Fauci going down maybe

God almighty... spin, spin, spin... you people are full of $hit clean up to your ears... :blahblah:

Nobody... Lib-Progs included... wanted the damned Covid-19 virus to exist, spread, kill, whatever... nobody...

Leave it to you Rumpian window-lickers to try to sell your fellow knuckle-draggers on that particulrar bumper-sticker concept...
Of course you folks do.

All of you folks are all in on the propaganda.

You believe in AGW, and when they sell you on every means of controlling the population? You are in on that too.

There is never a law, regulation, or means of controlling society that you ever think are going too far.

FEAR is what you live for.
Look at the emails, GoF research etc.
He is a PROVEN corrupt liar.
The left still wont leave him. We are not talking about decent people here..
I don’t believe it’s about decency. Their unconditional support for Lyin’ Fauci is about Trump. They see Lil’ Tony as opposition to Trump and Trumpers. It’s as simple as the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Lost In Indiana (Fort fun Indiana) exemplifies this psychosis perfectly.
Every delusional goober applauds his own fantasies. Else why have them?
Been to your cardiologist lately? I mean, since your last booster? Please keep us in the loop when that myocarditis sneaks up. But then, sometimes it doesn't sneak. Sometimes it explodes without warning.

FFI one day, gone the next.

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