FBI has given up on explaining itself


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The newly appointed FBI Director Wray was on the Hill. Attempting to save face for the bureau clearly overcome with a biased political agenda, wielding Federal powers to benefit Mueller’s Russian Witch Hunt, Hillary Clinton’s Breach Of National Security, Obama’s corrupt DOJ, and Comey’s lapdog FBI. Jon Bowne Reports.

They don't have to worry about explanations because they all cover their crooked asses anyway.
The FBI's been rotten since the beginning with that nutjob J. Edgar running the show. Two sets of laws for that guy, The one's everyone's supposted to adhere to and those by which he ruled the Bureau and let it operate according to his agenda.
After the Enron investigation went rogue and became a political witch hunt it should have been stopped but it continued until the lives of hundreds of people were destroyed and the CEO dead from a heart attack...Weissmann was that attack dog...all of his investigation went for not...everything was overturned on appeal...Why Mueller and Weissmann are so respected is an amazement to me...Weissmann should of had his credentials stripped away...
During his years at the Justice Department, Weissmann built a reputation as a prosecutor willing to push the envelope – sometimes with disastrous results. He worked on the Justice Department’s Enron probe from 2002 to 2005. And while he was there, he helmed the prosecution of Arthur Andersen, Enron’s accounting firm, arguing that it had obstructed justice by destroying documents investigators would have needed
Weissmann and his team took the aggressive step of indicting the entire accounting firm. According to a source familiar with the case, the firm’s defense attorneys met with them not to do so before the indictment, arguing that the firm would be certain to dissolve if it were indicted, leaving thousands of people jobless

“Their response indicated they didn’t care,”

Weissmann and his team won a conviction when a jury found Arthur Andersen guilty on June 15, 2002. But it was short lived. Three years later, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously to overturn that ruling, on the grounds that the jury had been given faulty instructions about the law on obstruction of justice. Not one person at the firm was ultimately found guilty.

This is the guy picked by Mueller to investigate the President of the United States? This is not the type of man we need as an investigator in this nation...I guess if the government needs a witch hunt Weissmann is their guy...
Why Bob Mueller Placed a Controversial Legal Bulldog on His Team
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey, Assistant Attorney General Christopher A. Wray of the Criminal Division, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and Enron Task Force Director Andrew Weissmann announced today that a federal grand jury in Houston has indicted former Enron Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Kenneth L. Lay on charges of conspiracy, securities fraud, wire fraud, bank fraud and making false statements.

A superseding indictment returned by the grand jury in Houston Wednesday, and unsealed today, charges Lay, 62, of Houston, with conspiracy to commit securities fraud, four counts of securities fraud and two counts of wire fraud, one count of bank fraud and three counts of making false statements to a bank. The superseding indictment joins Lay as a defendant in a case pending against former Enron CEO Jeffrey K. Skilling and former Enron Chief Accounting Officer Richard Causey. Causey was originally indicted in January 2004, and Skilling was added to the case in February 2004. The new indictment also adds a money laundering conspiracy count and four counts of money laundering against Causey in connection with fraudulent hedging vehicles, and expands certain factual allegations against Causey in connection with the securities fraud conspiracy. The case is pending before U.S. District Judge Sim Lake in Houston, Texas.

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