FBI Hate Crime Reports 2010-2017 Show Black Americans Are Victimized At Epidemic Proportions


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
People want to talk about a hoax but the FBI reports show a truth deniers keep trying to cover up..

People want to talk about a hoax but the FBI reports show a truth deniers keep trying to cover up..

So everyone should dismiss the hoax even though a black actor may have lied and set up a fake attack by white people? You would be one of the first to scream if a white person did this.
What I won't pay attention to is a white person and their false equivalences.
People want to talk about a hoax but the FBI reports show a truth deniers keep trying to cover up..

Does Child Abuse and Gun Violence Homicide victim Tupac Shakur speak about HATE far too many black American kids and teens experience in their homes and community?

Does Child Abuse victim Dr. Stacey Patton address HATE black American children and teens experience in their own homes?

I'm certain OP realizes IF and when black Americans STOP hating and dissing each other, most other Americans will become less fearful and more friendly?

THE INFANCY OF HATE_TUPAC.jpg Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D mountain.png

People want to talk about a hoax but the FBI reports show a truth deniers keep trying to cover up..



2018: Killed by Police Officers in U.S.

Black: 229
White: 456

City of Chicago, 2018
6 killed by CPD
15 wounded by CPD
4 CPD wounded

Total homicides in Chicago, 2018: 589
84.2% of homicides were gunshot

495 were shot and killed

78.9% Black
465 victims
65 assailants

7.6% White/other
43 victims
9 assailants

- victims
490 assailants

In 2018, more black people were killed in Chicago alone,
then the total number of blacks killed by cops in the U.S.

Of the 495 shot and killed
blacks accounted for 465 of those

The 490 unknown assailants...
doesn’t take a rocket scientist

In 2018, 2,467 people
were shot and wounded in Chicago

Average gunshot victim ER and hospital expenses:

Those who are insured through
publicly funded health care programs
account for nearly half of gunshot related costs

2018 Cost of Stupidity

Fatal Force

Hey Jackass

This is why everyone can not be insured,
because immigrants and blacks drain resources
they do not contribute to, on top of, everything else they’re handed!

That’s the truth the black community ignores
and racism is the hoax
In every tally of hate crimes, blacks are the most frequent victims

Violence, property crimes, threats and other offenses inspired by racial animus amounted to the most frequent type of hate crime reported in the FBI’s most recent tally of bias crimes. In fact, black Americans have been the most frequent victims of hate crime in every tally of bias incidents generated since the FBI began collecting such data in the early 1990s.

“One of the things that is amazing about black experiences in America is that the country wants to at once send you very clear messages that you don’t belong,” said Koritha Mitchell, an associate processor of English at Ohio State University who researches hate crimes and their depiction in literature. “That you should expect and accept some kind of half measure of citizenship and then pretend that the country did not send you that message."

She added: "There is this constant demand for our silence about what we experience and, failing that, our forgiveness before our loved one’s bodies are in the ground. It’s like a form of national gaslighting.”

In every tally of hate crimes, blacks are the most frequent victims

I guess she's a racist too.

What about hate crimes against whites?

"black Americans have been the most frequent victims of hate crime in every tally of bias incidents generated since the FBI began collecting such data in the early 1990s."

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show

According to the 2015 FBI hate crime statistics, the latest available, there were 613 anti-white-related crimes out of 5,850 total cases. That's around 10.5 percent of all reported hate crimes, and within the yearly average, federal numbers show.

By comparison, the FBI reports there were 1,745 anti-black hate crimes or about 30 percent of all reported incidents. Jews were the most targeted religious group that year and were victims of 11 percent of all hate crimes. It's not clear how many anti-Jewish hate crime victims also may have been attacked because of their race.

The 2015 FBI data showed that of the 734 total reported offenses committed against whites — a single incident could have multiple offenses like assault or theft — 46 percent of those were committed by blacks.

In contrast, of the 2,125 reported offenses committed against blacks, 58 percent of those who committed by whites.

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show
We are told blacks can't commit hate crimes so of course the stats show whitey is baaaddd....very bbaaad ....who'd a thunk
"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as people just need to see each other as individuals or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue
(DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."
In every tally of hate crimes, blacks are the most frequent victims

Violence, property crimes, threats and other offenses inspired by racial animus amounted to the most frequent type of hate crime reported in the FBI’s most recent tally of bias crimes. In fact, black Americans have been the most frequent victims of hate crime in every tally of bias incidents generated since the FBI began collecting such data in the early 1990s.

“One of the things that is amazing about black experiences in America is that the country wants to at once send you very clear messages that you don’t belong,” said Koritha Mitchell, an associate processor of English at Ohio State University who researches hate crimes and their depiction in literature. “That you should expect and accept some kind of half measure of citizenship and then pretend that the country did not send you that message."

She added: "There is this constant demand for our silence about what we experience and, failing that, our forgiveness before our loved one’s bodies are in the ground. It’s like a form of national gaslighting.”

In every tally of hate crimes, blacks are the most frequent victims

I guess she's a racist too.

What about hate crimes against whites?

"black Americans have been the most frequent victims of hate crime in every tally of bias incidents generated since the FBI began collecting such data in the early 1990s."

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show

According to the 2015 FBI hate crime statistics, the latest available, there were 613 anti-white-related crimes out of 5,850 total cases. That's around 10.5 percent of all reported hate crimes, and within the yearly average, federal numbers show.

By comparison, the FBI reports there were 1,745 anti-black hate crimes or about 30 percent of all reported incidents. Jews were the most targeted religious group that year and were victims of 11 percent of all hate crimes. It's not clear how many anti-Jewish hate crime victims also may have been attacked because of their race.

The 2015 FBI data showed that of the 734 total reported offenses committed against whites — a single incident could have multiple offenses like assault or theft — 46 percent of those were committed by blacks.

In contrast, of the 2,125 reported offenses committed against blacks, 58 percent of those who committed by whites.

Crimes against whites equals small percentage of hate crimes, FBI statistics show
Omg...blow it out your ass

The last year the FBI website
has hate crime data available for is 2017

Out of over 2.7 million people in Chicago
there were 41 ‘hate crimes’ committed in 2017,...
of those 41 ‘hate crimes’, in 2017, in Chicago,
16 were attributed to race/ethnicity/ancestry

16 race related incidents
in a population of over 2.7 million people

2017 Hate Crime Statistics- FBI

This is just racism propaganda at its finest
I think "black" should now be classified by grade of the color of ones ass cheeks...INSIDE THE CRACK----BIKINI TAN FORBIDDEN

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