FBI scandal bigger than Watergate could be and the dishonest press should cover it that way too


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
FBI scandal bigger than Watergate? -- Could be, and the dishonest press should cover it that way, too
President Trump is correct.

If an FBI -- or any “Deep State” -- informant was embedded within his campaign for the express purpose of spying on it, that would be a scandal “Bigger than Watergate.”

Bigger and much more chilling.

Over the course of the last two years, I have communicated with current and former........

And that it is, and their pos puppet is getting dragged down by the minute as the loser signs onto Netflix millions are going to drop Netflix because of this pos traitor too lmfao.
FBI scandal bigger than Watergate? -- Could be, and the dishonest press should cover it that way, too
President Trump is correct.

If an FBI -- or any “Deep State” -- informant was embedded within his campaign for the express purpose of spying on it, that would be a scandal “Bigger than Watergate.”

Bigger and much more chilling.

Over the course of the last two years, I have communicated with current and former........

And that it is, and their pos puppet is getting dragged down by the minute as the loser signs onto Netflix millions are going to drop Netflix because of this pos traitor too lmfao.
Yawn really. Nothing burger
Not much to comment on. Some guy says he talked to some people and now he thinks government operatives infiltrated Trump’s campaign. Got proof?
The whole thing really leads to Obama's desk....good luck getting the fake news media to report that truth...they will sit on this until they and the Democrat party are dead and buried....
Trump's people were colluding with the Russian and people from the middle east to affect our elections, it was the duty of the Intel agencies and FBI to have surveillance on them.
The whole thing really leads to Obama's desk....good luck getting the fake news media to report that truth...they will sit on this until they and the Democrat party are dead and buried....
Oh, fuck you, idiot. The whole thing leads to protecting our nation against treasonous assholes like you.
FBI scandal bigger than Watergate? -- Could be, and the dishonest press should cover it that way, too
President Trump is correct.

If an FBI -- or any “Deep State” -- informant was embedded within his campaign for the express purpose of spying on it, that would be a scandal “Bigger than Watergate.”

Bigger and much more chilling.

Over the course of the last two years, I have communicated with current and former........

And that it is, and their pos puppet is getting dragged down by the minute as the loser signs onto Netflix millions are going to drop Netflix because of this pos traitor too lmfao.

You're free to start your own media outlet.
The fbi did its job! Trump was a fucking traitor that did the deed and got caught up in the net. lol
Trump's people were colluding with the Russian and people from the middle east to affect our elections, it was the duty of the Intel agencies and FBI to have surveillance on them.

The only collusion was between Clinton and the Russians. The Trump witch hunt is just a LWNJ conspiracy theory.
Russian investigation ha.jpg
The whole thing really leads to Obama's desk....good luck getting the fake news media to report that truth...they will sit on this until they and the Democrat party are dead and buried....
Oh, fuck you, idiot. The whole thing leads to protecting our nation against treasonous assholes like you.
You are wrong...how about that? old rocks is wrong again!...thanks for chiming in...Obama staged this whole thing and whether he pays for this crime in prison or in the public eye he will pay...one way or the other...hasn't he done enough damage to your once great party already?????
With what has already been presented, and the guilty pleas, you expect anybody to believe that shit? You are as dumb as the orange clown.
None of President Obama's appointees indicted for anything. A bunch of Trump's presently indicted, many more on the way, guilty pleas and cooperation from some of them already, and more on the way.
FBI scandal bigger than Watergate? -- Could be, and the dishonest press should cover it that way, too
President Trump is correct.

If an FBI -- or any “Deep State” -- informant was embedded within his campaign for the express purpose of spying on it, that would be a scandal “Bigger than Watergate.”

Bigger and much more chilling.

Over the course of the last two years, I have communicated with current and former........

And that it is, and their pos puppet is getting dragged down by the minute as the loser signs onto Netflix millions are going to drop Netflix because of this pos traitor too lmfao.

What position did that embedded spy hold in the Trump campaign? If he infiltrated the camp, he had to be in the camp at some point, didn't he?
The Deep State caretakers involved are familiar names: James Comey (FBI), John Brennan (CIA), James Clapper (ODNI), Loretta Lynch (DOJ), Jeh Johnson (DHS), Admiral Michael Rogers (NSA). And then-director of GCHQ Robert Hannigan, And Obama himself!
Crossfire Hurricane!!!
LOL When the fat shithead that is President faces impeachment, conviction, and imprisonment, I will be here laughing at you shit eating bastards. For it is shit that Trump serves up daily, and all you do is say how tasty it is. LOL
The whole thing really leads to Obama's desk....good luck getting the fake news media to report that truth...they will sit on this until they and the Democrat party are dead and buried....
there is NO TRUTH in what you're saying above... why should they report on lies?

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