Fauci retiring just before having to answer questions from Republicans.

A worm to the end. Running off before Reps get control of the House and he has to answer tough questions,

Just before he answers..,., ?


He's been answering questions from Idiot Republicans ever since the pandemic started.

It's largely over now... his public service has exhausted him... and he knows it's time to pull the plug.

No Big Deal.

Thank you, Dr. Fauci...

...for your leadership, your political courage, your willingness to change your approach as the data changed, and for your persistence in the face of GOP idiocy.
Don't worry. The Republicans will have some bullshit hearing and call him to testify and bluster and scowl and talk sternly on TV interviews about it and do fucking nothing.
Assuming they ever get a chance. That’s becoming a bigger and bigger ‘if’ with the increasing number of scandals and an improving economy. What seemed like a lock is now going to be a struggle just to hold on to what they have, considering the low quality of the Trump-endorsed candidates.
WOW, Fauci spent 4 years in the Trump regime.
Then when announces, he is stepping down, NOW........................................ RWNJ's want to question him?
God will not be so lenient as the fake Rs are..

They who do such atrocities are going to fry forever. Jesus said that FEW make it to Heaven.. Mt 7 .. Lk 13

They are so lost in their arrogance and hubris that they have actually convinced themselves that even GOD won't do a blasted thing to punish them

they are in for a big surprise..
There will be plenty of Republicans burning in Hell with The DemNazi Fascists of that you can be assured.
A worm to the end. Running off before Reps get control of the House and he has to answer tough questions,

Retiring isn't going to stop it. But, maybe he wants some peace and quiet before all hell breaks loose early next year. And, he apparently understands and knows who is going to control the House after the midterms and he also knows that the House is above to law and can abuse their power in any way they see fit with a simple vote of 218-217.
A worm to the end. Running off before Reps get control of the House and he has to answer tough questions,

I'm sure he is going to consult with the world economic forum full-time so he can cause maximum harm.

He is already a part of them so now he can go there full time and invest his all in the great reset and grinding down the world's people as efficiently as possible.

Yeah after 38 years on the job, that coward.....

Can the Neo-Bunch get more absurd?
He is the highest paid government official in the US. Why would he ever retire as all he does is testifying before the Senate and making the talk show rounds.
Constant accusations and assaults on his character, integrity, and career, can work him down. He's made of flesh. Time to retire.

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