Fauci going down maybe

I wouldn't look for Fauci to held accountable, for the same reason that medical science is not going to save folks with natural immunity from being forced to get the jab.

Whenever they are busted, they just change the terms of the debate. They change the definitions. They changed the definition of "gain of function," just like they changed the definition of everything else, so no one can be accused of lying about anything. We know these aren't vaccines, but? They just change the definition of "vaccine."


We know there are other ways to create "herd immunity," but they just change the defintion of "herd immunity." We are now in full clown world, you can't reason with the Covidian Cult.

It was just covered in the latest episode of New World Next Week. https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/stay-informed.764366/page-75#post-28183651

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website​

". . So that you will believe me, I will try to be as precise as possible. Here is the website from June 9, 2020. You can see it here on Archive.org. You have to move down the page and click on the question about herd immunity. You see the following. . . "

". . . However, in a screenshot dated November 13, 2020, we read the following note that somehow pretends as if human beings do not have immune systems at all but rather rely entirely on big pharma to inject things into our blood. .. "

(READ) CDC changes definition of "vaccines" to fit Covid-19 vaccine limitations​


Massie also included the archived links to the definitions:
Fauci did lie several times...as far as GoF he probably just didn't know...

So either way from Disney hero to jailbird...what a ride!
I wouldn't look for Fauci to held accountable, for the same reason that medical science is not going to save folks with natural immunity from being forced to get the jab.

Whenever they are busted, they just change the terms of the debate. They change the definitions. They changed the definition of "gain of function," just like they changed the definition of everything else, so no one can be accused of lying about anything. We know these aren't vaccines, but? They just change the definition of "vaccine."


We know there are other ways to create "herd immunity," but they just change the defintion of "herd immunity." We are now in full clown world, you can't reason with the Covidian Cult.

It was just covered in the latest episode of New World Next Week. https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/stay-informed.764366/page-75#post-28183651

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website​

". . So that you will believe me, I will try to be as precise as possible. Here is the website from June 9, 2020. You can see it here on Archive.org. You have to move down the page and click on the question about herd immunity. You see the following. . . "

". . . However, in a screenshot dated November 13, 2020, we read the following note that somehow pretends as if human beings do not have immune systems at all but rather rely entirely on big pharma to inject things into our blood. .. "

(READ) CDC changes definition of "vaccines" to fit Covid-19 vaccine limitations​


Massie also included the archived links to the definitions:

The corruption, lying, and criminality is evident to anyone who bothers to do the research. Amazingly many Americans are too lazy or too stupid to bother.
You included, apparently. You get no credit for complaining about insults and then spouting them off yourself. That makes you a hypocrite.
It makes me human.

Someone insults me and I will absolutely respond in kind. Call that whatever you like.

Im still waiting on some leftist POS to call me a knuckle dragger to my face. Clown will need dental work if he does!!!

But the internet is a "safe space" for pussies.
Oooh, threats if violence from the right.

Anyone surprised?

Or scared?

Yeah, we've already been over this. So, how did "Lock her up" work out? Oh yeah, it didn't.
It was just a rallying cry for knuckle dragging, MAGA spouting Trump humpers.
Honestly, at least with Hillary, you had a political opponent you were directing your full of shit slogans to.

The fact that you are picking on a public servant trying to stay ahead of an ever evolving virus while all the
people who are supposed to be listening to him are too worried about making a political point...is just not even worthy
of giving the time of day to.

If it's any consolation to you anti....whatevers, I have no interest in mandates or forcing you to do what should be an automatic.
But I also have no interest in giving you a hospital bed if you show up with the virus and you aren't vaccinated. You'll have to
be satisfied recovering at your house and a tube of ivermectin.
I have been vaccinated.
The Left have been attacking the use of many known effective medicines for Covid-19, like ivermectin.
Why is the left against covid cures?
Is it because of their greed for power and their hatred for mainstream society?
When Fauci lied about basic science in epidemiology and immunology and virology...every reasonable scientist groaned...we knew then that the wheels were going to come off his little wagon.

Then he began fudging numbers...making results different than that they really were. Those who knew the numbers were groaning again.

Then when he knew about Wuhan but wasn't exactly sure of what went on he should have told the truth.

His pride and wants are what is killing us. He shouldn't be a political creature...he is supposed to be a scientist. All dedicated to science.
He was appointed by a Republican - Reagan
Given the Freedom Medal by another Republican - Bush Jr

He has served 4 GOP Presidents and 3 Democratic ones...

Problem is he didn't join the Trump Cult... He is a man of science and told us the best information at the time...
He was against Trump's China travel ban. While knowing it came from there and Fauci hasn't been right yet. He needs to be executed. In the 80's he was wrong on the aids scare and he is wrong about the covid epidemic. And what they did to those beagles was horrible.
I won’t need a hospital bed. I will take regeneron and be good as new in two days. Big pharma sux
Regeneron makes the pharmaceutical companies much more per dose than the vaccines do. It also makes the hospitals more since it has to administered in a clinical setting by infusion. It's also still only an emergency use authorization and not fully approved.

You kids aren't thinking this through.
What’s not true? Newsweek is a left leaning establishment publication. In the past, no such type of publication would dare criticize Fauci. They published this piece did they not?
It's an op/ed. And Newsweek is centrist.
Fauci won't EVER go down in the 'go to prison' sense.

Will he retire?

Yeah, maybe.

He has the dirt on too many people.
Sure. Whatever. You just rationalize away.
1) Not just gay people get HIV. And it's normally not an acute condition. You can't spread it through the air. Covid is/can be. And there is proven vaxx against it. This is just alt-right gay bashing.
2) Which I could say about a lot of white, middle America Trump humpers I've seen at this pep rallies and even wearing their MAGA gear on the streets. Again, no dice there. Lots of right wingers are fat.
3) If you OD, you're likely not picking yourself up and coming to the hospital. They have field remedies for that...assuming someone finds you and can help you.

Nope. Sorry. You have the power (along with the rest of Alt-Right Nation) to bring this virus to an end..but you can't be bothered to do the right thing.
But you'll gladly put doctors and nurses at risk because of your fucking ignorance.
But hey, if it's any consolation to you, I'm not for mandates or brow beating you knuckledraggers any further.
I don't do memes normally, but this one fits.

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