FBI shoots and kills Utah man wanted for threats against Biden, Manhattan DA

It was not........in truth this was a FBI plot to kill a conservative........if they really wanted to arrest and charge him....there would not have been a raid in the middle of the night.

This stinks to high heaven and congress should haul wray in for questioning.

The old man was not violent...he merely posted some dreams and fantasies he had....everyone who knew him verified he was not violent.

The FBI must be held accountable....they have transformed into a tool of the leftwing radicals....wray needs to be fired and the sooner the better.

More like a case of suicide by cop.
It was not........in truth this was a FBI plot to kill a conservative........if they really wanted to arrest and charge him....there would not have been a raid in the middle of the night.

The last time I checked (which be this morning) the meaning of "AM" is Ante Meridiem. Which isLatin for "Before Midday". As opposed to "PM" is Post Meridiem means Post Midday.

For the MAGA MAGGOT impaired - AM is the morning.

For the MAGA MAGGOT impaired - PM is evening.

To make even easier for you, the F.B.I. attempted search of the Robertson took place at 6:00 in the morning. The big shiny disk the sky (the sun) was coming up.

Remember sun up is daytime.

If you do not sun and sky is dark is evening.

Hope this helps.
The last time I checked (which be this morning) the meaning of "AM" is Ante Meridiem. Which isLatin for "Before Midday". As opposed to "PM" is Post Meridiem means Post Midday.

For the MAGA MAGGOT impaired - AM is the morning.

For the MAGA MAGGOT impaired - PM is evening.

To make even easier for you, the F.B.I. attempted search of the Robertson took place at 6:00 in the morning. The big shiny disk the sky (the sun) was coming up.

Remember sun up is daytime.

If you do not sun and sky is dark is evening.

Hope this helps.
It was dark at 6:15 AM when they came for the old man
He was an Elder Sergeant Sugar Cookie , The Agents in the Stack who killed him knew this
I wasn't on the scene, so I didn't see him raise his gun against the agents. Why else would they shoot him if he didn't in some way threaten them as he had threatened so many people in their files, the most prominent, their boss, President Biden. I think the FBI likely did what they were trained to do--protect the President.
You want to believe he willingly got himself killed?
I think the wannabe assassin of President Biden had a split personality. Personality number one: be everybody's friend. Personality two: kill the President for calling his friends "fascists." That's why split personality persons are impossible to guess whether an arbitrary threat will or will not take place, but since he drew his gun on the FBI, they were ready to end the good chance he would take out one of them. His neighbors who loved him may not have realized the split that caused Mr. Nice Guy to be Mr. Assassin as well. Mr. Nice Guy ignored the federal law that forbids threatening the POTUS, and further threats to peacekeepers who are trained to act quickly in the face of a potential lethal act against themselves and other peacekeepers. Laws of mercy. This is a difficult topic, but I think the star of the show had two faces.
I think the wannabe assassin of President Biden had a split personality. Personality number one: be everybody's friend. Personality two: kill the President for calling his friends "fascists." That's why split personality persons are impossible to guess whether an arbitrary threat will or will not take place, but since he drew his gun on the FBI, they were ready to end the good chance he would take out one of them. His neighbors who loved him may not have realized the split that caused Mr. Nice Guy to be Mr. Assassin as well. Mr. Nice Guy ignored the federal law that forbids threatening the POTUS, and further threats to peacekeepers who are trained to act quickly in the face of a potential lethal act against themselves and other peacekeepers. Laws of mercy. This is a difficult topic, but I think the star of the show had two faces.
He was a harmless old man that sat in his living room with his computer saying what people say on the internet everyday. He didn't have a plan to do anything. This was definitely an over reach. It they had watched him -- they all would have had a lazy day watching grass grow instead of murdering a fat old conservative that expressed his displeasure with the vegetable.
Yup, but FEAR is completely optional. I'd guess most are more pissed than any other emotion. That's why the first response to this corrupt cabal in DC has to be peaceful civil disobedience. They will out themselves when they respond with force and begin arresting large numbers of people. They won't be able to stop themselves - that's just how Marxists roll and always have.
Explain how you're using the term "Marxist" in your posts.
I've got a list of documented cases of democrats making threats to Trump and none of them were killed.
That may be true, and you're very observant.
I've had up close and personal experience with a man with a split personality. Splits can marginalize their best friend in the blink of an eye and work chaos. It's a crapshoot. The FBI guys have an oath to protect the President from threats on his life. They kept their oath of protection and prevented the President from becoming another item on the "Presidents who were assassinated" page: List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots - Wikipedia
You want to believe he willingly got himself killed?
It seems weird, that after the fuzz broke in and yelled: "You're under arrest!" That he didn't just go peacefully. Let 'em haul you in, then sue for 1st amendment violations. That's what everyone else does.

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