FBI lawyer squeals like a pig implicates comey, Mccabe& Yates for mishandlinng of FISA warrannt


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
FBI Lawyer Squeals Like a Pig: Implicates Comey, McCabe, and Yates for Mishandling of FISA Warrant
On Monday Rep. Doug Collins released the remaining transcripts from the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation into decisions made at the DOJ and FBI to exonerate Hillary Clinton and spy on candidate Donald Trump.

Because when you are caught and things are true you will snitch on those who gave it all to you lmfao!!! Stupid asses we told you Obama' and Clinton world is about to fall bitches...
I'm looking forward to watching Comey being dragged out in handcuffs by a swat team in the middle of the night. Add Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, McCabe, Lorretta Lynch, Huma Abadeen, Strzock, Holder to that list. Justice will finally be served.
I'm looking forward to watching Comey being dragged out in handcuffs by a swat team in the middle of the night. Add Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, McCabe, Lorretta Lynch, Huma Abadeen, Strzock, Holder to that list. Justice will finally be served.
I'm looking forward to watching Comey being dragged out in handcuffs by a swat team in the middle of the night. Add Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, McCabe, Lorretta Lynch, Huma Abadeen, Strzock, Holder to that list. Justice will finally be served.
Because they were all part of a group that violated our constitution and were involved a treasonous criminal conspiracy to interfere with our elections. There's more people on that list than I named, but that is just the tip of this iceberg. For example, the Obama's were defintely involved, if not directed some of it, because obama knew Trump would flush down his socialist, and American / globalist agenda snd legacy. All of this will come out soon. Never in the history of this country has there been such a treasonous conpiracy at the highest levels of our govt.
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I'm looking forward to watching Comey being dragged out in handcuffs by a swat team in the middle of the night. Add Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, McCabe, Lorretta Lynch, Huma Abadeen, Strzock, Holder to that list. Justice will finally be served.
Because they were all part of a group that violated our constitution and were involved a treasonous criminal conspiracy to interfere with our elections. There's more than I named, but that is just the tip of this iceberg. For example, the Obamas were defintely involved if not directed some of it. All of this will come out soon.
This admin SAYS they were all part of a coup and treasonous criminal conspiracy to interfere with our elections. But this admin lies a lot. And yet, it wasn't the losers that pre-empted with claims of 'rigged'. The losers conceded, mumbled and went home. It is interesting that you do not see the call for Russia to hack Emails (which magically appeared within days) was an attempt to interfere with our election, or that some dozen members of this admin including Trump and family also have private servers, which is evidently the 'crime' committed by Clinton. As to who violates our Constitution...look in the mirror.
I'm looking forward to watching Comey being dragged out in handcuffs by a swat team in the middle of the night. Add Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, McCabe, Lorretta Lynch, Huma Abadeen, Strzock, Holder to that list. Justice will finally be served.
Because they were all part of a group that violated our constitution and were involved a treasonous criminal conspiracy to interfere with our elections. There's more than I named, but that is just the tip of this iceberg. For example, the Obamas were defintely involved if not directed some of it. All of this will come out soon.
This admin SAYS they were all part of a coup and treasonous criminal conspiracy to interfere with our elections. But this admin lies a lot. And yet, it wasn't the losers that pre-empted with claims of 'rigged'. The losers conceded, mumbled and went home. It is interesting that you do not see the call for Russia to hack Emails (which magically appeared within days) was an attempt to interfere with our election, or that some dozen members of this admin including Trump and family also have private servers, which is evidently the 'crime' committed by Clinton. As to who violates our Constitution...look in the mirror.
Interesting how low you are willing to sink to totally justify what is clear evidence of Russian collusion and treasonous criminal behavior by the Clintons and the Dems.

Have you ever thought that all this hyperventilating and Russia pointing by the Dems and the media is perhaps because they mistakenly calculated that Hillary would be president, and would therefore wash away all these crimes that were committed? And now that she isn't they are doing their best to keep talking about Russia and impeachment (even after the Mueller flop) as a tactic to hide and distract from the truth of what actually happened.
People whos' signature is on FISA lied to the Courts marking "Verified". Some obama judge is in on it. too stupid to breathe? Or too lazy to read? Hookers pee on Trump? Just accept that as verified? WTH? They implied they had actally watched "a tape". All after that is Illegal. Mule knew it right away but dragged it out two more years. 3 previous "investigations" already had cleared this malarkey. This is why the Mule hides out. He was ordered to drag it out.
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Because they all conspired to illegally depose Donald Trump through a coup engineered by upper level Obama hold overs in the FBI, DOJ, the intelligence community, etc.
That's why!
Because they all conspired to illegally depose Donald Trump through a coup engineered by upper level Obama hold overs in the FBI, DOJ, the intelligence community, etc.
That's why!
When did "they" take their first action in this alleged offense?
Was it prior to Papadopoulos's 10 May 2016 confession to Alexander Downer regarding stolen emails relating to Hillary Clinton?

A timeline of Donald Trump’s false wiretapping charge

"March 4, 2017

"In the early morning hours, Trump posts a series of tweets where he accuses his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, of wiretapping him during the 2016 elections.

Trump writes that he 'just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!'"

"He doesn’t provide evidence."
When did "they" take their first action in this alleged offense?
Was it prior to Papadopoulos's 10 May 2016 confession to Alexander Downer regarding stolen emails relating to Hillary Clinton?
George Papadopoulos never "confessed" anything to Alexander Downer.

He regurgitated the disinformation he was fed by intelligence agents Stefan Halper and George Mifsud. Ties That Bind – Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud & Alexander Downer...

He was given false information so that when he repeated it to Alexander Downer it could become actionable intelligence coming from his mouth, though he was just repeating what he was told, and that was the starting point at which the FBI and the CIA, etc. could start to build a case against Trump and begin their spying in earnest.

Either you don't know this or you are purposely furthering the chain of misinformation. Which is it?
When did "they" take their first action in this alleged offense?
Was it prior to Papadopoulos's 10 May 2016 confession to Alexander Downer regarding stolen emails relating to Hillary Clinton?
George Papadopoulos never "confessed" anything to Alexander Downer.

He regurgitated the disinformation he was fed by intelligence agents Stefan Halper and George Mifsud. Ties That Bind – Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud & Alexander Downer...

He was given false information so that when he repeated it to Alexander Downer it could become actionable intelligence coming from his mouth, though he was just repeating what he was told, and that was the starting point at which the FBI and the CIA, etc. could start to build a case against Trump and begin their spying in earnest.

Either you don't know this or you are purposely furthering the chain of misinformation. Which is it?
Either you don't know this or you are purposely furthering the chain of misinformation. Which is it?
At this point neither one of us knows what's "misinformation" and what is not.

Crossfire Hurricane (FBI investigation) - Wikipedia

"The Crossfire Hurricane investigation was officially opened on July 31, 2016, initially due to information on Trump campaign member George Papadopoulos' early knowledge of Russians having damaging material on Donald Trump's rival candidate Hillary Clinton...."

"Mifsud travelled to Moscow in April 2016, and upon his return he told Papadopoulos that Russian government officials were in possession of 'thousands of emails' that could be politically damaging to Hillary Clinton.[1][2]

"On May 6, Papadopoulos met Alexander Downer, the Australian High Commissioner to Britain in a London bar, and told him about the Clinton emails over drinks.[1]

"After WikiLeaks released hacked DNC emails on July 22, the Australian government on July 26 advised American authorities of the encounter between Downer and Papadopoulos, which spurred the FBI into launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation on July 31.[3]"

Why would Mifsud deliberately provide false information to Papadopoulos in order to build a bogus case against a candidate no one expected to win?

Presidential poll: Hillary Clinton retakes lead over Donald Trump - CNNPolitics
Why would Mifsud deliberately provide false information to Papadopoulos in order to build a bogus case against a candidate no one expected to win?
Your fake leading question answers itself.
He DID provide false intel to Papadopoulos.
I don't need to speculate over what happened. Or why it happened. Mifsud may be buried in a block of cement or hiding out in Malta. He needs to come before a Grand Jury and provide those answers himself.
Why would Mifsud deliberately provide false information to Papadopoulos in order to build a bogus case against a candidate no one expected to win?
Your fake leading question answers itself.
He DID provide false intel to Papadopoulos.
I don't need to speculate over what happened. Or why it happened. Mifsud may be buried in a block of cement or hiding out in Malta. He needs to come before a Grand Jury and provide those answers himself.
Your fake leading question answers itself.
He DID provide false intel to Papadopoulos.
I don't need to speculate over what happened. Or why it happened. Mifsud may be buried in a block of cement or hiding out in Malta. He needs to come before a Grand Jury and provide those answers himself
Your link reveals a "page not found" message for me.

Imho, Mifsud's about as likely to come before a Grand Jury as Trump is to volunteer to publicly testify under oath about his affinity for Russia.

How the FBI probe of Trump's campaign began

"The Mueller report and top former FBI officials said three factors led to the opening of the investigation in 2016.

"Hacked Democratic emails, suspected to be the work of Russia, began popping up on websites in June, and on July 22 WikiLeaks posted 20,000 stolen emails form the Democratic National Committee, many of them about Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

"The FBI, already alarmed about Russian activities, became concerned about Trump’s praise for Russian president Vladimir Putin and Trump’s July 27 public call to Russia to find Clinton’s 30,000 missing emails.

"And on July 26, an Australian diplomat told the FBI of a May 6 conversation he had with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos.

"Papadopoulos told the diplomat that on April 26 that Joseph Mifsud, a European professor just back from Russia, told him Russians had 'dirt' on Clinton in the form of 'thousands of emails.'

"Papadopoulos later pleaded guilty to lying to Mueller about the hacked emails. Mueller indicted the Russian military intelligence agency and a dozen agents for the email hacking."

Why did Papadopoulos lie to the FBI about when his conversations with Mifsud took place?

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