Faux News Does It Again


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
New York, NY
And there was the Beltway sniper (just because he wasn't a Muslim doesn't mean he wasn't a terrorist) and the Shoe Bomber (Richard Reid).

Memory problems?
Well I'm going to get my panties in a bunch over this one, I'm sure of it.

One PERSON says something on a program and it's ALL FOX news fault.

see how that works folks.:lol:
And there was the Beltway sniper (just because he wasn't a Muslim doesn't mean he wasn't a terrorist) and the Shoe Bomber (Richard Reid).

…and the anthrax attack on members of Congress...

But that’s really not the point:

One PERSON says something on a program and it's ALL FOX news fault.

Your being a blind partisan has obviously effected your ability to comprehend. The issue isn’t what one person said on Fox, but the network’s failure to admonish the speaker or otherwise correct the intentional deception.

But that’s not surprising given Fox rarely deals in facts.
Fox News' Eric Bolling: 'I Don't Remember' Any Terrorist Attacks On America During President Bush's Term (VIDEO)

"America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008," he said. "I don't remember any attacks on American soil during that period of time." Nobody on the panel challenged this comment.

I know 9/11 was a small event, you know... only 3000 people or so being killed, but come on! What a fucking moron! Please, please, please let this investigation into Murdoch be the end of Faux News!

You have to remember two things about the Bush Presidency

1. He kept us safe from 2002-2009, you are not allowed to bring up 2001

2. He had a strong economy from 2001 to 2007, you are not allowed to look at 2008
And there was the Beltway sniper (just because he wasn't a Muslim doesn't mean he wasn't a terrorist) and the Shoe Bomber (Richard Reid).

…and the anthrax attack on members of Congress...

But that’s really not the point:

One PERSON says something on a program and it's ALL FOX news fault.

Your being a blind partisan has obviously effected your ability to comprehend. The issue isn’t what one person said on Fox, but the network’s failure to admonish the speaker or otherwise correct the intentional deception.

But that’s not surprising given Fox rarely deals in facts.

LOL, I guess the NETWORK should just cut right in there and "ADMONISH" the person.
Funny, but I don't see PMSNBC or ANY news stations doing that when their idiot talking head tells a flat out lie or says something stupid..
man oh man, admonish the person...:lol::lol::lol:
And there was the Beltway sniper (just because he wasn't a Muslim doesn't mean he wasn't a terrorist) and the Shoe Bomber (Richard Reid).

…and the anthrax attack on members of Congress...

But that’s really not the point:

One PERSON says something on a program and it's ALL FOX news fault.

Your being a blind partisan has obviously effected your ability to comprehend. The issue isn’t what one person said on Fox, but the network’s failure to admonish the speaker or otherwise correct the intentional deception.

But that’s not surprising given Fox rarely deals in facts.

LOL, I guess the NETWORK should just cut right in there and "ADMONISH" the person.
Funny, but I don't see PMSNBC or ANY news stations doing that when their idiot talking head tells a flat out lie or says something stupid..
man oh man, admonish the person...:lol::lol::lol:

Can you PRESENT an incident of msnbc doing this?

I await your evidence. I wager you'd have miles and miles of evidence based on your accumulated posts.
…and the anthrax attack on members of Congress...

But that’s really not the point:

Your being a blind partisan has obviously effected your ability to comprehend. The issue isn’t what one person said on Fox, but the network’s failure to admonish the speaker or otherwise correct the intentional deception.

But that’s not surprising given Fox rarely deals in facts.

LOL, I guess the NETWORK should just cut right in there and "ADMONISH" the person.
Funny, but I don't see PMSNBC or ANY news stations doing that when their idiot talking head tells a flat out lie or says something stupid..
man oh man, admonish the person...:lol::lol::lol:

Can you PRESENT an incident of msnbc doing this?

I await your evidence. I wager you'd have miles and miles of evidence based on your accumulated posts.

not playing your game. you want to try and say they have never lied or said anything stupid, have at it. The majority of the people disagree with you, that is why their ratings are in the crapper..:lol:
Huffington Post. Might've known. Hey, have they ever showed a mistake by anyone over at MSNBC? Probably not, but hey, honest mistakes by MSNBC don't count.
Fox News' Eric Bolling: 'I Don't Remember' Any Terrorist Attacks On America During President Bush's Term (VIDEO)

"America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008," he said. "I don't remember any attacks on American soil during that period of time." Nobody on the panel challenged this comment.

I know 9/11 was a small event, you know... only 3000 people or so being killed, but come on! What a fucking moron! Please, please, please let this investigation into Murdoch be the end of Faux News!

You have to remember two things about the Bush Presidency

1. He kept us safe from 2002-2009, you are not allowed to bring up 2001

2. He had a strong economy from 2001 to 2007, you are not allowed to look at 2008

Both things are false.

1. We weren't "safe".

2. The economy wasn't strong.
Huffington Post. Might've known. Hey, have they ever showed a mistake by anyone over at MSNBC? Probably not, but hey, honest mistakes by MSNBC don't count.

That's probably because MSNBC corrects mistakes it makes right away.

FOX almost never admits error.

In fact..it constantly repeats falsehoods.
LOL, I guess the NETWORK should just cut right in there and "ADMONISH" the person.
Funny, but I don't see PMSNBC or ANY news stations doing that when their idiot talking head tells a flat out lie or says something stupid..
man oh man, admonish the person...:lol::lol::lol:

Can you PRESENT an incident of msnbc doing this?

I await your evidence. I wager you'd have miles and miles of evidence based on your accumulated posts.

not playing your game. you want to try and say they have never lied or said anything stupid, have at it. The majority of the people disagree with you, that is why their ratings are in the crapper..:lol:

Good on you to defend a network which constantly presents fake information, is partially owned by the Saudis, and who's leader is now embroiled in a scandal involving hacking into the personal information of many individuals.

Are you so partisan that you defend this kind of bullshit?
Huffington Post. Might've known. Hey, have they ever showed a mistake by anyone over at MSNBC? Probably not, but hey, honest mistakes by MSNBC don't count.

That's probably because MSNBC corrects mistakes it makes right away.

FOX almost never admits error.

In fact..it constantly repeats falsehoods.

Like you do with this post.
They ALWAYS correct their mistakes..man some people are hilarious.
Oh for Pete sake you idiots...this is HuffnPuff just pouring through every word on Fox hoping they can find a gaffe to exaggerate on.
Anyone with an IQ above 80 knew what he meant...to suggest the guy was trying to say 9/11 didn't happen while Bush was in office is as dumb as anyone who believes yet another HuffnPuff cornball article.
Oh for Pete sake you idiots...this is HuffnPuff just pouring through every word on Fox hoping they can find a gaffe to exaggerate on.
Anyone with an IQ above 80 knew what he meant...to suggest the guy was trying to say 9/11 didn't happen while Bush was in office is as dumb as anyone who believes yet another HuffnPuff cornball article.

I don't care about FOX, but claiming to know what he "really meant" is kinda foolish, seeing as how 9/11 was far from the only "terrorist attack" on "American soil" during Bush's term.
Oh for Pete sake you idiots...this is HuffnPuff just pouring through every word on Fox hoping they can find a gaffe to exaggerate on.
Anyone with an IQ above 80 knew what he meant...to suggest the guy was trying to say 9/11 didn't happen while Bush was in office is as dumb as anyone who believes yet another HuffnPuff cornball article.

I don't care about FOX, but claiming to know what he "really meant" is kinda foolish, seeing as how 9/11 was far from the only "terrorist attack" on "American soil" during Bush's term.

Name the others
LOL, I guess the NETWORK should just cut right in there and "ADMONISH" the person.
Funny, but I don't see PMSNBC or ANY news stations doing that when their idiot talking head tells a flat out lie or says something stupid..
man oh man, admonish the person...:lol::lol::lol:

Can you PRESENT an incident of msnbc doing this?

I await your evidence. I wager you'd have miles and miles of evidence based on your accumulated posts.

not playing your game. you want to try and say they have never lied or said anything stupid, have at it. The majority of the people disagree with you, that is why their ratings are in the crapper..:lol:
It's not a game stupid.

You are forever flapping your jaws making these BOGUS and unsubstantiated claims.

Yet, you have NEVER. Not ONCE presented a link to back it up.

Notice every time one of us on the Left makes a claim we provide a link, like the OP, we present facts.

You guys have an on-going and never-ending campaign against Media Matters, when their M.O. is to simply POST/PRESENT RWers making statements on video or audio...that's it.

And for this you guys think they are the Devil Incarnate.

You, and your ilk, make no sense.

You are just partisan hacks of the worse kind.

The fact that your response to me asking for a single SHRED of evidence to substantiate your claim is "I'm not gonna play your game" speaks volumes, VOLUMES.
Why are you lefties constantly hysterical about FOX? I don't give a damn what goes on MSNBC or CBS. Does Media Matters instruct you mind numbed robots to post this sort of stuff every day?
Can you PRESENT an incident of msnbc doing this?

I await your evidence. I wager you'd have miles and miles of evidence based on your accumulated posts.

not playing your game. you want to try and say they have never lied or said anything stupid, have at it. The majority of the people disagree with you, that is why their ratings are in the crapper..:lol:

Good on you to defend a network which constantly presents fake information, is partially owned by the Saudis, and who's leader is now embroiled in a scandal involving hacking into the personal information of many individuals.

Are you so partisan that you defend this kind of bullshit?

I'm not defending ANYONE OR ANYTHING. I'm showing how irrational some of you are OVER a gawdamn news station.
and here you come and prove my point..:eek:

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