are losing our country look no further than these two cases. Mr. Robertson's execution by an FBI raid of his home at dawn and the rancher George Kelly on trial for second degree murder for the death of a drug cartel "guide" trespassing on his ranch. The Democrats are going after citizens and the media says NOTHING.
If you want proof that we are losing our country look no further than these two cases. Mr. Robertson's execution by an FBI raid of his home at dawn and the rancher George Kelly on trial for second degree murder for the death of a drug cartel "guide" trespassing on his ranch. The Democrats are going after citizens and the media says NOTHING.
The media is in on it. They are the propaganda arm of the uniparty
It was an execution of an innocent citizen by the New Gestapo, formerly known as the FBI. The DHS has no interest in keeping the Homeland Safe as is evidenced by Myorkas declaring our war zone border "Safe and Secure". He is lying POS working for the benefit of Mexico and The Drug Cartels.
Blah blah blah

Ansti boobert made her choice to be a sycophant.

I say shot her again.
The media is in on it. They are the propaganda arm of the uniparty
Yes ........most definitely.

One has to wonder how that came about? It was not always like that....something happened?

My guess is that all the schools of journalism......wherever they are got taken over by liberal and radical professors.
Hypocrite. What have you been saying since your summer of BLM/Antifa. Now you have a partisan DOJ and you want to claim to be pro law enforcement. You fucking people can't talk without lying.
If their lips are moving you know they are lying.

They have no scruples about it....believing the ends justfies the means....as in they know they are lying but believing in the old communist truism....the end justifies the means they feel justified.

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